
kind death

This is a very detailed and imaginative story describing the five countries on Tianyuan Continent and their people, culture, politics and social structure. The story is rich in characters and plot, including a variety of races, professions, and social classes. The protagonists of the story are Dumb and Yatou. They are thieves living at the bottom, but their fate changed because of a chance. The story is filled with adventure and the unknown, making one look forward to what will happen next.

L_Y_5741 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: First involvement in magic (Part 2)

"It's moving, it's moving, teacher, the boat is moving."

     Corris pulled Ah-Dai in front of him, glared at him, and said, "Do you still remember what I taught you yesterday?"

     Ah-Dai blinked and said awkwardly: "I, I forgot." For the past two days, Coris has been teaching Ah-Dai to learn some knowledge about alchemists. Unfortunately, Ah-Dai's brain is really very slow. , can't even remember a few simple terms.

     "Humph. I knew you forgot again. Forget it, I see you can't remember anything. Just sit cross-legged on the bed."

     "Oh." Ah-Dai responded and sat down as instructed by Coris. Coris stood beside him and said in a deep voice: "You can continue to learn the terminology when you return to me. During this time on the ship, I will first let you feel what magic is. The so-called magic is to use your own spiritual power. Communicate with the various elements contained in the heaven and earth, and use spiritual power to urge them to do what they want to do. I don't expect you to understand now. Later, I will inject my own magic power into your body, and you will be closed. Close your eyes, feel what you see, and tell me."

     Dumb nodded, closed his eyes, and said, "Yes, teacher."

     Coris said: "I request that within three months, you must at least learn the two simplest magics of fireball and flame. Otherwise, I will not give you food. Okay, collect your mind, Use your heart to feel the power I send out." As he said that, he stretched out his right hand, put it on Ah-Dai's shoulder and chanted a few spells in a low voice.

     Dumb felt his shoulders heat up, and suddenly remembered the torture in the hotel that day, and his whole body was shaken.

     "Get rid of distracting thoughts." Coris said in a deep voice.

     The heat flow was transmitted into the body through the shoulders. It seemed that the heat had no sign of increasing, but was just constantly circulating in his body. Ah-Dai couldn't help but feel relieved. He had no distracting thoughts in his mind. After a while, he was actually in the heat flow emitted by Corris. Fell asleep hazily.

     At first, Corris thought that Ah-Dai was immersed in the ocean of magic elements and was intoxicated, but after a long time, he remained motionless. This method of transmitting magic power could only transfer the inherent magic power in his own body into the other party's body. The magic elements in the air cannot be summoned, so even a magic level like Goris's is finding it difficult. He slowly retracted his right hand and said: "Tell me, what did you see, Dumb, Dumb. Hey, okay, you kid, you actually fell asleep and wasted so much of my energy. I'm so angry. I'm so angry." "

     A small water ball exploded on Ah-Dai's face. Ah-Dai, who was having a good dream, suddenly woke up and said, "Ah, it's snowing, it's snowing."

     Corris hit Ah-Dai on the head angrily and said, "Here you go, what did I ask you to do just now, but what have you done?"

     Only then did Ah-Dai see his situation clearly, and remembered some of the previous things. He lowered his head and said, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I was too comfortable just now, so I fell asleep."

     Corris barely suppressed his inner anger and said coldly: "Tell me, what did you see just now? Don't know anything. If you don't know, then there will be no food for today."

     As soon as he heard the meal, Duan immediately became more energetic, scratched his head, and thought, I didn't see anything just now, how should I answer. However, the temptation of food was too great. Ah-Dai thought for a while and decided to tell his sweet dream just now to see if he could get away with it. Thinking of this, he looked at the serious-looking Coris and said, "I, I just felt My whole body felt hot, and then I became confused. Later, I saw many children coming to play with me. Each of them had a small red steamed bun in their hand, as if they wanted to give it to me. I collected and collected it. I couldn't take it back. I also wanted to give them my own things, but I had nothing on me, so I had to give up. Later, you woke me up."

     Coris was secretly shocked when he heard this. How could he not understand that Dumb was talking about his dream. Although Dui was asleep, what he described was actually related to the element of fire. Those children playing with him were completely figments of his dream, and those small red balls were the element of fire between heaven and earth. Why are all the elements floating towards him? Unless he is born with a pure fire constitution, but he has checked it, and he is not. I thought that when I learned fire magic, I could only feel the presence of fire elements around me. .

     Dui looked at Coris anxiously. He didn't know if his lie of using dreams to replace feelings would allow him to eat.

     Coris stretched out his right hand and said: "Follow me and recite. Fire element that fills the world, please give me your warm power, condense it into a ball, and appear in my hand." With a puff, a ball with a diameter of more than ten dozen appeared on Coris' hand. Centimeter fireball, the surrounding air suddenly became hot.

     Although Duan didn't understand what Coris meant, he still understood what terminology it was. He imitated Coris and said, "Follow, don't read this sentence. The fire element that fills the world, please Give me your warm power, condense it into a ball, and appear in my hand." As soon as he finished reciting the spell, Ah-Dai suddenly felt something rushing towards his palm. With a puff, his hand lit up, a ball with a diameter of only one centimeter. A small fireball appeared in the palm of his hand. Dui was startled, fearing that he would be burned by the fire. The moment his thoughts moved, the fireball was extinguished.

     Coris stared at Dumb in shock. It took him a long time to react. Murderous intent flashed through his eyes. He never thought that the silly boy in front of him had such a good talent for magic. When he sang for the first time This fireball spell only caused heat in the palm of his hand, but his master had already given him high praise. It is incredible that this unspectacular and somewhat silly boy could actually release a tiny fireball. .

     Dui didn't understand why a small fireball appeared on his hand. He looked at his palm dreamily, and the two of them just stood stunned in the room.

     After a long time, Coris extinguished the fireball in his hand and said: "Okay, that's it for today. I want to take a rest. You have clearly remembered the spell just now. The fireball he released floats on his hand and will not hurt. When it comes to yourself, when you have nothing to do, just sit on the bed and think about those red balls silently, you know."

     Duan nodded, trying hard to remember the so-called spell just now, and didn't bother to look at the sea again. For a child who was only eleven years old, the curiosity brought by the fireball technique was far stronger than that of the sea. many.

     Corris ignored him and lay down on the bed with his eyes closed to rest. Fortunately, today was a rare good day. The sea was calm and the ship did not vibrate much, which made his symptoms of seasickness very mild. He thought that if another magician saw Dumb's performance just now, he would be happy to accept him as his apprentice. His talent is indeed good, and since he is getting older, should he consider letting him pass on what he has learned? Corris shook his head vigorously, no, how could he break his plan just because of his talent? As long as the final experiment is carried out, the child will definitely die. No matter how much he learns, what's the use?

     after one day.

     Dumb was sitting on the bed, his eyes closed and he was having fun playing with those little red buns, when Coris suddenly woke him up. "teacher."

     "Well, let me try the spell I taught you yesterday again."

     "Oh, please give me the fire element that fills the world, please give me. Ouch." All Dumb could remember was the first sentence.

     Corris took back the hand that slapped Dumb. This stupid boy's memory is really bad. "I'm telling you one last time. If you still can't remember, don't eat before you get off the boat. The world is full of Fire element, please give me your warm power, condense it into a ball, and appear in my hand."

     Eating is the best threat to Ah-Dai. He worked hard to remember every word, "The warm power condensed into a ball and appeared in my hand." He worked hard to remember the parts at the back that he was not familiar with, and sat down On the bed, I kept chanting, over and over again. For such a simple mantra, ordinary people only need to recite it for a short time to completely remember it, but it took Ah-Dai a long time to memorize it to barely guarantee that he would not forget it.

     "Teacher, teacher, I, I remember." Duan shook Coris who had just fallen asleep at any time.

     Today's wind and waves were stronger than yesterday. Collis wanted to use sleep to offset the nausea caused by dizziness. He finally fell asleep, but was woken up. He said angrily: "What are you doing?"

     Dui took a step back in fright and muttered: "I, I remember that spell."

     Coris snorted and said, "You are the stupidest person I have ever seen. It takes you a day and a half to memorize a simple spell. What's there to show off? Read it again and listen."

     The little self-confidence that Ah-Dai had finally built up was suddenly completely beaten by Coris. He lowered his head, stretched out his right hand, and whispered softly: "Fire element that fills the world, please give me your warm power, condense it into a ball, Now in my hand." The spell was completed, and he once again felt the condensed unknown power, and it was stronger than last time. With a pop, a small fireball three centimeters in diameter suddenly appeared in his palm. With the experience last time, Ah-Dai did not panic this time. He looked at the red flame carefully. His hands felt warm but not burning. Ah-Dai held the fireball in front of him and looked at it carefully. Be careful, a bunch of hair on his forehead was suddenly burnt. In the exclamation of "Ah", Duan's spirit suddenly lost control, the fireball in his hand was extinguished, and an unpleasant burnt smell suddenly filled the cabin. . Duan slapped his hair desperately, and the tiny flame was extinguished. Poor, his half-long black hair suddenly lost a piece.

     Seeing Ah-Dai's embarrassed look, Corris couldn't help but reveal a smile, "Fire and water are merciless. Just because it's okay in your hands doesn't mean it's okay to do anything else. That's a real fireball. You're calling it self-inflicted. Be careful in the future." Open the door and let some air in."

     Ah-Dai kept panting. Although the scene just now made him embarrassed, the appearance of the fireball also filled his young heart with joy. For the first time, a feeling of respect arose in my heart for Corris, "Old, teacher, I'm sorry, I'm too stupid. I can't even use a little magic."

     Corris thought to himself, then I am not stupider than you. He has never seen anyone who can release fireballs to this extent after only two days of practice. "Okay, don't say it anymore. Just be careful in the future and don't forget the spell."

     Ah-Dai nodded and said firmly: "I, I will never forget it, teacher." The fireball technique was the first magic that Ah-Dai learned. His heart was already full of love for the red fireball, and he sat down On the side, he continued to recite the familiar mantra.

     Two more days later, the voyage entered the final stage. Coris has been afraid to leave the house these days, fearing that seeing the endless sea will make him vomit. Ah-Dai asked the waiter to bring food and drink to the room. Almost 90% of the food at each meal went into Ah-Dai's stomach. Ah-Dai is a very well-behaved child. For three days, in addition to insisting on reciting the fireball spell, he meditated and practiced on his bed. As the saying goes, diligence can make up for failure. In just three days, he was able to master the fireball technique very well and release a fireball with a diameter of about five centimeters. Corris would occasionally give him some pointers on the applications of fireballs, such as how to increase the temperature of the fireball, how to increase the size of the fireball, how to control the fireball to fly in the air, etc. Unexpectedly, Dui, who had always been stupid, found it easy to learn these application methods and mastered them quickly.

     Dumb controlled the fireball to rotate around his body. He secretly thought that even if the teacher died in the future, he would no longer be afraid of the cold. It felt good to have a fireball to keep warm. Fortunately, the magic that Coris knows does not include mind-reading, otherwise, he would have to bleed from the Qi orifices.

     "Teacher, I want to get some air at the door." After getting along with each other for a few days, Dumb was no longer so afraid of Coris. After all, Coris had never beaten him and made him eat every meal.

     Coris glanced at him and said: "Put your fireball away, right at the door, don't go far."

     Duan said excitedly: "Yes, teacher." After saying that, he extinguished the fireball in the air with a wave of his hand, happily opened the door and walked outside. Standing in the corridor outside the cabin, Ah-Dai held on to the railing. The warm sunshine shining on his body felt indescribably comfortable. He took a deep breath of the salty air and looked at the place where the sea and the sky meet in the distance. He couldn't help but be intoxicated. .

     "Hey, what is that?" Dui, who was intoxicated, suddenly found a black spot on the sea moving straight towards their passenger ship from diagonally in front. The speed seemed to be very fast, and the black spot gradually became larger.

     After a while, the appearance of the black spot gradually became clear. It was also a ship. The hull was black in color and seemed to be about the same size as a passenger ship. There was only one deck on the deck. There is a huge white skull painted on the huge black sail, with two crossed bones underneath. Dumb thought to himself, why is the color of their ship different from his own?

     As the black ship gradually approached, other people on the passenger ship seemed to have noticed the situation, and they kept shouting: "Pirates, ah, pirates."