
kind death

This is a very detailed and imaginative story describing the five countries on Tianyuan Continent and their people, culture, politics and social structure. The story is rich in characters and plot, including a variety of races, professions, and social classes. The protagonists of the story are Dumb and Yatou. They are thieves living at the bottom, but their fate changed because of a chance. The story is filled with adventure and the unknown, making one look forward to what will happen next.

L_Y_5741 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 2 The Alchemist (Part 2)

"Li, Uncle Li, I'm leaving then." Ah-Dai left a word and hurriedly ran out. After leaving the door, he seemed to feel that his whole body relaxed a lot. When Coris threw Uncle Li aside just now, he felt deep in his heart. He felt an indescribable pleasure. Compared with the steamed buns, Uncle Li seemed to be more important than the steamed buns. What's more, Coris had said that he would not beat him. No one wants to be beaten. After all, the pain all over the body is unbearable. Being with this sorcerer is better than being with Uncle Li.

     In fact, Ah-Dai himself didn't realize that the main reason why he chose to be with Coris was because of the girl's instructions before leaving.

     Coris didn't walk very fast, so Ah-Dai could easily keep up. Although the sky was still cloudy, Ah-Dai seemed much more cheerful, "Teacher, where are we going?"

     Coris stopped and said coldly to Ah-Dai: "Don't ask any more questions, just follow me."

     The cold voice startled Ah-Dai, and the cowardice he had developed over a long period of time prevented him from even having the slightest thought of resistance, "Oh, I'm sorry."

     Coris turned around and continued to walk forward. He was very satisfied. Although the child was a little dazed, he was still very obedient. After a year, he should be able to complete that thing. That has been his wish for many years. Ah, thinking of this, a chilling smile appeared on Coris's old face unconsciously. If Dumb saw this smile, it might shake his determination to leave. However, he did not see that it was precisely because he left Nino with Coris that he had the extraordinary experience of his life.

     Not long after leaving, Corris brought Ah-Dai to a hotel as grand as a palace. He walked in with his head held high, and the two doormen who guarded the door hurriedly opened the door and welcomed him in respectfully.

     Duan looked at the gilded door in front of him and couldn't help but swallow. He was very familiar with this place because he had stayed here several times to catch fish. Uncle Li once told him that this was the largest hotel in Nino City. , called Karen Hotel. Does the teacher live here? He followed him subconsciously.

     "Go, go, go, you little beggar, get out of here." The tall doorman blocked Ah-Dai's path and chased him away like a fly. Dui was startled, and quickly agreed, walked aside, and after taking a few steps, he stopped and thought: No, I came with the teacher. The teacher has already gone in, so I should go in too. . Thinking of this, he came back and said politely to the doorman: "I came with the teacher, can you let me in?"

     The doorman dusted off his welcome dress, looked at the dirty Dumb, with a strong look of disgust on his face, and said disdainfully: "Who is your teacher? Get away, don't dirty our floor. , a stinky beggar, wants to enter our hotel without looking at his own moral character."

     Dui was a little anxious. Although he was slower in thinking, he also knew that he could not look back now. He could never go back to Uncle Li's place. Only by following Coris could he eat his beloved steamed buns. "Let me go in, I want to find my teacher." He begged again, with anxiety in his eyes.

     The doorman was no longer willing to tangle with the little beggar in front of him, and walked towards Ah-Dai fiercely, "Damn it, you are so shameless, I have to let the uncle do it." He slapped Ah-Dai with a slap like a fan. Slap him away. He has seen a lot of beggars. In the Tianjin Empire, there are many beggars like this. Even if a few are killed, no one will come to trouble him.

     "Wait a minute, he's coming with me." Coris's voice sounded at the critical moment. In fact, as soon as he entered the hotel just now, he knew that Ah-Dai was not so easy to let in, but in order to make Ah-Dai more devoted to him, Coris never came out. Finally, the doorman couldn't help but take action, and he was just in time Prevent.

     The doorman was stunned for a moment, then retracted his raised palm and said to Corris in confusion: "Sir, did he really come with you?"

     Corris raised his head slightly, and two rays of cold light shot out from under his cloak. The doorman suddenly shuddered, his whole body trembled, and he said quickly: "I'm sorry, sir, I was reckless, please." He has seen the world naturally. Knowing that he couldn't afford to offend the guy dressed as a magician in front of him, he quickly apologized and made a gesture to Dumb to come in.

     Dui quickly stepped forward and walked to Coris, "I'm sorry, teacher, I, I"

     "Let's go." Corris had already seen what he wanted to see from the depths of Dumb's eyes. After saying that, he took the lead and turned around and walked inside. This time Ah-Dai finally learned to be smarter and followed Coris closely. Countless sharp eyes were shot at Ah-Dai, making him feel very unnatural and curled up. He lowered his body, lowered his head, and just looked at Coris's feet silently, and followed him forward.

     Corris brought Ah-Dai to a door, pushed the door open, and was greeted by thick water vapor, and a warmth ran through Ah-Dai's body. He said unconsciously: "It's so warm." Here, is One of the many public bathrooms in the Karen Hotel. At this time, there will be no guests here. Generally, only at night will people come to take a bath in this kind of public bathroom.

     "Hello, sir, how can I serve you?" A middle-aged man came over. He said politely to Coris while looking at Dumb out of the corner of his eye.

     Coris took out a rose amethyst coin from his wallet, threw it to the middle-aged man, and said, "Take this child to take a bath, let the bather wash the dirt off his body, and then buy me a set of his." The clothes should be complete and simple, understand. Any extra is your tip."

     The middle-aged man was the person in charge of this bathroom. Although the smell of Dui's body made him feel uncomfortable, Coriscudron's action immediately made him smile. You know, his annual salary is only five amethysts. It's just a coin, and at least half of this rose amethyst coin can be left. "Yes, yes, sir, don't worry, I will guarantee your satisfaction. No. 3, No. 4, take this young master to take a bath quickly." Following his words Calling out, two middle-aged bathers ran out.

     Dumb hid behind Coris and looked at the two big men in front of him with some fear. Coris said: "Go take a bath with them. My apprentices can't be dirty all over."

     It seemed that I had never done this before as long as I could remember, but I had seen Uncle Li taking a bath in the room before, and I had rubbed his back. His expression at that time seemed to be very comfortable. Taking a shower shouldn't be a bad thing. Thinking of this, Ah-Dai responded and followed the two bathers.

     The middle-aged man called one of his men and told him to buy clothes. Then he personally brewed a cup of fragrant tea and brought it to Corris, saying, "Sir, I'd like to trouble you to wait for a while."

     Coris said a favor, sat on the big soft and comfortable sofa, and stopped talking.

     Although the middle-aged man wanted to get close to him, seeing that Coris seemed very difficult to approach, he gave up. He put the tea on the coffee table and retreated behind the counter.

     After a full hour, the door to the bathroom finally opened. Coris looked up and was surprised. The dirty little beggar had disappeared, replaced by a clean little boy. His semi-long black hair hangs down behind him. Although he is very thin, his skin is very fair and his appearance is ordinary, giving people a simple and honest feeling. If it were not for the black hair and black eyes, he would probably be recognized as a Tianjin person. , There is no market spirit in his movements, and even his eyes are not as sinister as a thief, but they are very dull. It was from his stunned look that Corris recognized that this was the young apprentice he had just accepted.

     Dui awkwardly fiddled with his new clothes. Although the gray fabric was not very good, it was very dry to wear. The outer cotton coat was extremely warm. When he looked in the mirror after taking a shower just now, he didn't even recognize himself. Come out, that silly little boy in the mirror is him.

     "Sir, are you satisfied?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

     Corris nodded and said to Dumb: "Let's go."

     Dumb nodded and quickly followed Coris, and the two of them left the bathroom together.

     Watching them leave, a bather said to the middle-aged man: "Boss, it's really scary. The mud on that child's body weighs several kilograms. I've never had such a good time scrubbing. Every time I rub it, I can get a little bit of it." Big mud roll, it's so cool, it's so cool."

     Another bather agreed: "Yes, it's so refreshing. Unfortunately, the taste is a bit off."

     The middle-aged man said angrily: "You love rubbing so much. Why don't you go out to find a beggar to rub? I'm afraid that one is no less muddy than him." As he spoke, he played with the amethyst coin in his hand, and he was already happy. With today's extra money, I can go out and have fun again in the evening.

     Corris took Ah-Dai back to his room. He lived in a standard room with two beds. The reason why he brought Ah-Dai back after taking a shower was because he was afraid that he would not be able to stand the smell of Ah-Dai. The luxurious decoration in the room made Dumb stand outside the door in shock. He asked himself doubtfully, can I really go in? "Come in." Coris's voice answered his question.

     "Gululu." As soon as he entered the door, Dumb's stomach rang. Coris looked back at him, took off his big cloak, and asked: "Are you hungry?"

     Only then did Ah-Dai see clearly what Coris looked like. He was just as thin as himself, but Coris' bones were very big and could hold up his clothes completely. His head full of white hair and deep wrinkles showed that he was already He was not young, and his blue and deep eyes made Dui a little scared.

     "Answer my question." Gorris said without question.

     "Yes, I'm hungry. I've only eaten one steamed bun today." Duan stood against the wall and answered carefully.

     Coris took off his shoes and half leaned on the bed. He took out a pill from his arms, hesitated, threw it to Dumb, and said, "Take it."

     "Oh" Dui agreed and threw the pill directly into his mouth. He didn't understand what the white ball could do. As soon as the pill was imported, he was slapped by Corris on the back of the head. He screamed in pain and spit out the pill again. Dumb rubbed his aching head and asked, "Teacher, what's wrong?"

     Corris was really about to be defeated by his stupid apprentice. He handed over the pills in his hand again and said: "Pull off the wax coat before taking it. Have you never taken the medicine?"

     Duan looked at the round pills and did not dare to take them. He said tentatively: "Teacher, I, I really haven't taken it before. What is a wax coat?"

     Coris sighed, pinched open the wax coating on the outside of the pill, and took out a red pill from inside. The fragrance suddenly filled the room. He pinched Dumb's chin with one hand and stuffed the pill into it with the other hand. Dumb mouth.

     For a moment, Dumb felt that the pills had turned into fluid and flowed down his throat, bringing a cool feeling wherever it passed.

     "Go to the toilet, take off your pants and squat. The door on the left is the toilet. Go quickly." Gorris had to make it clear. If he didn't make it clear, the idiot in front of him would probably poop in his pants. He I don't want to cause any more trouble for myself.

     Although Dui didn't know why the teacher asked him to squat in the toilet, he still ran in obediently.

     After a while, a crackling sound came from the toilet like a cannon and Ah-Dai's comfortable moans. What Coris gave Ah-Dai was his own specially made Jiuzhuan Yisui Pills. He spent more than ten years collecting hundreds of precious medicinal materials from all over the mainland, using a special method, steaming and drying them for nine times, and finally refined them with high-temperature furnace fire. At first, only five were made in one furnace. He ate one himself and sold three to the royal family for a thousand rose diamond coins each. The remaining one was the one he just gave to Dumb. The main function of Jiuzhuan Yishui Pills is to remove impurities from the body, clear the meridians, and prolong life. It is the most coveted thing among martial arts practitioners.

     Corris sighed secretly. Now that he had given him the last Jiuzhuan Yisui Pill, he could no longer regret it. After the improvement of the medicine and a certain period of recuperation, Ah-Dai's body could reach the level he expected. As long as everything else is prepared and perfected, your wish will definitely be fulfilled in the end. From now on, this kid is my treasure, and I have to keep him with me no matter what.

     After a long time, there was finally no sound in the toilet. However, after another long time, Duan still did not come out. Coris was shocked. Could it be that the child's body was too weak to withstand the power of the medicine? This was bad. If he died, it would be a waste. He bought the only Jiuzhuan Yisui Pill, and where could he go to find a treasure that could regulate his body? Thinking of this, Coris quickly came to the toilet door and pushed the door open. What hit his face was a strong stench. Corris quickly pinched his nose and frowned.

     Dumb squatted there in shock, looking at the teacher who suddenly broke in, at a loss.

     Coris couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Ah-Dai was fine, and said slightly angrily: "Have you finished pooping?"

     Dumb nodded and said, "I'm done."

     "Why don't you come out after you're done? You want to live in it?" It's been a long time since anyone could make Coris angry, because those who made him angry have turned into ashes, but the child in front of him made him helpless.