
Kimi's Passion

Kimi is a displaced refugee living as a maid in the palace, when the dark lord had his eyes on her, her life as a maid was threatened, she was backbit and slandered by other maids. What will happen when her true identity is revealed? The poor orphan's life is threatened as well as her survival. This is a fantasy novel about vampires werewolves, witches and humans.

SnowPinch · Fantasy
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Locked up

The white-skinned woman towered toward the dark lord, as she was hearing ominous sounds and the pounding heartbeat from the closet.

"What you got there?" She asked, channelling her legs towards the closet.

"What are you doing here, Maria?" He asked stopping her from going any further, she scrapped her eyes toward him.

"I'm here to see you since you disregard my existence in this palace, and unfortunately you've got your hands full, it looks like." She said glaring down at him before she snakes her hands up her torso.

"You're cold, cold to the bones." She said still looking through to see what was behind the closet, the thumping sound of Kimi's shoe was almost shooting up in her ears like thunder.

Maria had always had an eternity crush on the Lorenzo, but for their time together, he saw her as nothing worth the stress, she had helped him conquer Gandour as the imperial daughter of the dark lord, sitting by the three-legged stool by a low wooden table Maria Angles the bronze mirror that sat there so that it caught the entrance to Lorenzo closet.

The ring-shaped necklace was her treasure while the others had their daylight ring, she had the ironsmith melt and mould hers into a fashionable necklace and running her hands through it occasionally tends to remind her who she is.

To the vast population of settlement in the kingdom she was not a woman, a friend or a relation, she was one of the oldest vampires that had lived and had sired many others, she was their queen and revered as such.

"Don't you find my necklace attractive?" She said to Lorenzo who was glaring at her through the window, if not for her political influence and as his friend he would have ripped her heart out just as he had done to several other vampires that were nerve-racking like her.

Most of the time, Maria was content with this prestige, after the war and having served the dark lord as her sire, her elevated position was better than she had ever dreamed possible.

Lorenzo harboured two feelings for her; hate was the first one and loathing was the second.

"I think you should get going," he said coldly as he reached for his shirt that was hanging by the chair handle.

The thumping sound was still going on in the closet and the heartbeat too Lorenzo know that Maria can be very creepy and unforgiving and wished in his heart she should stay composed, he closed his eyes as he yelp at Maria.

"You're intruding my privacy and I find that discerning, now get going, I will meet you at dusk in the ballroom."

If only someone would come forward and harness the simmering rage against Lorenzo, not for the first time, she cursed the fact that he behaved irrational today, having known for his hush aura she used to leech and abuse him he didn't retaliate, sending her out of his room, was annoying.

"You're just unbelievable!" She said as tears trickled down her face, her mascara washing out like charcoal, she could have forced her way to his closet but she didn't, it was like a miracle storm, the thudding sound had stopped and one of the palace eunuchs came to inform them about the recent development.

"The guest from the high families will be here, they're already waiting in the hall."

"Whatever." She shrugs her hands I'm the air behind her as she. Thankfully these simple tactics were enough to instil awe in everyone's mind. To Lorenzo, it was enough to maintain his air of mystery.

The man didn't long before the king, where he had delivered his message, besides the brigand has nothing worth doing aside from going forth and coming. All he had to do was betray his people to the pale-skinned.

Leaving the king he walked hastily from his presence as he looked at him with indifference, which means he can meet his nemesis under him at any instant. At this rate, they would be lucky it was only them. The eventuality did not bear thinking about.

Whether it was the adrenaline pumping through his vein, narrowly he escaped from Maria's slander, he seemed to move more easily now coming within the sight of settlement as he opened the door to his closet.

Kimi was laying on the rug that was near the dressing mirror and she made no move at him, not yet, he scooped his leg closer.

She raised her head and some of the weariness left the dark lord's eyes, clearing his throat.

"You've got the nerve to lay down?" Kimi not sure what to do sat on her feet, her stomach rumbling, now that was almost similar to a whale's stomach.

"Not as if you're going to kill me, are you?" She questioned, her courage was one tiny thing.

With a relieved nod, the girl stood to her feet ready to leave when the dark lord pushed her towards the wall and towered his masculine hand over her revealing his bulging biceps.

"What are —you doing?" She asked to stutter, cursing herself to remain strong and composed.

It did not work, her pulse raced, even when she hated Vampires the specimen before she could be an exemption from the hole she has in her heart, regarding what she had been through because of their anarchy.

Kimi heard foot scurrying off and she let herself a small smile soon her intense conversation with the vampire petered out. It wasn't surprising, having a ball, with poor grace, she beckoned herself out of the room quietly, her leg as light as a balloon, could barely be heard by their sharp, powerful ears trying not to attract the attention of everyone in the vicinity. She was brave to have felt with him earlier but now, she couldn't stand out to the king she resented, it made her feel very alone.

Like a night watch, Lola was standing by the door waiting for her, ready to spank her for running around as if flanked by a bodyguard.

Reluctantly she took a step forward then a few more, she could sense Lola infuriating like an angry bird, turning her head she glared at her,

"I'm sorry." She muttered softly, Lola handed over a bowl to her as she scanned her through without saying a word.

"Get to work, will you." She said brusquely and Kimi arched her eyebrow unable to object.