
Killing Snow

Ebony Snow the last white werewolf in existence struggles to continue living after suddenly losing her parents at 5 years old an not long after being kidnapped by an unknown organization that was studying supernatural beings for military purposes. Whilst she's locked in one of the facilities cells she catches a glimpse of a familiar face. Anger surges as she realized it was the young boy she had saved from a hunting trap her parents had set up to guard their den...the day before her parents mysteriously vanished. ~~~~ "You!!!" she screamed, "I saved you, how...why would you?" tears began to spill from her eyes as she realized his betrayal. His head lowered as he mumbled something under his breath. "I'm so-" his words were interrupted by arrival of a tall, muscular man with a threatening presence that caused Ebony to snarl and growl. The boy started shaking as the man beside him took his hand out of his pocket removing a small remote shaped item. As he pressed the button in the Centre Ebony jolted backwards falling to the ground whilst holding her stomach. Electric volts ran through her body and she convulsed on the ground, her painful screams piercing the ears of the young boy causing him to fist his hands hard enough to cut crescents into his palms. The tall man dressed in a army uniform patted the boys head softly after releasing the hold on the button. "You did good son, you've finally begun helping your country" the girl stared up with gritted teeth glaring at the father son relation ship. 'So all of the things I've suffered through was for their bond and this so called country that's hunted my kind since the dawn of time out of cowardly fear!'. "You best learn to control your anger wolf or next time I won't be so generous. Your life now belong to S.I.M.W you will help create advanced military technology and weapons to further the achievement's in the human race." WARNING: MATURE Content later on in the novel however I will mark the chapters that include it with (r18) so those who don't enjoy reading it can continue enjoying the story ;)

Spawn_devil171 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Hostage Ghosty

"Nevermind, get up now. Your taking me home my... Hostage Ghosty." she smirked at his depressed face and although she was keeping his pathetic self alive for now as soon as she saw signs of him stabbing her in the back. He was. DEAD.

"Huh?... HUH! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? YOUR NOT GOING TO KILL ME-" He gasped at her behaviour, surely he had done the worst thing to her out of all the people she's slaughtered.

"*tut* Shuuuut uuup. Are you death of something? I said HO-STA-GE not FOR-GIV-EN you dumb bastard. So get up now we're leaving together, so if they pull some sh*t I have leverage." she drawled, bored of his pathetic act. No way she believed his crap speech on being sorry, if anything it was his excuse to have a pity party before he died.

Chucking him back the keys, she climbed into the elevator next to him. Uncomfortable with her being naked and covered in blood, Ghosty offered his lab coat for her to cover herself with.

"Ohh Thanks... and by the way I hope you don't mind me tearing it apart when I change back into a wolf. I assume this thing can transport us up and down as I can hear an echo in the free space above and below it." she claimed, looking at him expectantly to get the thing working. She needed to get out of this place fast and all this guy was becoming was a nuisance.

" YOU CAN TELL THAT, HOW? - " He paused his interrogation, as he saw the lack of interest on her face and the agitation that was clearly growing, "emm.. Haha of course I'll click the button now."

Pleased at his response, she began playing with the arms of the coat. It was far to big for her, he was like six foot something and she was about five foot seven or eight. Quite small for wolf of her age, she blamed the lack of nutrition she was provided. Surely after she left she would see a growth spurt...Hopefully.

Before she knew it the elevator began closing and traveling upwards. Startled at the sudden movement, she jumped onto the doctors arm latching for safety. Quickly, after noticing her position, she pushed him off while closing the lab coat around her protectively.

He coughed nervously, turning his head away knowing she had a point being defensive around a thirty two year old guy. Trying to ease the awkwardness, he moved further away.

"Don't make suspicious movements." she ordered as she saw him shuffling like a rat.

"O-of course, I'll stop." he replied, looking downwards like he was her dog obeying it's owner, "soooo..."

'Wow this is awkward as f*ck and this guy keeps moving around and mumbling like an idiot. I hope this travelling machine hurries up so I don't have to babysit this guy for any longer than I have to.'

Mindlinking him, she stated, "Shut up you moron, they might have listening devices and cameras in here. Act normal and stop fidgeting. It's more uncomfortable if your noticeably avoiding me. Let me state the instructions and you follow."

Glancing at her in shock, he nodded unsure as to how she was mindlinking with him when it was supposed to be something only werewolves could do with their own kind.

Curiousity killing him, he whispered " How are you mindlinking me I thought it was only supposed to happen between wolves?"

Replying via mindlink "Ever heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'. Stop asking questions I'm under no obligation to answer... But yeah, usually werewolves can only mindlink with their own kind. I have stronger remnants of the witches spirit compared to others. Being the last one and all. So I guess that I am stronger in some aspects and have more powers. Even my eyes are the same as her's or so my parents said. Don't think I've forgiven you, I'm only telling you because you're gonna be dying soon anyway. "

Thinking back to her parents, she remembered that this guy was a member involved with their deaths. It drove her crazy having to use him so she could get out of there, but it was better than being met with a suprise sh*tstorm along the way.

Suddenly annoyed, she felt the need to put him back in his place, "Don't open your mouth again your the hostage remember, so follow what I say or I'll just kill you now and you'll never see your family again."

Using his weakness was a sly move but otherwise he would most likely betray her. She wasn't lying anyway, she would threaten his family into revealing if they knew about his job by threatening to kill him. If they did their fate was already sealed with his and if they didn't she would leave them alone. Either way this asshole is still dead.

"Firstly, your gonna help me exit this place under no one's suspicion or radar. Then, your gonna use your car to get us to your house where I'll be staying until I find a safe place to go. You will listen to my commands and any questions I ask you will be answered immediately and truthfully. If I find you have lied I will not hesitate to kill you and your family. Clear. "

He nodded in reply as the elevator stopped and pinged open.



(A/N: The rest of this will be written from Ebony's perspective. It may be confusing for some readers, but I think that it will build more tension for readers if it's written in first person ;))

We stepped out onto an empty corridor, lined up with glass rooms filled with lab equipment. Some of the equipment I had already seen when Ghosty was doing his so called 'experimenting'. I felt dread building at the back of my throat, unsure as to where he was taking me. I had hoped my threat seemed strong enough to convince him to follow my orders, but I can't read minds so I'll just have to watch and wait to see which side he chooses.

It seemed empty as we walked passed all the laboratories and I hadn't seen one person. Perhaps I had killed them all on the lower floor, the thought was satisfying but this was probably only one laboratory in a building among many buildings. He grabbed my arm suddenly, taking me into a room with blinded windows.

I yelled "What the hell are you doing, I'll kill you remember! "

"Shhh. Someone might hear you. This is my office. I thought it would be best if you cleaned up and changed into something else to avoid attention." He whispered, locking the door behind him.

I was nervous and I didn't trust him. What if it was a trap to distract me while he injected me with wolfsbane? I could just kill him and find my own way out or still risk trusting him to take me out safely. I don't know anymore.

He handed me a wet cloth and clothes. I wondered why he had a set of smaller clothes in his office and womens at that. I looked up at him curiously, which he noticed and blushed in embarrassment.

"D-dont ask. They're my wife's..." he stuttered his face going completely red up to his ears.

Why would his wife's clothes be in his office... Ohh well not my issue. I need to get ready quickly before this guy pulls any tricks. I quickly wiped down my face and neck, looking into the mirror above a sink that was opposite his desk in the office. The room was mainly filled with files and awards decorating the walls. What a successful guy, bad luck he's a complete psychopath.

I ran the water, while dipping my hair into it so the blood would wash off. I groaned, knowing it wouldn't dry in time and if I walked out people would probably stare. Sensing my discomfort, Ghosty handed me an elastic band pointing at my drenched hair.

Nodding I quickly rinsed the excess water as much as I could before tying it into a bob. I looked at myself noticing that it was the best I had looked after eight years of torture. My face wasn't covered in bruises and cuts and my hair wasn't looking as desheveled as it usually was. What can I say... I'm looking good.

Watching as I smiled into my reflection, Ghosty laughed and I turned glaring at him while holding my arms out for the clothes. I commanded him to turn around while I changed to which he quickly responded to.

Fortunately, the clothes covered most my skin, disguising the blood successfully. It felt like the most comfortable clothing I had ever wore, a long red dress matched with black tights and high heels. I looked smart and elegant. Like a human.

I grinned menacingly, as I turned to my hostage grabbing his hand," you said this is your wife's outfit right? So it wouldn't be suspicious for husband and wife to walk out the building together, right?"

He nodded slowly as his brain caught up to what I was saying then he jolted back in realisation. "Wait! they know what my wife looks like and she doesn't have white hair so you need a hat or something."

He ran over to some cupboards under the bookshelves, grabbing a black fur coat with a red velvet sunhat that had a black lace bow tied around it.

"It doesn't matter if they know it's not your wife, they'll just assume your having and affair. It might work in my favour when you dissappear all of a sudden..." I stated lowering my voice towards the end.

"What? Did you say something ?" he asked unknowingly while handing me the accessories.

"N-nope. Not at all. Well let's get going." I finished while putting the accessories on in a way everywhere was covered.

We linked arms as we walked out of the room, I could feel his arm shaking and hear his pulse speeding up. Sweat was beginning to build up on the surface of his forehead the further we got down the corridor. At this point if someone see's us they'll no for sure that we're up to something.

Mindlinking, "chill the f*ck out! people are going to notice you shivering from a mile off. Stay calm and no one will suspect anything. We are just a couple simply leaving the building. Start believing it and it will be easier to act."

He calmed down for a second and I exhaled in relief finally thinking it was over...Until we reached a staircase, that headed down to what looked like a main entrance as hundreds of people clustered around, bustling with lab coats and suits on. Ghosty's heart rate was rapidly increasing and I could see he was on the brink of passing out with the suspense of whether we were going to escape unscathed.

It's not like I wasn't nervous too, but my desire to escape overpowered it all. The fear. The suspension. The thought that if this all fails I'll be locked back in that cell until death was what allowed me to push all the other thoughts back and try my best to escape.

We reached the bottom of the steps and I could feel Ghosty's grip on my arm loosening, so I unlinked arms and grabbed his hand interlocking fingers. Although it was a disgusting and cringy act, if it got me out of here it was good enough. Thankfully, he snapped out of his trance and tightened his grip on my hand. What was he playing at?

I looked up to see him gulping as his eyes tensed in nervousness. Well nevermind... Guess I'm still gonna be babysitting.

We were steps away from the exit. Freedom. My heart was pumping adrenaline through my blood as I anticipated the fresh smell of air and the warmth of sunshine on my face. Faster. Faster. Fast-

"Ohh, hello. Dr. Swan? That's you right and this must be your lovely wife. How are you? And your child aswell, he must be coming up for six if I'm right." a random stranger stopped in front of us.

His grey hair was gelled smoothly over on one side, as his narrow, sagging eyes creased into crescents as he looked up to Ghosty. I nudged Ghosty to reply as he stood for an uncomfortable amount of time in silence.

Mindlinking, "reply to him you idiot! Do you want us to get caught!? More importantly has he met your wife before, if so please hurry up and reply before we get caught because of your idiocy!"

Finally he began, "Ohh Mr Gresley hello. Its been a long time since we last met. If I'm correct you've never met my wife before have you. This is Linda, we're just about to head home after getting a call saying our son was ill at school and we had to come pick him up."

I nodded in agreement, admiring Ghosty for his speedy lies that leave no room for arguments. I held out my hand softly towards the old man in the suit ready to shake his hand as it would supposedly be their first time meeting and for these type of acquaintances it seems appropriate.

"Hello, its nice to meet you, Mr Gresley was it? But sadly we really must get going I would feel really guilty if our meeting allowed time for my son's condition to worsen. Please understand, and I'm sure you also have things you need to attend to." I tilted my head slightly only to reveal my small innocent smile from beneath the hat.

Flustered, he quickly shook my hand saying,

"ohh of course I understand. I'll let you go then. It was nice meeting you. I hope we could see each other again someday."

Letting go, I nodded lowering my head to hide my sinister smirk while replying, "Ohh, I'm sure we will."

Ghosty started moving forward, dragging me out towards the exit. Finally, as I stepped through the automatic doors I exhaled in relief .

"freedom, finally."