
Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

Bu Cai, Our Main Character, has died... He thought he would be plunged into eternal darkness, but luckily (or unluckily) he gets a system which tells him he has to bring the demise of different fortuned ones so that he can continue existing. Equipped with his years of reading Xianxia novels and his unique perspective, Will he be able to deal with these pests or will he cease to exist? ------------------------------ Check out my other novel that I'll be focusing on, 'It's Hard Being A Background Character' if you feel like it. Cover is Not Mine. (First story, Don't expect much, suggestions and feedback is appreciated)

CheeseWithoutSauce · Eastern
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92 Chs

Rest Day With Fei, Dinner Invitation

(2 Weeks Later)

(Bu Cai POV)

Rolling on my bed, I stare at the ceiling, bored out of my mind.

It's currently Mid-day, sunny as fuck, and I have nothing to do.

I have already done enough training for today, I have already planned out everything that needs to be planned, and I'm all prepared for the journey to the Capital tomorrow.

So I have nothing to do today. Which is quite strange.

I mean... I could train more; But I don't want to risk any accidents before heading out.

Therefore I could only resort to one person if I wanted to relieve this painful boredom,

Chen Fei!

I've been Sworn Brothers with the guy for 5 years, and he never fails to amuse me.

Due to him being a NEET (Neglect Everything Except Training), He had never tried to make friends with anyone, and instead looked down on them due to his status and Talent; Which I'm guessing is the reason why he would have gone down the Arrogant YM Route.

However I beat that attitude out of him, and made him accept me as his brother!

Although at the start he was a bit reluctant to accept my presence since he was used to being a loner, Soon enough he started to warm up to me and I got his life story out of him, the usual touching moments you would get in Xianxia.

Basically; Mother Died, Depression, Blame Little Sister, Father having duties.

And Due to the family issues, he wanted to reach the pinnacle, So that he could achieve the impossible; Resurrecting his mother.

Quite a noble cause If I do say so myself, Seems like some YM's in novels are misunderstood.

As we hung out over the years, I also realised that he is a really ignorant spoiled kid...

Which is fucking hilarious.

Not only that, but he is easy to piss off; So teasing him brings great reactions.


One time, I told him that bread (something he eats on a daily basis) can only be made by martial kings, and that they are something incredibly valuable.

Needless to say, he believed me, and started treasuring the bread as if it was his ancestors ashes and cried over being so hedonistic.


Him screaming and ranting to his father and sister at the dinner table, about how Wasteful they are for consuming The 'Holy Grail', made him realise that I was spouting bullshit to him.


I still remember his furious expression the next day as he pulled his sword out, ready to slice me in half for humiliating him in front of his family.

...Good Days.

I jump up from bed, and get on my flying sword, Since I can't fly until I reach Nascent Soul, And make my way towards Chen Fei's Abode.

Needless to say, his Abode is luxurious as fuck.

I go to knock on the door, But just before I do, The angry shout of a young girl reaches my ears and what I hear is,


Welp, She is angry...

And yes, You may be wondering why they are now talking to eachother (Well...Shouting, But you get my point).

That's because I fixed the family crisis...

All I had to do, was set up a situation where by they can freely express their concerns about each other, and voila; A harmonious Brother and Sister relationship!

It was a bit too easy if you ask me, but I'm not complaining.

Anyways, Hearing this as soon as I arrive, isn't a good sign. So I make the smart decision, and get the fuck away from here.

Just as I was about the zoom away, on my Swordster-500, I heard a...


Then shortly after that, the atmosphere becomes colder as Chen Ru approaches me.

I turn around and see her right in front of me, she wore a seemingly calm smile whilst also giving me an intense stare, and saying in a ominous tone,

"Did. You. Hear. Me?"

*Gulp*, Oh SHIT!

Why the fuck has her whole character changed? Did she not take her pills this morning?!

Isn't her response supposed to be more like,

"D-D-Did You Hear Us Just Now?!" and "D-Don't M-M-Misunderstand!"


I make sure to not change from my usual tone and facial expression, so that I can mask my surprise, and reply calmly,

"Hear? Hear what? I came here to ask if your Big Brother wanted to go for a walk around the sect."

The invisible pressure quickly disappears as she goes back to her cheerful and happy tone and replies,

"That's Okay then! I've got something to do, however I can't wait for our date in the capital!"

Her face turns red and she says goodbye then leaves...


What the fuck was that?

Have I missed something here?

I already used [Analyse], and nothing showed up, however she was clearly not the Chen Ru I know!

I come back to my wits, and look at Chen Fei at the door, who seems to be in a very bad mood.

He is looking back at me nervously and we both greet eachother and then walk in silence...

It seems that we have a mutual understanding as it was obvious that he was bored as fuck today aswell; He can't train, so naturally he will be bored.

After walking for a while, I break the silence by saying,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head negatively and says to me,

"Good luck Brother Bu, although you are an annoying dog sometimes; even I don't wish this upon you."


Well that is just great, Another Cliffhanger?


Annoying Ancient people, and their cryptic way of speaking or avoiding to answer, really makes me depressed!

We begin to avoid the topic and have a good time.

We go to the missions hall, to see some 'interesting' requests.

There are always some funny ones, For example:


Need Help!

My Son, Chen Tou, cannot talk to women at all.

Looking for someone who is able to talk to him for a while...


-Must be at least a 8/10.

-Must be intelligent and easy-going.

-Must be a good listener.

-Has to be less than 100 years old.


-100 Clan Points

-A Spirit Revolving Herb- Black Grade

-A chance to become my son's Dao Companion

If you are interested, please come to XXX XXX XXX District, and Knock on my, Outer Elder Chen Ten's, door so that I can rate you, before seeing my son.



The fuck is this?

Tinder, Xianxia edition?

Both Chen Fei and I are rolling on the ground, hysterically laughing, after reading that pathetic display of a mission.

I even entertained the idea of tricking Chen Fei to cross dress; Sadly, he didn't fall for it.

He truly has matured...

But a full blown Gold Core Herb for a date? If I was a woman, I would definitely be tempted to take the mission, All you have to do is talk to some awkward guy, nothing much.

Of course, There are some very serious missions in here as well, such as,


(Clan Assigned Mission)

Hunt A Wild Spirit Beast-

A Lord Realm Flood Dragon has been causing havoc in the northern region.

Slay it.


Earth Grade Herb- Nine Leafed Lotus

Any Earth Grade Offensive Mystical Technique

400 Clan Points



Damn, those rewards are looking tasty as fuck.

Sadly, we know we would get obliterated by a Lord-Realm Flood Dragon, as although they are not true dragons (which would have caused chaos).

They still have a sliver of bloodline. Which makes them extremely powerful, ferocious and fast.

After a while of looking about the missions hall, we fly to the Outer area, where all the markets are, and check it out.


Soon the moon rises, and darkness descends.

We both decide to go home.

Just as we are about to part ways, Chen Fei gets a message, which he then tells me about...

"Do You want to come round for dinner tonight? Father told me to invite you."

Dinner with the Clan Leader, Chen Ru and Chen Fei?




Author's Note:

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.

Didn't Find Any Chance to explain it, so here are the rankings for things in the world,

Yellow Grade- Body Refining/Qi Refining

Black Grade- Qi Condensation/Gold Core

Earth Grade- Nascent Soul/Martial Lord

Heaven Grade- Martial King/Martial Emperor