
Chapter 1 End and new beginning.

My whole life flashes before my eyes, how I played in the yard with friends, how I went to school for the first time, how I studied, how new friends appeared, how I turned 17, and how my whole life turned upside down, how I returned home in the evening I hear loud shots, how I hide from fright, how I tremble open the door of my house, how at the sight of a picture I bring to my knees, how I sob hugging the lifeless bodies of my parents and my younger sister, I feel how empty inside me, how despair, anger, hatred are born in emptiness ... I remember how I train 5 at the same time collecting information, how I find those who did it, and how I later find out why my parents and sister were lost. And now, looking at those who ordered them, how they cry and how they beg for mercy, I wonder why I still feel empty inside. And I do not hesitate to press the button.


A huge multi-storey building that knows the weight of the world by the logo on the top of the buildings collapses after a very strong explosion ...

In the other place ....

In one of the dark alleyways of a small town, 4 large-looking men kick one young guy who looks 20-23 years old,

the guy is covered in blood ... but alas, the last blow hit right in the head, the darkness in the guy's eyes slowly dim the last light of life .. men see that the guy stopped moving and generally resist, looking at the already corpse, the largest of them spits and gives a sign to his people to go out of here .. But suddenly the guy suddenly makes a sound and eats to get up .. The guy, leaning on the wall, rises, in the eyes of the guy in which life shines in a strange way, one reads confusion, he asks himself what happened, he blew himself up , Those bastards and the whole building .. but why is he still alive?

Before the guy had time to come to his senses, a fist flew into the face from which he fell on his back ... not understanding what was happening, he again feeds on getting up, but already pays attention to his hands, why am I so thin? I feel lower than a few moments ago and where am I? After another blow to the face, the guy realizes why he feels pain, the next blow already awakens cold anger and rage that is imprinted on his soul ...

The man somehow feels that this guy is different from the one they wanted to rob, the outer one is the same skinny, but the hair from black turned into white places red and a beautiful face is now really disfigured, but the aura around him became more aggressive, colder and pressing, they think they woke up something in the guy .. Looking each other in the eyes without words I understand what to do and again they start beating the guy, but he does not react ...

In the next blow, the man wanted to kick in the head of a lying guy, but when he hit he did not feel that, he hit, a moment later a frisky pain in the groin ...

after which he saw the most terrible eyes in his life and cold sweat rolled down his back, without having time to react, received a blow with a fist right in the throat, there was nothing without understanding the man was seized with fear, after which he felt that he could not breathe and was already getting dark before his eyes ... the guy after blow to the throat dodged the subsequent blow, and examined the three who surrounded the largest and fed to transfer to consciousness ... but the guy knows that the big man is already dead.

After a few seconds, the guy was seized by a headache, leaning on the wall, the guy was staring at the three, preparing to defend himself at any moment, but he wanted to defend himself, why, he doesn't want to die now ...

Three men realized that their leader was dead, and this was done by this thin man, after understanding, a trace of fear was visible in their eyes, looking at each other, they were fed to figure out what to do next, kill him or leave, but one of them noticed that the guy staggered back and leaned on the wall, waving at the other two, he rushed at the guy ...

At the same time, the guy felt danger and immediately bent awkwardly to the side .. but all he feeling of danger did not pass, having received a blow in the stomach of the hotel 2 meters, he landed on the ground and hit his hip on a small stone, no longer thinking on reflexes, he rolled to the side grabbing a stone with him, right after the leg landed where his head was, he immediately rushed at the big man throwing a stone at his head, the big man dodged the stone, but the guy already managed to swing in the groin, the big man fell to his knees covering his groin, at this time the others did not have time like a stone landed on the head of a big man ... and he lost consciousness, after so many actions the guy felt that his whole body was trembling and another headache came ...

The guy holding on with the last of his strength looked at the remaining two, those two, noticing this, shuddered, the feeling of fear inside them all intensifies, at this time the guy took a step in front, seeing this, they were even more frightened and screaming quickly ran away, the guy looked at the unconscious , and then on a stone ... after taking another step, he could not stand it and fell to his knees, then began to crawl to the stone, took the stone and crawled to it trembling, lifted the stone with trembling hands and then lowered it directly into the man's throat ...

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