

So... What if you got youself into game scenarios with a system like in those epic webnovels, but instead you're... a fish? ---- author: I'm writing this as a joke, so I don't expect anything from this at all ww a chapter won't be too long, and there won't be any strict chapter release rate (at least as of now...) please excuse my grammar haha cover made by me (*^ー^)

grilledfishe · Fantasy
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5 Chs


In a secluded, unknown part of the ocean, a place where humanity never knew of, lives a wide community of fishes. What's unnatural about the fishes though, is that…


「You have disconnected from the current server due to a sudden death.」

「Due to the uncalculated death that seems to be an error in the system, you will be compensated for the error.」

Darkness was the only thing that surrounded him. He did not think, he did not feel.

「Come on, man. Wake up.」

A soft, electric vibration rushed through his body.


「This bitch is dead asleep huh.」

This time, an electric current was sent through his body, causing the poor man to wake up from the shock.

"A- AHHH!!"

「Aiya... you're finally awake now~」

"What the... What is this..."

「Should I explain? Let's see, you're currently in a place called the 'Waiting Room'.」

"Yeah, ok ok, but still, what is going on?"

「Don't be impatient... Let me explain so you get the gist of it.」


「You're dead anyways. What's the point of hurrying? Haha~」

「As I was saying... You're in the Waiting Room right now. This is a place usually unreachable for living humans. Unless you die with an unreasonable cause, you will not be transferred here.」

"Hold on just a bit there... Did I die?"

「Well, yeah. Lmao.」

"I... What? W- How did I even-"

「You don't remember how you died? Haha, that's only natural. Your most recent memories are stored away once you die. That's how it works. You still remember major events in your life up to the point of your death, though.」


"Thanks, but..."

「Long story short, you died and now you're here. I'm trying to sign you up to another server right now, so just wait a little.」

"This... What is all this bullshit you're telling me? Server? Sign up? Is this some kind of game?"

「Well yeah, life's always been a game~ Oh, you're registered now!」

[Welcome to the server, User TaChanPhong!]

(author: his name is Vietnamese, fully written as "Tạ Chấn Phong" , "Phong" means "wind" so I'm planning to do something with that, just to make his name easier to read)

[Your profile is setting up, please wait...]

「This is your start. You will be reborn as a fish, and will have to do tasks given to you. You do want to live again, right?」

"R, right..."

[You will become a fish in this server. Your previous profile will be evaluated and the type of fish you'll become will be chosen accordingly.]

"Hold on... A fish? Me?"

「Worry not, everyone's a fish in this server (= ̄▽ ̄=) Don't be self conscious, hehe~」

"Hey! You didn't even explain anything useful!"

Just then, a wave of coldness blew over him, and he quickly realized where he was.

The ocean.

Hello, author here (・∀・) thank you for reading~~

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