
Kill The Gods

When the world met it's demise, a crazy God will stand on humanities side all for the sake of a human girl. Meet Mars, the god of war. He'll run havoc against his race because he's a war freak!

Amethyst_Writes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Leizert looked up at the blue vast sky with boredom from his sitting position. His eyes became droop with the tranquility of the atmosphere. Ah, he's getting sleepy again even though he slept more than twelve hours just a while ago. Day and night weren't exactly different for him as it were how everyone viewed in that world. Not on the literal manner of the word because he was obviously not the same as everyone. Everyone referred to humans. And Leizert was not a human. He was a God.

Mortals called him Mars—the God of war. In heaven, he was known as Leizert—just a lazy immortal without a recognizable talent. If you can call sleeping without awakening even if the world ended a talent, he may be listed on the Guinness book of record. He would normally doze off into a slumber deeper than a hibernating animal.

He had no sense of motivation ever since the "era of peace" brought to the world. He was much more an active participant and observant when war took place. Well he was the God of war. He was naturally fond of chaos and disasters. For him, humans were much more interesting back in the past. They were eager to fight for their own race and territory. The age of the new millennium was just hypocrisy. Simply going on the current because that was the life they lead to—goddamn mediocre beings.

"Leizert… Leizert! Leizert!!!"

He winced as he heard the earsplitting wailing of a voice with a peculiar echo of tone at his back. It reminded him of the electronic voice on a security lock. Reverberating in a tightly close box. It was not strange since the creature who kept calling his name was a mechanical doll. As he turned his head, he saw a three feet cylinder shaped body with a protruding helmet glass head and a pair of track wheels at the base similar to wheels of a tank. Its upper limbs were plainly stuck of steels with large screws connecting the joints. Those hands were looked like clamps and its eyes were radiating red. This automaton's name was Dhyto—a super annoying minion of Apollo.

Apollo was apparently the God of Sun. He could control everything regarding solar energy. It gave way to the creation of this piece of junk.

"Hey you! You're definitely thinking something rude, aren't you?!" Dhyto pointed his cane-like hand on Leizert suspiciously. For an AI, his sensors were sharp. And for a machine that supposed to have no will, his tone was pretty emotive. Dhyto's intelligence wasn't program at all. He was not a computer. The automaton was closer enough to an instinctual animal that could express itself through words.

"Like what?" Leizert asked nonchalantly. He was yawning while rubbing his eye.

"Like I'm a piece of junk or something!"

He clapped his hands still with a sleepy face. "Whoa, amazing. Just remove the or something."

"W-waah! I have enough of your insult! I'll sue you!"

"Insult is an act of verbal defamation, Dhyto. I didn't even say a word to disgrace you, useless piece of junk!"

"Hey, you just did!" Again he pointed at Leizert. The mechanical doll sauntered towards Leizert by spinning its wheel feet.

Leizert just swayed his hand to shoo the robot away. "Annoying. Get lost." He still received chops to his shoulder though from those clamp heavy hands. It didn't hurt him so he didn't bother to stop the mecha.

"Do you think I'm a bit happy being with you here?!" Dhyto wailed. "I was only receiving orders from Master!" Obviously he was referring to his creator, Apollo. "I don't want to leave Master's side even for a second but I had no choice since he commanded me to look out for a troublesome God who always break the rules and commit offenses!"

Leizert yawned again. "Sure, go back… go back…"

"HOW?!" If Dhyto was made out of flesh and blood, Leizert imagined him grinding his teeth with that question.

Leizert automatically looked up in the sky again. When someone asked where they were, he would simply answer down the surface. For Gods, surface was just a surface. It was the exterior realm between heaven and hell. For humans, that surface was their home planet—the earth.

But now, that earth they were currently in was just an empty sphere of water with suspended debris from cities. Every living thing on land was submerged in the bottom of the sea with in just a day in heaven but almost a year ago on earth. There was a particular time distortion between different dimensions but that may also be the reason why heaven and hell was invisible to the earthlings. The anticipated apocalypse was left no human survivor. Who caused it? Gods, of course! Humans had undergone a trial in heaven without their knowing. Trial that lead to a snapping of a finger then whoosh! The destruction of the world came. Gods that Leizert knew weren't exactly the creator of life but they believed they were the prophets of one true ruler that made them immortals. They considered themselves as superior beings that had the rights to deliver punishments.

Gods like him didn't create people or earth but they had influence on elements of life. They could control water, air, fire, soil, etc. So most likely they could affect the weather to form a super storm that caused the annihilation of mortals.

But Leizert didn't even agree with his kinds' conclusion and sentiments. Sure, he wanted chaos and disaster but not to the point of erasing the partakers. How could he play chess when there were no chess pieces? It was utterly pointless to kill all humans.

Decisions were made and sanctions applied when he was snoring on his bed. Therefore, how could he voice out his protest? He was not a high rank God but he was still one of the twelve Gods.

"How can we go back up there if they confiscated your wings?!" Dhyto pointed upward. "You're more than useless without it. In the first place it's your own fault you ended up threw in here. You ate those forbidden fruits even though you know it's forbidden! How shameless!"

Leizert slowly breathed through his mouth. The wings Dhyto was talking about weren't literally wings made of feathers. They weren't Nephilims that served the divine God. Basically their wings were small orb that looked like quartz inserted at the back of their hands. Because not all Gods could control air, crystalizing a mystic energy was required to share abilities. Leizert on the other hand was the only God that could control soil and rocks. Dhyto didn't call him useless for no reason. His power was useless in heaven since the ground floating in the sky called Yggdrasil was made of magical adamantite that exist for the sake of every celestial being. Embedding seeds or root crops could only take hours to grow plants and shrubs. The aquatic parts were abundant in different species of fish. There were fountains of holy water all over the town that could heal illnesses and physical injuries. The castles and even houses were made of glistening blue krypton that was invincible to fire and rain drops.

Most people thought that Gods don't die. They do. They just don't undergo on the process of aging since time didn't hold an influence against them. That was why they were able to cross dimensions even with a time distortion.

"Dying is what I await for, Leizert. Since I live longer than forever that it's so tiring to even breathe." It was the last words came from that Goddess who envied humans before she left the holy Yggdrasil. Even though he tried to reach his hand to stop her, she brushed him off. All he could do was to keep looking at the delicate back that slowly fading away. Leizert's chest tightened as he recalled that memory. He didn't want to remember because emptiness and anger was tingling in his veins.

"Hey Leizert!!!"

Leizert flinched because of that scream near his ear. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Dhyto's head was rotating as a sign that the mecha was bursting with too much sentiment to the point of panicking.

"I'll slice you into two if you do that again." Leizert swayed his black cloak that showed the long scabbard of his sword tied on his waist. He was probably the only God that used a weapon since his magical and spiritual power was very limited in heaven. Leizert's blade was named Beth. It was made from a mystrile ore that he got on Zephal—a dungeon on the northern part of Yugdrasil where lost souls reside. The guard of the sword had steel vines that could connect to the orb in his hand. Therefore it could dispel any attack that used magical powers. Although Leizert was a God, it didn't mean that his life was peaceful. The God of war was resented because of his carefree attitude. Violence against a rule breaker was foreseeable. Especially to the loyal guards and knights that served other Gods.

It was just out of a whim that he ate some red peaches in Odin's garden. By the way, Odin stood as the leader of twelve Gods. In short, they were his offspring and Odin was literally their biological father.

Red peaches were one of the three forbidden fruits to eat. Leizert didn't know exactly the reason behind that. It wasn't poisonous clearly because if it does, his mouth should already bubble a while ago and a long time ago here in earth.

"U-uh… Sorry Leizert." Dhyto back off. The mechanical doll maybe viewed Leizert as a happy-go-lucky fellow but he was still known as Mars—the God of war. His reputation back then was fierce and severely cruel. Lots of lives were ended by his smear-blooded hands. He stood as the leader of knights and soldiers when Viking was still active and war arose in Yggdrasil thousands of years ago. But contrary to the mythical legends that Mars was an ugly creature, Leizert was one of the beautiful Gods Dhyto had ever seen. With his raven colored-hair and scorching tangerine eyes, he could spar with the flashing beauty of his Master Apollo and the most beautiful goddess in heaven, Aphrodite. Even in a sluggish posture, no one could deny that Leizert's physique and long sleek limbs were definitely own by a heavenly being. Under his cloak was a black tight chemise covered by a red long-sleeve cardigan with collars touching his jawline. Leizert's black pants neither tight nor loose were slipped inside his brown knee-length boots at the bottom. He had a white drape cloth with a tribal pattern tied around his waist by a silver sash that held the scabbard of his sword as well as the ornament that shaped like a small shield in the center where the insignia of Yggdrasil engraved. Unlike other Gods that full of accessories and jewelries in their bodies, Leizert only had a single sapphire earring on his left ear. Dhyto didn't want to admit that this God in front of him was got more style in clothing than his flashy master that loved to flaunt his glittering outrageous outfit. Simplicity really gave an elegant vibe of charisma.

"I still can't caught a fish for lunch so be quiet, Dhyto." Leizert rotate his shoulder as if stretching his worn out muscles. "It was almost four hours but this damn fishing rod still can't lure a single fish. Useless piece of shit!"

How can you lure a fish without bait? Dhyto wanted to voice out that question but he chose to keep silent. If he got on the nerves of this troublemaker God, death for a mere minion was possible. But to merely wait for another hour, his patience already flew in the clouds. "Aaahh!!! Someone send me back to heaven!"

"Okay, I'll send you back." Leizert suddenly stood up and hastily grabbed the mechanical doll on its arms. He threw the noisy junk up in the sky with all his strength. Dhyto's screech echoed in the atmosphere. The mecha just glinted while fading in the background. Leizert just go back on his seat nonchalantly while yawning. A few minutes later, a scream echoed again.

"Leizert!!!!!" Dhyto yelled. He was obviously falling from the sky. "I hate gravity!!!!!" The mecha anticipated its end. He was going to crash on the concrete debris emerged from the water—head first. Dhyto wiggled his limbs imitating a bird flapping its wings as the ground became closer and closer to his perception. "Kyaaaaahhh!!! Master, why didn't you upgrade me to transform into a helicopter?! It wouldn't hurt your budget to add a propeller!!! Waaaahhh!!!"

But before Dhyto landed smashing on the sea of rubbles, Leizert already caught his arm. The God was still sitting on his original spot as his gaze never left the fishing gear. "Welcome back, Dhyto. How's the view up there? Did you at least grasp a grain of magical adamantite from Yugdrasil?"

"Like hell I could!!!" Dhyto squirmed like a worm in his upside-down position. "You had the nerve to throw me like a trash! What do you take me for?!"

Liezert looked around their surroundings and finally stopped his droop eyes to Dhyto. "No difference from the rubbish in this area. You just have the ability to make noise on your own."

"W-what?! I'll curse you!"

"Be my guest." Leizert dropped Dhyto. The mecha hit its head on a rock. When Dhyto got up on his feet, his head was spinning again uncontrollably. It took a minute before he regained his consciousness by suppressing his rotating head. He prepared himself to scold the no etiquette God. He had enough of his mistreating.

Poor Dhyto...

Amethyst_Writescreators' thoughts