
Kill me again, Miss Witch [COMPLETE]

Reborn in a different world, Char awakened a golden finger that became stronger every time he was killed by the antagonist. The stronger the antagonist who killed him, the greater his strength increase after resurrection. For revenge and to boost his strength, he went through great hardships to transport himself to the location of the ultimate boss. Legend has it that it sealed a witch powerful enough to destroy the world, shrouded in an ominous curse. Even a slight approach meant death. As expected, the moment they met, Char was killed by the curse. But upon resurrection at the respawn point, his long-stagnant experience bar experienced a substantial surge! Isn't this a way to gain an advantage? "Witch, from now on, I will bear the evil curse that will bring you a lifetime of misery!" "Diary of a Witch - Excerpt" 【A strange human has arrived.】 【That person has reappeared, and when he looks at the curse on me, I feel he is almost gleeful.】 【Sometimes someone comes to chat, and it doesn't seem so bad. Habits can be terrifying.】 【For him, leaving me every time to see him represents death. I asked if it was worth it, and he nodded without hesitation.】 【The book says, if someone is willing to face death for you, it must be love... Does he love me?】 ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Marching into Chang'an

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Chapter 18: Night's Veiled Gathering

[Your level has been increased from LV.41 to LV.48!]

[Since the experience gained this time has exceeded the limit for a single instance, the excess will be considered invalid!]

[You have obtained 21 free attribute points!]

The moment Char woke up, the system prompt appeared before his eyes as usual.

Instead of immediately allocating the attribute points, he recalled the scene that had just unfolded.

The curse on the witch seemed more like a punishment that she constantly suffered, a pain she endured at every moment. Perhaps the agony he experienced with each death was a burden she bore incessantly.

Is this the punishment inflicted upon her by the gods from years ago?

What grave mistake did she commit?

Char sighed.

He no longer had any powdered Voidstone around him, and he didn't intend to touch the excess money in his dimensional ring. He had to think of another solution.

The most pressing matter was to quickly acquire the next batch of powdered Voidstone and then go see her.

He couldn't help but feel a bit worried. What if something really happened to Miss Witch? Where would he get his future experience points from?

He wouldn't be able to find such a generous source again.

Thinking back to the first time he encountered the cult leader responsible for the "Blood Moon Massacre," Char had a similar thought, but unfortunately, their friendship ended later on.

At that time, Char was persistently haunting the leader, and after the leader killed him several times and witnessed his resurrection, he was astonished. The leader immediately regarded Char as a divine envoy sent to save the Red Moon Cult and wanted to recruit him.

Not wanting to get involved with the cult and lacking the ability to kill the leader, Char had no choice but to flee. However, during that period, he managed to reap many benefits from the leader.

With these thoughts in mind, he slowly stood up, recovering from the curse and contamination of the black mist. As he looked at his personal data in front of him, he hesitated for a moment before deciding to allocate all his points to stamina.

[Name: Char Adelaide]

[Level: LV.48]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Rank: Grand Knight/Warlock]

[strength: 109]

[Intelligence: 46]

[Charisma: 10]

[Luck: 21]

Ignoring luck and charisma, Char wouldn't consider the magic route for now. Purchasing gems and learning magic would be too costly, even though his current level is sufficient for him to advance as a Mage. Therefore, he won't allocate any points to intelligence.

In the short term, he doesn't have the financial resources or energy to focus on improving his magical abilities.

On the other hand, the knight path is straightforward and forceful. Although it is slightly disadvantaged when facing mages of the same level, various factors need to be considered.

After allocating the points, his total strength reached a terrifying 109 points!

As the levels progress, it becomes increasingly difficult to level up. Therefore, the points allocated later have a greater impact on Char's improvement.

For example, the increase from 50 points to 51 points will undoubtedly have a much larger impact than going from 5 points to 6 points.

Typically, a two or three-star Grand Knight would have stamina ranging from 70 to 80 points, with minor individual variations.

However, Char's current value exceeds that of similarly ranked powerhouses by nearly 40 points!

This is because the system originally provided him with points to pursue a path of combining magic and martial arts. But in order to maximize his short-term gains, Char had to unilaterally focus on enhancing his knight training.

Moreover, after becoming a Grand Knight, he did not come away empty-handed.

[Because your "strength" has surpassed 80 points, your "Knight's Will" has evolved into "Knight's Forcefield."]

[Because your "strength" has surpassed 100 points, you have gained the understanding of "Explosive Battle Qi."]


Char blinked in surprise.

"Knight's Will" was a passive skill that emerged after he experienced multiple deaths. It provided a slight boost to his mental resistance.

Unexpectedly, after allocating the attribute points, his skills evolved into something different.

It wasn't a cheat given by the system since it had been mentioned before that, apart from leveling up after being killed by antagonists, the system didn't provide any other conveniences.

Strictly speaking, these two abilities couldn't be considered skills. They were more like innate talents that automatically awakened once a knight reached a certain level. Therefore, it couldn't be attributed to any additional help from the system.

In other words, if Char wanted to learn a martial technique, the system wouldn't provide a function for inputting it. He would have to diligently practice day after day to gradually master it. After all, this was reality, not some RPG game where you could learn skills from skill books.

After gaining a slight understanding of the effects of these two abilities, Char's eyes lit up with excitement.

[Knight's Forcefield]is the only extraordinary ability in the early to mid-stage that can rival mages. When used, its effect is similar to gravity magic, applying a downward force field to multiple targets, accompanied by a psychological deterrent.

[Explosive Battle Qi]allows him to burn his strength for a short period, unleashing combat power beyond normal levels. However, it results in an extreme fatigue period for the entire day afterward, and it cannot be used again in a short period of time.

In summary, these two abilities greatly compensate for Char's shortcomings in explosive power and defense, providing him with a substantial increase in strength.

Clenching his fist and feeling an infinite power filling his body, Char's lips curled into a smile.

Although still relatively weak, he now had some chances of winning against the impending crisis.

Silently tidying up the furnishings in the room and covering the magic matrix on the floor with a piece of gray cloth, Char quietly left the basement.

Before leaving the room, Char took a quick glance at the magical clock hanging on the wall and was shocked to discover that only a few hours had passed since he was teleported here.

Why has the time ratio changed again?

Could it be that the chaotic laws of the abyss have affected the flow of time?

Char was puzzled, sensing an eerie aura surrounding the whole situation.

He decided that after returning to school, he would thoroughly investigate in the library to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

With this thought in mind, Char was about to push open the door when he suddenly lowered his head to look at the position of the doorknob, and his gaze froze.

During the time just now, someone had attempted to enter his room!

Upon learning this information, he didn't show any signs of surprise. He pretended not to notice anything and quietly left the place.

The night was growing dark outside, and the low, cramped houses created a cluttered scene. A faint mist permeated the streets and alleys, making everything appear indistinct.

Except for a few taverns and brothels that were still open, the majority of the lower city residents had already entered their slumber, preparing to rejuvenate their spirits for the busy day ahead.

Char walked through one alley after another, appearing like a hurried passerby in the night. Besides that, there was nothing peculiar about him.

However, in a sudden moment, he abruptly stopped in a highly unexpected posture. He kept his lower body still while his upper body leaned back abruptly, evading a cold flash that shot out from the darkness!

With a muffled sound, a dagger appeared on the wall of the alley. Due to the forceful throw, the handle of the knife was still trembling slightly, emitting a buzzing sound.

Char immediately lifted his head and directed his gaze toward the direction of the attack.

"You have good vigilance."

Standing on the rooftop, an unfamiliar person dressed in a black cloak, wearing a white mask of adoration, remarked in a praising tone.

After uttering those words, he lightly reached out into the empty space in front of him, causing a faint veil-like shimmer to envelop his body. He instantly disappeared into the darkness.

Before Char could even ask, "Who are you?" his gaze froze, and he forcefully propelled himself backward, breaking through the ground with his feet, swiftly retreating.

"Huh?" The person reappeared in Char's previous position, holding a dagger in his hand. He seemed somewhat surprised. "With your predictive and reaction speed, you're more than just a knight's attendant, right? Being a first-year student, you're quite impressive."

"Do you know me?"

Char straightened his body, calmly looking at the peculiar white-masked figure in front of him, seizing the loophole in his words.

The white-masked figure chuckled softly. "How could the mission target not know."

"Mission target?" Char pondered the term for a moment. "Are you here to kill me?"

"Well... it's pretty much that, anyway. As long as you disappear from the capital, killing you is the simplest method," replied the white-masked person, nodding and toying with the intricately designed dagger.

Upon hearing this, Char took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Apart from the tragic incident that occurred during his childhood, this was the first time he was facing someone who wanted to take his life.

The difference now was that he possessed enough power to resist.

"I won't ask who ordered you, as I have some guesses," he glanced at the dagger in the white mask's hand and calmly said, "But when it comes to killing, you should be prepared to be killed in return."

"Good luck to you."

With those words, before the white-masked figure could react, Char disappeared from his original position.

The place where he had stood resembled the aftermath of a colossal beast's trampling, with spiderweb-like cracks spread throughout the deep pit.


A trace of disbelief flashed in the white mask's eyes, and he began to seriously doubt the explosive power displayed by Char.

He held the rank of Grand Knight and had come to assassinate a knight's attendant, lowered by two ranks at someone's request. This already sounded ridiculous. What was even more laughable was that, for the sake of caution, his opponent had lent him an ancient artifact with concealment and displacement effects called the "Veil of Concealment."

Ancient artifacts were different from magical devices. They were discovered as lost relics from various ancient ruins, with no trace of their origins or the reasons for their formation. They could bestow various miraculous effects upon the user, but if overused, they would have varying degrees of negative consequences.

If things didn't go well, he could just devour this "Veil of Concealment" directly!

That's what he thought, but reality seemed to be a bit harsh.

Is this a weak knight's attendant?

What a joke!

A flicker of fear passed through the white mask's eyes.

In just an instant, the distance between them closed infinitely. In a panic, the white mask was about to use the "Veil of Concealment" to shift position when he suddenly felt an immense force descending from above, as if a mountain had come crashing down upon him!

His body became incredibly heavy, making it almost impossible to stand upright. As a result, the effect of the "Veil of Concealment" was interrupted.

At the same time, he felt an extreme sense of subservience welling up within him. His legs trembled, and he couldn't help but feel the urge to kneel before Char.

Knight's Forcefield!

By now, Char's figure was already within arm's reach. His heavy punch created a powerful gust of wind in the narrow alley.

The white mask had no doubt about the consequences if that punch were to land on his face.

Helplessly, he could only raise his arms to protect his chest and try to block the punch.


But after a teeth-gritting, ear-splitting explosion, a jet of blood sprayed from his mouth, and his entire body was sent flying like a missile at an imperceptible speed. He plowed a deep trench several meters long into the ground.

The entire sequence of actions took place in the blink of an eye, too fast for ordinary people to even react.

After smoothly executing this set of moves, Char stepped forward, looking at the white mask whose arm was now twisted irregularly, with even his chest caved in.

"You started with mockery, making me think you were formidable. But this is it?" Char shook his head and let out a soft sigh.

This person's strength was probably only at the early Grand Knight level, not to mention that Char himself followed an extreme path of pure physical power. With the synergy of his Knight's Forcefield, the opponent couldn't even withstand a single punch.

Furthermore, there was one thing he hadn't mentioned: he had only used about thirty to forty percent of his strength throughout the entire process.

"Huff... huff... Forcefield... You... you're a Royal Knight... No, that's not right! Who are you?"

With his strength waning, the white mask struggled to breathe, trying to prevent the surging blood from blocking his airway, as he asked in despair.

"Just a first-year student who killed you in self-defense," Char replied nonchalantly, slowly crouching down.

"I... I'm from... the Night Shadow Society. If you kill me, they won't... they won't let you... get away!" The white mask looked at him with a mixture of fear and desperation.

"Thanks for your concern, but this is my own business. As a dead man, you don't need to worry about it," Char pondered for a moment, realizing he had never heard of the Night Shadow Society as an assassin organization. He shrugged his shoulders. "Any last words?"

"Heh... I'll... I'll tell you... who... who ordered me... let me... let me live... please..."

In the face of death, the will to survive still held sway.

Generally speaking, professional assassins are not allowed to disclose information about their targets, and the white mask could be considered a professional assassin.

However, the problem was that in his more than ten years in the profession, he had never encountered someone as unreasonable as Char. Without even asking a single question, Char had beaten him to the brink of death, as if he had no interest in knowing who had hired him.

Was he insane?

This lack of any glimpse of hope caused the white mask to collapse completely.

He was used to risking his life for others, but he wasn't here to throw his life away!

Feeling his life force slowly ebbing away from his body, he couldn't help but plead for mercy.

But when he saw those dark, icy-cold eyes, a shiver ran down the white mask's spine.

Then, he heard Char's voice lowly saying, "You don't have to tell me. I can guess who ordered this. Use your brain. Would a high-ranking noble leave any possible traces of involvement if they wanted to hire a killer?"

"Not to mention, let's say the person you met for the job is of little value. Even if you had direct contact with the person who wants to kill me, think about it carefully. After completing the task, do you think you'll still be able to live?"

High-ranking noble?

What the hell? How did the conversation suddenly shift to such a distant and colossal entity?

A look of confusion flashed across the white mask's pale face.

Char let out a sigh.

His nominal strength was only that of a knight's attendant, but despite that, his opponent had hired a grand knight to intercept and kill him. Their thinking was meticulous, aiming for a flawless execution.

Would such an opponent expose their own information to an assassin?

As expected, judging by the expression on the white mask's face, it was clear that he knew nothing about the mastermind behind this.

Since that's the case, you really have no value at all.

"In your next life, be born into a better existence... Oh, wait, may you return to the embrace of the Goddess of Light."

Under Char's gaze, the white mask's eyes filled with despair, gradually losing any signs of life.

Char stepped forward and drew a circular mark on his chest, offering a prayer for him. But then he realized that he wasn't even a follower of the Goddess of Light himself, so he shrugged his shoulders.

Afterward, he began to search for the spoils of this battle.

He rummaged through the entire body but only found an ancient talisman, a few scattered gold coins, a dagger, and the mask.

The form of the "Veil of Concealment" turned out to be a pair of translucent, gossamer-like gloves. Char tried them on and found that as long as he assumed a grasping posture, he could raise a faint curtain, concealing his body in darkness and allowing him to move swiftly and silently, aided by the shadows.

Apart from these items, he had nothing else on him, not even any objects to prove his identity.

However, Char could mostly guess who wanted to kill him.

After finishing the search, Char thought for a moment, took off his robe, and unleashed an apprentice-level fireball spell, burning the items to ashes.

Then, he threw another fireball spell at the face of the corpse.

Amidst the flames and the acrid smell of burnt flesh, Char squinted his eyes slightly, observing the mangled body on the ground. He confirmed once again that there was nothing on the body that could prove his identity. Even if it was discovered, it would be treated as an unidentified corpse.

After completing all of this, Char utilized the effect of the "Veil of Concealment" to disappear into the darkness, quickly leaving the area.

Leaving aside everything else, this thing was excellent for making a swift escape.

Although the whole process had been very brief, Char's violently aesthetic fighting style had caused quite a commotion. To avoid attracting guards, it was better to leave the area quickly.

Fortunately, he had been cautious when coming out earlier, taking a detour through the alleys to a street far away from the stronghold. So even if the corpse was discovered, it would be difficult to suspect him.

Moreover, this was the lower city, where people died every day due to various circumstances.

Seeing such things was no longer surprising.

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