
Kill for love: Money Sex and Arrogance

Esmeray laid in bed, memories of her childhood passing through her mind.How did she ended up here being savagely ravaged by the man who claims to love her? She can't deny the affection she has for him. He has treated her so good and bad at the same time. "don't forget your body is mine..your soul Is mine. I'm the only one allowed to touch you" he said as fucked me harder. but in fact he isn't the only one fucking my body. There another man who makes love to me, love so good is more addictive than any drug. 1st pov 3rdpov

SusieHerr123 · Urban
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21 Chs

ch 17 (Esmeray pov/3rd pov)

"Tomorrow night? How do you know-"

"Forgive me but that's a secret. I will say, if you're unsure let Xerxes go with you. I am more then sure he'll help you get what you need"

"I will be more then happy to attend if that's what you want, Ceo Ling?"

".....That would be much appreciated. Thank you" I said rasing my glass in gratitude.

After finishing our conversation I went to look for Diamond who was smiling at the beautiful cake in front of her. She was always a fan of tress leches cake, it's only right she got her dream cake.

There was dancing and singing, from bandas, to Djs. The night was great with no worries or mistakes. Everyone enjoyed the food and environment.

"Thank you all for coming now please, let's get to the games. The first game is guessing who knows who better"

Uncle Tom asked basic questions first then asked more challenging questions. Everyone laughed at each answer, with "Ah's and oh's"

Next was seeing who can answer ridiculous riddles and who had the best jokes. When the games came to an end both bride and groom had the stage to themselves.

It was time for their special dance. Lights dimmed low, the spotlight on them, the perfect song being played.

Time stopped for them. The sun and moon shunned bright for their day. I discreetly wiped off a tear. My sister came so long, she had her ups and downs. Her broken heart from past failed relationships and now she has her husband.

Life won't be easy for them though. Diamond had everything, the absolute love of my father who spoiled her.

She never had a disagreement or fight with either parent. So who knows how she'll react during their first break out.

In reality growing up as sister's we never let a fight get in between us. I do pray her marriage is successful and happy.

Thankfully I have an opportunity to visit France. Now do I like the idea of going with Ceo Xerxes I can not say I am a fan. Who knows he maybe able to come in handy.

Wanting to breathe I went outside for a bit. Being around huge amount of people always have me anxiety. I can not breathe, or think. My mind starts to run wild, making me think as though I'm trapped in a dark room.

"Here take this" said a deep raspy voice. I opened my eyes to see it was Zion handing me a glass of water.

He stood there watching me making sure I dranked every single drop of water from the glass cup. I smiled at him and before I could say a word he turned away and walked into the dark.

I know he's still upset but he can't hide his worries. Knowing I had a flight the next morning I excused myself from the wedding.

"Leaving too?"

"Ah yes. This is not for me. "

"Forgive me but how is it that a feared women, who grew up in the spotlight is affected by a crowd of people?"

"Good night Ceo Deimos" I said driving off.


When zion heard the reasoning behind the rejection of Esmeray he got infuriated.

Who dared turn her down?

How dare they embarrass her?

What shall he do about it?

Well of course there is only one thing to do. He contacted a "friend" in France promising a huge amount. That Friend got straight to work. He made sure to surprise Ceo Martin alone in his office.

There was a struggle, and just as he went for a throat slice the door swung opened. In shock and hurry he went out the window. The men who were a mystery didn't try chasing after him but watched as he ran off.

The two men without question knew what had happened.

"Boss, someone got here before us"

"What do you mean?"

"Somone left a crime scene. We are leaving the body. The cops should be coming anytime soon"

Sure enough the place was surrounded with cops and helicopters. The news media was already covering the whole story.

One of the men overheard a police officer speaking with a man in a suite.

"I'm telling you Ceo Ling must have been behind it. She is who you want!"

"Boss, Ceo Ling is being blamed. What do you want is to do?"

"..Nothing. I'll handle the rest" said Xerxes hanging up. His plan was to scare the dead man not to kill him.

Whoever did this must have known about the rejection. But who? Other than him, Liam, and Esmeray.

On her way to the airport Esmeray got the news of Ceo Martin's death. She was shocked but nothing crossed her mind about her being a person of interest. Why would it? She was far away from the crime scene. She has no allies in France. She was busy attending the wedding.

"Ceo Ling are you ready?" Asked Xerxes handing her a glass of margarita.

The flight to France was nothing interesting. Other then small talks both ignored each other.

What does she hope to gain from this meeting anyway?

What is his purpose attending the meeting with her? Other then helping her.

Is he hoping they connect on a deeper level?

Maybe even a physical connection?