1 0 Prologue

Run. Run. RUN. That was all I could think to do. At first, it was peaceful, me walking back home from Kristy's house. But then, all I was able to do was run from what I first believed was 5 boys, but is now 5 furry wolves. They are most likely werewolves, just as I. I stop to see if I have lost them, and check my surroundings. I am completely lost in the middle of a forest at night! As I turn around, I see the 5 wolves, slowly approaching. "So brother, this is the one boss wanted? Ha! She'll be an easy catch." the dark gray one near the end said. I start to retreat backwards, and fall over a large overgrown root. The largest wolf in the middle turns into human form and grabs me. The others wolves also turn into human form, and attempt to take me to a black SUV. Even in my weakest state, I kick and scratch. It doesn't seem to phase them as they stuff me in the backseat of the car. A boy with light blonde hair and light green eyes puts a mask on me, and a short time after, the world goes black.
