
Kidnapped by him

A simple girl who goes to college but her best friend is the most popular girl in the college. She is beautiful and a shy girl. But everything changes so quickly a rich heir is attracted to her and later he kidnaps her and her life changes..

Blairrr · Fantasy
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11 Chs

What did you do?

Blair was devastated and she came back from the kitchen and sat down on the sofa. Blair didn't know what to do next. Jimmy was a headache for her. She was feeling a bit dehydrated so she drank the juice in one go. She did not think much because she was very much angered by Jacey after all she was the one who bitched about her to other girls and broke the rules of friendship.

Blair had the drink in one go and seeing this Jimmy smirked. Blair was feeling drowsy and was just about to faint but before that she said while being dizzy " What did you do..." and fainted. Jimmy did all this just to take revenge from his cousin brother whom he didn't like at all.

He then stood up and carried Blair in his arms and walked out of the door towards his car. While all this was happening Dan was in the meeting was notified that the Blair was not home yet.

Dan felt a little anxious and was angered by listening to this. He left the meeting in the middle and went to look for Blair at her apartment but he just found two glasses of juice. He raged in anger but just after a second he realised that the door wasn't locked and one glass of juice was untouched.

Dan found all this very suspicious and decided to look for the CCTV camera and after what he saw he raged in anger and at that time he could kill anyone with just one look.

He then boarded his car and drove very fast and entered a huge villa. It was his aunts house and it was the first time he went there because of the family rivalry he always gave his best and was better than his aunt's son Jimmy. Due to this Jimmy was always envious of him and hated him alot. Although if someone will look at them together they had similarities and both were equally handsome but Dan had a charming look which Jimmy lacked.

He then said in anger " Where is Jimmy?" Everyone was feeling anxious with his intimidating looks. All of them suddenly heard a voice coming from the back. It was Jimmy, he came forward and asked " What's the matter?" Dan was so angry that he started beating Jimmy. Everyone was scared and shocked they wanted to stop Dan but no one had the nerve to do so. Finally Dan stopped beating and asked " What did you do to her?"

Jimmy laughed " Oh so this is all because of a silly girl!" Dan tried to be calm but his looks were fierce and he then asked again " Where is she?" Jimmy said " How would I know I just met her once." Dan understood that Jimmy won't accept anything so he stood up and said with a threatening look " Make sure that you maintain your distance.. Else you are intelligent enough to understand!" After giving him a warning he moved out with his bodyguards.

Dan already had a plan he asked some of his people to track Jimmy's phone and also follow him. He knew that it was Jimmy only but he didn't had proof. Then he started his own investigation and started thinking about the places where Jimmy could take Blair.

Dan was so in shock and wasn't able to think properly and suddenly he recalled all the moments and finally remembered that he saw an earring in Jimmy's pocket which belonged to Blair. And he remembers this because he gifted it to her.

He was now pretty sure that it is Jimmy and then he went to police station as well to file the complaint of Blair's abduction.

Blair was still unconscious and no one knew where she was except for Jimmy. He kept her in his car itself so that no one could find out where she is. But Dan kept an eye on his each and every action. Jimmy was very careful of all his actions and words. One careless move could destroy his life. He was playing with fire and even after knowing this fact he still invited trouble upon himself.

Jimmy didn't gave up or anything because all he wanted was to be the CEO of Rex hotels. But he had another motive too which was certainly hidden and no one knew about it.

Suddenly Blair woke up and struggled to get out of the car and at that time inly Jimmy reached the parking area and heard the voice. He went there and removed the tape from her mouth and grabbed her neck and said " Don't make things difficult for me sweetheart.." Blair was so angry and she said in a husky voice because of the pain " You are gonna pay for this." And then Jimmy moved closer to her and whispered in her ear " I did nothing till now but if I have to pay then why not do something interesting!" And he laughed.

Hearing all this Blair was angry but helpless she couldn't do anything to save herself from this monster. She then started shouting but this made Jimmy very angry and he then went inside and brought something. And he made Blair drink water. Blair started feeling drizzy and was her past words before falling unconscious were " What did you do?"