
~Chapter 1~

3rd Person

Adam was walking quietly too work, He had been stressing out as he needed to pay rent and he was in serious debt. He didnt have a roommate, And if he got kicked out, He wouldnt know where to go as he doesnt have any family members or friends to go too.

As he was walking he felt someones eyes staring at him. He turned around and seen someone standing on the other side of the road watching him. He shivered and sped up walking until he finally got too work.

His Job was at a small antique store, He worked with an old woman who was very kind too him, Sadly she didnt pay much as they didnt get enough money.

Adams p.o.v

I started dusting the shelves as my mind wondered to the person that was watching me. Why would someone watch me? Im not an important person at all....And not very intresting either. Not too mention its also creepy to just stare at someone.

"Dear, Is something on your mind?" Bertha asked. Bertha was the old woman I worked for. Shes nice but...alittle....Snoopy."Nothings wrong Bertha...Im just tired thats all." I replied. I know I Shouldnt lie, But She would probably think im weird or something.

I heard the bell ring and looked over it was a beautiful woman, She had black hair and pretty blue eyes. She was wonderful. "Uhm Excuse me?" She asked. Looking around and finally spotted me in the corner sweeping.

I blushed and scrambled over and accidently knocked over a old antique pot."S-shit, Sorry ill be over in a second." I stuttered. And Picked up the glass and thrown it away.

I walked towards the cash register,"Uhm What do you need ma'am?" I asked."I was wondering if you had any jewelry laying around?It's my moms birthday and I dont know what to giver her..." She replied."Uhm Yes we have some, Follow me." I said as i lead her too the necklaces and Earrings.

"Wow theres alot too choose from...How much is this one?" She picked up a pretty blue heart necklace with Swearls and Roses on the edges."Oh that's $50 Dollars." I replied with a smile."But you can have a discount since its your moms birthday." She gave me a grin and thanked me.

She payed $30 dollars for it. But I obviously didn't mind. She was beautiful...I sighed as I realized it was time too go home. "Hey heres your paycheck for this week." Bertha said handing me $230 Dollars. I frowned as I had needed $350 Dollars in 3 days. "Bertha?" "Yes hun? What do you need?"

"I need $350 too pay my rent. You can just give me my check for next week." I asked. "Alright...But you really need to find a better place to live with cheaper rent." Or a better job, I said in my head. Obviously im not saying that out loud. That would be rude.

I walked out of the doors, Man its already night time....As I was walking I noticed the same person watching me. I started panicking a little bit, And started speed walking hoping the person wont take notice to my diffrent change of Pace.

I felt someone following, So I did what any other person would do. I started too run, And zig zagged until I finally made it too my apartment. I scrambled and got my keys out. Until I froze feeling breathing on my neck. I slowly turned around and the person slammed me against the door.I started to pass out as the last thing i Saw was deep brown eyes.

So this is like My first story ive ever made, Please tell me if i made any mistakes and ill correct it. uwu Thanks for reading this story.Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SilverNamaraUwUcreators' thoughts