
The Royal Family of England

I wake up to my maids opening my curtains letting the glorious sunshine in. "Good morning, " I yawn. "Good morning miss, " Lucy says. "Please for the last time call me America, " I say. I get up to get ready for the day. As I get up and walk into my closet a knock is at my door. I hear Mary answer it. "Hello Anne, " I hear Maxon say. "Hello your majesty, " Anne says. "America the prince is here to see you, " Mary says walking into my closet. "Oh okay, " I reply. I walk out of my closet and my maids leave. Maxon walks over to me. "Please tell me you don't have work today, " I say. "I don't have work, my dear fiancè, " he says. "Oh what a great name, " I sigh. "What are we doing today?" I ask. "Well the king and queen of England are coming along with their son who's about 23, their daughter who's about 16, and their other daughter who's about 9. Oh, and the king's mother, " he says. "Cool! What are their names?" I ask. "King William, Queen Rosemary, Prince Benjamin, Princess Delilah, Princess Camilla, and Ex-Queen Daniella." I nod. "Time?" I ask. "About an hour and they are staying a few days, " he says. "An hour! I have to get dressed! I have to get Luca dressed!" I exclaim. "I'll get Luca ready, " he says. "Thank you!" I yell from my closet. "What should I wear...Classy or the olden day prom dress!" I yell. "Whatever your heart desires darling." I hear him walk out of my room.I finish getting ready and then rush over to Luca's room. Maxon is on his knees putting on Luca's tie. "Daddy?" Luca says. Luca points to me. Maxon turns his head to me and smiles. He stands up and walks over to me along with Luca. "My boys, " I whisper hugging them both. "Your highness, " a guard says bowing outside the open door. "Yes?" Maxon inquires. "The royal family of England has arrived, " he says. Maxon nods and he thanks the guard. "Alright let's go, " I say. We walk down to the entrance of the palace to see the royal family standing there. "Hello your Majesties" Maxon greets. "Hello Prince Maxon, " King William says. "She's even prettier in person, " Princess Camilla whispers to Prince Benjamin. "Hi I'm America and this is Luca, " I greet. "We know!" Camilla says. "Camilla!" Delilah exclaims. " It's fine, " I laugh. "I'm the biggest fan, " Camilla breathes. "Really?" I ask shocked. "Yes!" she exclaims. "Hi I'm Ben, " Ben says putting his hand out for me to shake. I do so. "Hello Ben." "I'm Delilah." "I'm Camilla! But everyone calls me Cami!" "I'm Rosemary." "And I'm Will." "And I'm Daniella, " the ex-queen says. "Nice to meet you all, " Maxon says. "Hello!" Luca exclaims. Everyone tells Luca hi. "The King and Queen send their apologies but they had to go on a business trip, " Maxon says. "That is quite all right, " Rosemary says. "Will, Rosemary, and Daniella please follow me to your rooms, " Maxon says. They nod and maids follow behind them with the luggage. "Luca you can go with dad, " I whisper in his ear. He runs off with Maxon. "And I'll show you three to your rooms, " I say. "So America...what do you do for fun?" Ben asks. "I play instruments, sing, workout with the guards all sorts of stuff really, " I say. "Oh wow that's cool, " he says. "How old are you?" Delilah asks. "I am 22," I say. Delilah nods. "Are you married to Maxon?" Cami asks. "No not yet, " I reply. "Alright Cami this is your room, " I say opening the door to her room. "Its so pretty!" she says running in. I bring in her luggage. We leave Cami to settle in. "So Delilah here's your room, " I say opening the door. "Its quite lovely, " she says walking into the room. A maid follows behind her with her luggage. "Thank you America, " Delilah says. "Anytime, " I nod. She closes the door and me and Ben walk to his room. "So America why did you end up losing the selection but then came back anyways, " Ben asks. "Ben that is a long story and I think you would see me differently if I told you, " I sigh. "Seriously, what's it matter what I think, " he says. "I-I guess it doesn't matter but its still a long story, " I say. "I have time, " he shrugs. "Fine...but you can't tell a soul, " I warn. I tell him everything except for Aspen's name. We are sitting on his balcony. "Wow, " he says flabbergasted. "I know, " I nod. "How did you forgive him?" he asks. "How did he forgive me, " I say. "Easy, " Ben says. "How so?" I ask. "You're you. Plus I don't know to me his mistake seems worse. It's not like you wanted to cheat on him. It was all the guard. I mean he wouldn't hear of it. He sent you home without your explanation. And you raised Luca by yourself for what two years. You are what a seven or eight in the caste system, " he says. "Well we better go to the lounge room to see your family and Maxon and Luca, " I say clearing my throat. He nods. We walk out and get Delilah and Camilla from their rooms and head off to the lounge. We sit down with Maxon and Luca and Will and Rosemary for a little while. A guard comes in and bows. "Lady America we are doing our workouts would you like to come?" Officer Tanner asks. I hesitate. "You can go America, " Maxon says. My face is still unsure. "Please have fun or whatever, " Rosemary says. "Thank you, " I say getting up to leave. I walk out with Tanner and rush off to change. I change into my navy blue cargo pants and combat boots and my black sports bra(don't worry y'all it covers everything necessary) and rush back out. Tanner, Aspen, and Brandon are waiting for me. "Ready Mer?" Aspen asks. "Of course, " I say. We walk outside and train. They gave me a gun just in case. When we finish I walk inside and they all go down to their living quarters to take their athletic medications. I'm about to walk into the lounge to let Maxon know that we are finished when the rebel alarm goes off. There are already rebels on this floor. I kneel and start shooting. The royal family and Maxon and local come running out. "America let's go, " Maxon says. "No!" I yell back. "America let's go, " he begs trying to pull me. "No!" I yell back again. "Mommy!" Luca calls. I put the gun down and turn to Luca and another guard that comes running. "Luca go to the safe room okay, " I instruct. "Will you be there?" he asks. "Yes as soon as I finish this okay, " I say. He nods. "Get them out of here, " I order the guard. The guard nods. Maxon refuses to go. "Maxon promise me one thing right now, " I say. "Anything, " he says. "Go to the safe room right now without me. I will be down there as soon as I can, " I say. "Anything but that, " he groans. "You promised, " I shrug. The guard takes him away to the safe room along with everyone else. I get down on one knee again and start to shoot at the rebels. A rebel shoots me in the stomach. I fall onto my back. A guard comes running and he bends down to pick me up when he gets shot in the head. He falls to the ground and dies. Aspen runs over not noticing that it's me yet. "America!" he exclaims when he sees me. He bends over to pick me up and he runs. The doctor takes care of me in the medical safe room and I'm fine. When the alarm finally stops its dead silent. A knock comes at the door. I struggle to get up but I do. "Hey Ben, " I say. "Hey how are you?" he asks. "Surprisingly not bad you know for getting shot, " I shrug. "Maxon is looking for you, " he says. "How did you find me first?" I ask. "I well I asked Officer Leger, " he replies. I nod. "I should probably find Maxon before he sends out a search party, " I joke. "I'll come with you, " he offers. I nod. We finally see Maxon. He runs up and hugs me tightly. I grimace a bit and I see Ben does too just at the sight. "I was so worried about you, " Maxon says. "Maxon please let go, " I say pained. He does. "Are you oka-, " he starts. "I was shot no big deal it only hurts when you press on it, " I say. "I knew I shouldn't have left you, " he says. "Then why did you?" Ben asks. "Excuse me?" Maxon says turning to him. "If you knew you shouldn't have left her why did you?" Ben repeats. " It's not like I wanted to. You saw it for yourself, " Maxon says. " You're the prince you could have made her come or at least stayed with her. Or even noticed that she was hurt before you hugged her!" Ben accuses. "I don't even know why she's with you! What you did at the end of the selection is far worse than what she did!" Ben yells. "You cannot yell at me!" Maxon yells. "I can and I will. We are both princes, " Ben says. "America you told him what happened after the selection?" Maxon asks me. "Yes I did. And before you ask why it's because he wanted to know. He had so many questions that could only be answered with the story, " I explain. Maxon scoffs. "I can't believe you, " he says and walks away. "I'm sorry America but it's about time someone told him something, " Ben says.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Who do you ship America and Maxon or Ben and America? Stay tuned to find out. Please comment and vote it makes my day! Love y'all!! 💖💖💖 please comment on who you want to see America with...the votes will determine it