
keep calm and wake up

My name is Kibi and I'm dreaming in a world of magic and potion's my life wasn't always like this. let me start from the beginning I was a middle schooler and I had good grades a decent life and a decent family it all changed one night when I woke up to my mom screaming I ran to my parents room as fast as I could her hands were chopped off her left leg was almost severed like a snickers getting bit into there I noticed the murderer as he held my mother's head severing it upon my eyes as I hear her take her last breath then I see the face of the killer as I turn the light on it was my father I ran away to the police station on 35th street and I see him chasing me with a gun pointed at me my life flashes before my eyes as he shoots my head there was a sudden drop to the floor I see my body standing over it I try to pick it up and get back into it no success so I see EMS rush to my body as I start to fade away.