

VICTORY glowed before his eyes. Allied minions cheered upon the destruction of the enemy's throne; Heroes stood gloriously at another victorious war.

The soft yet rapid tap from his keyboard echoed across his obscure small bedroom. "Good Game!" he chatted as a clear grin plastered on his lips, expressing a calm ardor about their insane epic comeback.

"Tch," He scoffed, reading the nonsense curses flooding the chat box. Still, why would he care? He won anyway. That's what's matter. With that thought in mind, ABC shook his head as he planned to start another game.

However, as soon as he clicked his mouse, his vision doubled. The brightness of the monitor screen seemed to have small black dots as it blurred. His body seesawed — left to right then forward.

"Dinner…" He muttered, and the rest of his sentence ended in his mind. 'I forgot to eat dinner, right…' Actually, not just dinner but also, he only had a cup of noodles for the whole day. Hence, his initial thought amid this brief process of 'fainting' was his forgotten meal.

Little did he know, that would be his last words. How silly.

ABC retained his swinging upper body for a few seconds, blinking his drooping eyelids to keep himself awake. However, he soon succumbed to the sudden seeping coldness through his veins causing him to crash into the keyboard.

Keys of the mechanical keyboard stressed at the sudden figure landing on it, producing irregular thud noise and then followed by deafening silence. ABC, though at the brink of losing his consciousness, his mundane life played back in his slowly dying brain.

The memories started when he was a twelve-year-old boy. It was, well, the turning point in his life. The year that he found his passion and solace.

The only place where he stood victorious regardless of how many times he failed and get defeated. It was his escape to his uneventful life — playing games.

The images then skipped to when he was sixteen years of age — one of the most vulnerable and pressing stages of his life. It focused on his interaction with his family.

Once again, he recalled the look in his parent's eyes and his relatives. Those disappointed and judging eyes for failing one subject just because his best wasn't enough.

Funny that everyone blamed his hobby. Well, they were right at some point though, because playing games was more fun than studying — what could he do?

Still, as a good boy, the 16-year-old ABC lessened his gaming time and studied even harder. ABC must admit that he thanked his younger self for being an obedient boy and the fear of disappointing his parents.

Because, at the very least, he grew up decent with a bachelor's degree which allowed him to have a decent paying job. Despite that, ABC had kept his habit of playing games. Guess that's what they say: boys will always be boys.

Funny enough, the images of his life after that wasn't so exciting, nor was it melodramatic. It was just him, working as a regular man and going home to play games �� being a complete homebody. In short, boring, uneventful, and a gray life.

Surely, he might have grown old, but something within wouldn't change.

'Thank you, IceFrog.' Before the flashback ended, he heard his voice in one event of his life, thanking that said man back when he was a nerdy 16-year-old teenage boy.

After that, the flashback of his life stopped, leading him back to eternal darkness. The obscure room remained silent as ABC lied in his position — unable to move as his time stopped from ticking.


"KILL HIM!" A loud command roared across the entire blazing forest. "Kill that traitor!" The commander, raising his muscular arm clad in black metal steel, raised the gigantic spear in his large hand. He threw the spear towards the direction of the petite man riding a horse in full speed.

"DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" He roared once again, followed by the soldiers charging to the lone man and his horse.

Wild beast took full charge, catching up to the man wearing the same armor with them. Archers from nearby locked on their target as they released their arrow aimed at the man.

"Idiot. Stop commanding your troops to kill him. That would be an easy death." A woman standing on the high ground shook her head at the charging troops on the lower ground. "Take him down but don't kill him. Don't let that fool from the Deceral get his hands on him!" With that said note, the arrows were released at lightning speed, going straight to their target.

"No, no, I didn't do it! Please listen to me! I didn't mean to do it!" Before these two battalions coming at him, taking command from two of the most powerful commanders of the World of KHAOS, the man who was the target of pleaded for his life as he fled.

He dodged some lightning arrows, but some landed on his back and some grazed him. "No, no, please!" Despite the blood oozing from his body, the fleeing man shouted out of desperation. However, his cry paled in comparison with the roars of the beast on his tail and the sound of pressure from the dark, foreboding sky.

'They won't listen… They will kill me…' One after another, the arrows penetrated the armored horse's body, immobilizing it until it could no longer run berserk. The same fate goes for the fleeing man.

Soon, both horse and its rider dropped on the ground, unable to move a muscle for the damages they inflicted. "Please, listen to me…" we're his last dying words, as he glimpsed on the feet approaching him before falling into a cold abyss called death.


"Where am I…?" ABC Dy's subconscious mind wondered. "Cold… this place is cold." The extreme coldness seeped through his already numbed bones, yet he could not move. He felt free falling to an endless pit of void for a long time.

Just then, a faint dot of light shone. His blurry, dimmed eyes looked at it grew bigger. IF he could, he would shut his eyes from the blinding light, but he couldn't. The last thing he could remember was the light grew bigger until it struck him.


"Ah?! You're still alive?!" ABC Dy coughed his lung out, spewing blood. He then heard a loud unfamiliar man's voice which made him turn who it was out of curiosity.

However, just as he turned to look at the man, he struck him with a spear mercilessly. This time, ABC Dy felt the writhing pain of instant death. Unlike how he died an almost painless death the first time, this was a complete opposite.

'Why... am I dying again?' Staring at the seemingly wild beast clad in armor, ABC Dy died once again.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the world of KHAOS!

This is my first take writing this genre and a male MC. So, I would be very much willing to know what your thoughts about the first chapter :)

I hope you'd get to enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Anyway, this will be a long journey and I hope we'll all be together till the end. <3

BAJJcreators' thoughts