
Khalasar fight

A/N Inner thoughts and monologues will always be in English. 


(Ra's POV)

- 283 AC -

We are about 4 days East of Vaes Dothrak, the Womb of the World. We stayed there for a short while because I wanted to move and reach the Bone Mountains. The Khalasar has been doing well during this time and we have managed to win the past few confrontations with other Khalasars. But those were smaller ones. Our Khalasar is close to 9'000 heads strong. That is not small, but it is also not very big. 

Khal Drogo, a young Khal has been rising in fame recently. He has taken over from his father Khal Bharbo and has decided to become the promised Khal of Khals, who will unite all the Khalasar under him. I am not afraid of him. I was never really afraid, but it is worrying what I heard in Vaes Dothrak. Those among my Khalasar who left after I killed the previous Khal and his Bloodriders, are starting to spread the word about my crime. 

The news has apparently reached the ears of Khal Drogo and he is out to subdue me and my Khalasar since I am 'not worthy to be Khal'. The homunculi I have summoned up to this point are not going to make that big of a difference, should a fight take place. Most of the homunculi I summoned have been sent out to gather information and spy for me. I think it is time, I summoned different homunculi. 

"tih Khal! The scouts hash returned. Mori say a esina Khalasar is approaching ha the west." - (My Khal! The scouts have returned. They say a different Khalasar is approaching from the west.)

"kirekosi san?" - (How many?)

"The vod fas rises akat times higher than ours." - (The dust cloud rises two times higher than ours.)

"Inform the Khalasar. Prepare ha vilajero!" - (Inform the Khalasar. Prepare for battle!)

"ai, tih Khal." - (Yes, my Khal)


"What are you thinking about?", Slade asks me in his native tongue. He began teaching me languages. We speak in his mother tongue, which he calls 'English' so that we can speak freely and not worry about others understanding us.

"The strategy.", I say. 

"We don't really use strategy as a Dothraki.", he tells me, reminding me that he sees himself as a Dothraki as well since his loyalty to me is absolute. 

"I know, but I am not your usual Dothraki or Khal. I will fight a stronger Khalasar and don't want to waste too many men."

"They might be more numerous, but they are not stronger. You alone could annihilate that Khalasar.", he says. 


"You are a Khal. You will become the mightiest Khal in history. The stallion who mounts the world. I know you can will it, now you have to know that as well.", I look him in the eye. I know that he and the rest of the homunculi are the only ones who are truly loyal to me. The Dothraki are only loyal to strength, but Slade is truly loyal. And as such, I only take a compliment from him. 

"You are right. I was not thinking about our martial prowess. It shall not happen again.", I say and then move into position for the impending clash. 



(Slade POV)

I have been summoned by my lord for two months now and during this time, I have been observing him closely. I wanted to know what type of man he was. My loyalty to him seems to be locked and there is not even one thought of betrayal in my mind. However, I noticed that over time, my respect for him is not something that is set in stone. 

He called upon me, in order to train himself further and gain life-and-death experience. His talent and progress left me in awe. The unbelievable regeneration factor is to thank for that, but his mentality and power of will are what truly impressed me. He doesn't care for the opinions of others. He follows his beliefs and enforces them. He doesn't care what others say about him.

He is not interested in slander of any kind. He is only interested in deeds. Words are of secondary importance to him. He generally doesn't talk much and prefers to observe and form his own opinion. And he is a good observer. If he realises that someone is not following his orders, he is merciless. He never gives a third chance, and those who should know better don't even get a second chance. 

I can see that he has lost his kindness and mercy, but he seems to have principles and a bottom line. Slavery and r*pe are an absolute taboo and those who disregard this are ruthlessly killed and then put on public display. 

Since I joined his service, I have gained great respect for him. There is this great emptiness, which seems to weigh on him, but it doesn't affect others in the slightest. I stand firm in my belief that he is already the greatest Khal in this world. I will stand by his side with the utmost conviction. I will kill his enemies and relieve him of his burdens as best I can.



(3rd Person POV)

Ra's ordered the Khalasar into a spear formation. They had positioned most of the women, elderly and children to the back, while the capable fighters turned around to face the incoming enemy Khalasar. Ra's understood that the size of the dust cloud, doesn't necessarily mean more men for the other Khalasar, it can just as well mean that they are riding much faster. 

Ra's ordered the Khalasar to get into a spear formation. It had taken a while to get any semblance of a 'formation' into their minds, but eventually, they did. The Khalasar learned to do what Ra's said, as he had no use for those who didn't listen to his orders. And Ra's usually gets rid of unnecessary things.

The place where the battle will take place, is flat, so waiting behind dunes is not realistic. A frontal assault is what Ra's decided on. It will be the first bigger fight against a Khalasar and it will determine his leadership and martial skills. 


Ra's looked at the incoming Dothraki Khalasar and heard their screams. His heartbeat was beating at a comfortable 40 bpm, indicating his calm before the storm. He was not nervous, he was not afraid, he was determined. He turned towards his men and spoke to them in a loud and authoritarian voice. 

"Khalasar! Tih brothers ki the lekh dothraki! Anha would rather fight beside yeri than loy lajasar ki ken thousands! Let vo mahrazh forget kirekosi menacing kisha are! Kisha are lions! Hash yeri know fini's rekke, coming ha their athdrivar? Jiz! Take them! Anna's yours!" -

- (Khalasar! My brothers of the Dothraki! I would rather fight beside you than any army of a hundred thousand! Let no man forget how menacing we are! We are lions! Do you know what's there, coming for their death? Chicken! Take them! It's yours!)

"WWOOOOOOOOAAAAHHH!!", they roared and their spirits rose to new heights. Ra's could feel their battle lust rise. Slade told him that he had seldom seen a man with as much charisma. Ra's could not say whether that was true or not, but he took his words for it. He doesn't dress like a typical Dothraki, he doesn't speak or act like a typical Dothraki and he also doesn't wear braids. Instead, he lets his hair loose. Not even Ra's weapon is that of a Dothraki.


He turns around again and unsheaths his sword. It looks similar to a dadao sword. It is black and one can feel the strength it possesses when holding it. It is a magnificent blade. As everyone is still roaring, our entire Khalasar starts to speed towards the enemies, Slade is right next to Ra's and he can feel his blood pumping and the adrenaline taking effect.


Under the scorching sun of the Essosi plains, the two Khalasars thundered towards each other, the hooves of their horses kicking up clouds of dust that could be seen for hundreds of miles. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and leather as the Dothraki warriors tensed, their hands gripping tightly to reins and weapons alike, while their heartbeats pumped their blood through their bodies.

The sun reflected off polished arakhs and curved scimitars, creating a special kind of spectacle.

At the forefront of each Khalasar rode their Khals. Khal al Ghul and Khal Qovo. The Khalasar rode towards each other and then ... they finally met.

The clash was ferocious. The two Khalasars collided with the force of a storm. Metal clashing against metal, and cries of fury mingling with the screams of the wounded. Arakhs slashed through the air, finding their marks without any form of precision, while spears thrust and parried amidst the chaos. It was a chaotic experience to be a part of. Ra's noted this problem and knew that he would have to change this in the future. But right now, he didn't focus on that, he was busy cutting down the enemies like wheat. 

Ra's swung his sword at enemy Dothraki, while his horse sped through the rivalling Khalasar. Fighting at such high intensity on horseback was a new experience. He hadn't done that yet. His Khalasar only had minor clashes and fights since he took over. But he was adapting rather nicely. His perception managed to pick up details that would have been impossible for anyone except Slade. 

Ra's swung his sword to the right, using his horse's momentum and cutting through a Dothraki rider. He held on to the reins with his left hand, while his right easily cut through another rider. His strength was high enough to withstand the high speeds effortlessly. 




One after the other, Ra's cut through enemy Dothraki like paper. The ground became a battlefield littered with fallen warriors and bleeding horses, as the two Khalasars fought with an intensity fueled by disgust and tribal rivalries. Dust swirled around them, veiling the combatants and making the fight harder as time passed. 

But no matter the chaos, carnage and death, neither side gave up, each determined to emerge victorious and destroy the other Khalasar. Blood painted the plains red and gore gave it a special touch. 


Ra's was under a lot of pressure right now. The Dothraki of the opposing Khalasar seemed to have recognised him and were focusing their attention on him and Slade. He dodges out of the way of the first few arakhs but finally one of them manages to cut into his side, injuring him. He doesn't care though and simply continues with the carnage. 

Contrary to what he expected though, one of the Dothraki warriors rams Ra's horse with his own, causing both of them to fall to the ground. Ra's horse falls on his left leg and breaks it. But he doesn't care about that either. With a strong pull, Ra's rips his leg off and moves away from the downed horses. 

Seeing this scene many of the enemy Dothraki widen their eyes in shock and back off a bit. The determination of Ra's to continue fighting and not caring about his wound to such a degree has never been seen before. Slade reaches Ra's position and jumps down to stand next to him. He helps him up to his ... foot.

"Help me up a horse.", Ra's commands. Slade simply nods his head and doesn't question his Khal. He helps him up a horse where Ra's looks to his right and sees the enemy Khal, Khal Qovo.

They sit on their horses opposite each other. Khal Qovo smiles like a predator as he sees Ra's' bleeding wound. 

"Sekke yeri ha nakhaan decide to hatif anna, disgrace! Haha, anha will gende out yeri lekh ma make yeri eat anna. hahahaha!" - (So you finally decide to face me, disgrace?! Haha, I will rip out your tongue and make you eat it. Hahahaha!), Khal Qovo says and charges right at Ra's who still has the same expression on his face. 

The pain would make any man pass out. But Ra's al Ghul is not any man, he is a Warlord and a Khal ... the greatest Khal to ever exist. 


There is no chakra in this story. Chiyo's healing are magic.

Next chapter