

Upon departing Solosaxian's barren, cell-like quarters, Kaia plopped down, prompting Cairn to do the same.

"That was intense..." muttered Cairn, unashamedly leaning against Kaia and burying his face into her side. She tensed a little as he did so, but not from aversion. Instead, she placed her hand atop his head, caressing it as she replied, "Indeed..." in a restless tone...

"What will you do about His Holiness's requests...?" asked Kaia, feeling a little calmer as the coolness of the stone floor flowed into her belly and gradually spread through her body.


Now that he could think straight, Cairn took a moment to consider what Solosaxian had requested of him. Beyond taking the Saintess with them, the humanoid Dragon had asked him for two favors. The first wasn't too bad, asking him not to openly abuse his status as the Champion until he was at least Level 80. The second, however, had left him feeling like he needed to get his hearing checked...

"What do you think?" asked Cairn. "Should we let someone so high profile join us? I mean, she's one of the ten Elders of the Dwarven Race..."

As ludicrous as it sounded, Solosaxian had requested that Maa Viraja be allowed to accompany them on their journey. Not to assist them, per se, but to monitor and document their progress like some naturalist. Maa had apparently traveled with the first Champion, Alfred, but only near the end of his journey. Now that a second Champion had appeared, she wanted to study and analyze him to create a more thorough chronology of his life for posterity's sake...

"I believe it would be beneficial," replied Kaia. "Even if she doesn't aid us directly, her counsel would be invaluable. And if she takes an interest in Elle or one of the other Dwarves that accompany us to the Frontier, they could learn a great deal from her..."

"Yeah, but...she's a Dwarf..." remarked Cairn. He had nothing against Dwarves, obviously, but Maa was the one that had made Elle and her sisters the way they were. They had to have acquired their free-spirited inclinations from 'someone,' and Maa was the most probable culprit.

"Ah...I understand what you mean..." replied Kaia. Every Dwarf they had come across unhesitantly propositioned Cairn for sex. If Maa was like her creations, there was a very good chance she would do the same. Even if she didn't, the odds of her asking to watch or requesting that Elle recount her experiences was extremely high. And, knowing Elle, she would happily narrate every intimate detail. She might even grade him...

"But, even so...many would pay a King's ransom just for the opportunity to consult with an Elder Dwarf," contended Kaia. "If you leverage information about your life against her, I'm certain Lady Viraja could answer just about any question you have of her. She is regarded as the most knowledgeable person in all of Plainaire. Nearly every Sage, Scholar, and Researcher who left their mark on history was one of her students..."

"Fine, you've convinced me..." groaned Cairn, unable to deny that having Maa with them far outweighed his personal feelings and discomfort. Elle would also benefit greatly from her tutelage, and while she might not truly care for him, Cairn wanted to see her succeed. If that desire resulted in him being propositioned by a 6,000-year-old Elder Dwarf, he would cross that bridge when it came...

Rising to his feet, prompting Kaia to do the same, Cairn began walking forward, saying, "Then, once we meet up with Reine, we'll make for the Freelance Company Headquarters..."

Though he should have anticipated it from the start, Cairn learned from Solosaxian that Maa was none other than the President of the Freelance Company. The position was perfect for her as it allowed her to keep tabs on the movement and growth of her creations, the Dwarves. Thus, unless they traveled to a different city to register, Cairn wouldn't be able to avoid at least meeting his would-be observer.

Nodding in affirmation, Kaia tried to cheer Cairn up by pointing out, "Look on the bright side. Reine should have acquired a new Class by now. If we consult Lady Viraja, she might be able to arrange things so that the Rainy Day Inn is well cared for in our absence..."

Stopping mid-step, Cairn looked to Kaia, compelling her to stare up and hold his gaze for several seconds until he adopted a smile and remarked, "You're getting better at handling me..."

Returning a smile, Kaia tilted her head to the side, allowing her ears to flop sideways as she asked, "Is that a bad thing...?"

"Not unless you weaponize it against me..." replied Cairn, extending his hand to ruffle Kaia's hair. At the same time, the realization that he already had a keen observer crossed his mind. One more couldn't hurt too much...





Name: Reine Dakota

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Title: Persevering(Increases stamina and reduces chances of falling ill.)

Class: Chef(Rare)


Level: 23/43(129,758/134,726)[Commoner(20), [Chef(3)]

HP: 6,076/6,076

MP: 710/710

Str: 23->28

Agi: 19

Vit: 124->138+28

Int: 43->48

Dex: 33->55+5

Cha: 48->65+31

Talent(s): [Resilience(20/20)], [Tasting(3/20)], [Cooking(43/65)], [Nurturing(39/58)], [Pain Tolerance(33/49), [Swordsmanship(29/46)], [Bartering(24/40)], [Bedroom Arts(17/35)]

Skill(s): [Preservation(1/10)], [Poison Detection(1/10)], [Charge(MAX)], [Parry(7/10)], [Shoulder Tackle(5/10)], [Lifestyle Magic(5/5)]


Upon reuniting with Reine, looking a bit worse for wear due to the stress of being treated as a VIP without explanation, the first thing Cairn did was check her Status.

"Congratulations," said Cairn, causing a cramped smile to develop across Reine's face as she asked, "Is your business done?"

Nodding in affirmation, Cairn replied, "Indeed," before asking, "You ready to go?"

"Very much so..." replied Reine, nearing closer to Cairn but taking special care not to touch him. If she had known he was someone important to the Church, she wouldn't have behaved so brazenly in the past...

"Relax," said Cairn, surprising Reine by reaching out to ruffle her hair. Her thoughts might as well be plastered on her face, causing his expression to soften as he said, "I'm no different today than I was yesterday. You might have acquired a new Class, but you're also the same. Don't start behaving differently over nothing."

"Right...I-I'll try my best..." replied Reine, still anxious but managing a marginally more sincere smile. However, just to be safe, Cairn had Kaia escort her to the Inn, promising they would visit the Freelance Company together another day. If she learned he also had 'connections' with the President of the Freelance Company, Cairn was afraid she might crumple on the spot...




Though not as tall as some of the other skyscrapers in the area, the headquarters of the Freelance Company stood out due to its sleek and comparably 'modern' design. It had two towers, one slightly larger than the other, linked by numerous open-air terraces populated by rare plants and trees. The predominately white exterior was covered in a specialized heat-absorbing material that converted sunlight into energy, and, as if to emphasize its 'eco-friendliness,' the towers were situated on a large plot of land with neatly arranged trees and artificial streams.

"If the Dwarves have this kind of technology, I'm surprised they haven't colonized space..." muttered Cairn, genuinely impressed by the marvel of engineering that was the Freelance Company Headquarters, also known as the Innovata Towers.

Stepping into the large, exceptionally clean, and air-conditioned lobby, Cairn barely had time to take in his surroundings before a three-wheeled automaton with a cylindrical body approached him, scanning him with a horizontal beam of light before stating, "You are not recorded within our systems. Are you a client, or have you come to register as a Freelancer?"

Though he was momentarily taken aback by the fact a literal robot had rolled up to him, Cairn responded, "I plan to register, but before that, I am here to meet with your President. She should be expecting me. My name's Cairn."

"Processing, please wait a moment..." replied the robot, the trio of tiny lenses representing its eyes blinking in a counterclockwise sequence for several seconds. When it was done, all three eyes lit up, turning green as it said, "Please follow me."

"Sure," replied Cairn, following after the speedy little automaton as it led him to what he thought was an elevator. It very well might have been, but because he didn't feel even a hint of acceleration after the doors closed, Cairn was left feeling confused when the doors opened, revealing a suite-like room with luxurious furniture, red carpeting, and a chandelier formed entirely of Mana Crystals...

"Please exit the transporter," said the robot, unable to enter the room and continue leading Cairn.

Following the robot's directions, Cairn stepped out of the transporter and turned around, blinking in surprise as the doors closed seamlessly before 'shifting' to provide an overview of the city. Similar 'displays' covered the entire wall, giving the illusion that the room was located on the periphery of the upper levels when it was actually deep underground.

"So, you're the Champion...?" asked a deep, feminine voice from behind Cairn, prompting him to turn around and find a short woman staring up at him with half-lidding black eyes and a notably mischievous smile. The fact she had snuck up on him was surprising in and of itself, but what truly left Cairn at a loss was his inability to see her Status...

Giving the mysterious woman a somewhat 'devilish' appearance, her fairly short, black-and-white hair was fashioned in a way that framed her face and provided her with two horns. Such a peculiar style was a tell-tale sign that she was a Dwarf, but her height distinguished her even further. Most Dwarves were between 130-140cm. The woman before him, however, was comparably tall at 155.

Recovering from his stupor, Cairn asked, "Are you Maa Viraja?" with raised brows.

"People who answer questions with questions are lower than even the basest of insects," replied the woman. "But yes, I am the one known as Maa Viraja. You may address me as Vira."

"And I'm Cairn," replied Cairn, adopting a smile as he added, "But you already knew that, making your previous question meaningless. Well, not meaningless, but definitely redundant..."

"Oho~? You're a smarmy one," mused Vira, narrowing her eyes and smiling even wider as she eyed Cairn up and down.

"Then, on to a more pertinent question," said Vira, raising her face to meet Cairn's gaze. "Have you come to offer your consent regarding my request to observe and study you? I know you met with that sentimental old lizard before coming here."

"Let's talk terms," said Cairn. "Though, before that, I would appreciate it if you appeared in person. I don't know if this is some kind of hologram, but it's discomfiting..."

Catching Cairn completely off guard, Vira extended her very real hand to trace her finger along his chest, musing, "I've had six-thousand years to study the Insight Skill. Without a supporting Talent like True Sight of the Ancient Dragon, you have no way of peering at my secrets..."

"Then consider that one of my terms," asserted Cairn. "You can see my Status and expect me to expose myself to your observation and scrutiny. Do you expect me to agree to such a one-sided arrangement?"

Exhaling an amused chuckle, Vira retracted her hand from Cairn's chest, licking the finger she used to touch him before asking, "So, you're saying that if I want to study you, I need to expose myself to a similar level of scrutiny? Well, I can say this much. You're unquestionably shrewder than that muscle-head, Albert..."

Without waiting for Cairn's response, Vira turned around, saying, "Follow me," in a curt tone. The former was tempted to refuse, forcing her to ask nicely, but he decided it would be best if he didn't push his luck too much. He had already decided to agree to Vira's request, with conditions, so he didn't want to antagonize her too much. He had no idea if she were petty or easygoing, but what he did know was that she could manipulate genes. If he didn't want to wake up bald or with cat ears, it was probably best to stay on her good side...




(A/N: Level 100 Stalker acquired...?)

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