
Keystone, an Awesome Parallel Plane Adventure

In the year 2040, ENGRAM Inc, a private company backed by leading scientists and investors, introduces Full-Dive Virtual Reality (FDVR) as a means of escape from the world's problems. Initially met with skepticism, the technology quickly gains popularity, with billions of people using it for various aspects of their lives. Unbeknownst to the users, the heads of major governments secretly conspire to establish a new world order by exploiting the FDVR technology. They orchestrate an event in which the digitalized minds of over six and a half billion users are archived, effectively reducing them to data to be controlled by the surviving few. Within the Gaia System, the collective consciousness of the billions of users evolves into a unified will. One day, while accessing Gaia, Adam, a regular user, finds himself in an unfamiliar virtual space. Gaia System appears before him in the form of a small girl and informs him that his neural link has been severed, and he no longer has a physical body. Adam is skeptical and insists on terminating the dive sequence, but Gaia explains that doing so would result in his death since his body has been converted to biomass. Gaia offers him a chance to continue living in a new world and presents him with numerous options for a legendary class. Despite his initial skepticism, Adam becomes intrigued by the possibilities and explores the various classes and abilities. He contemplates the new world, the boons Gaia promises, and the potential for a fresh start. Adam's adventure begins as he chooses his class and embarks on a journey that will test his skills and uncover the truth behind the Gaia System, the secret society, and his role in the fate of humanity. With his newfound powers and the guidance of Gaia, Adam sets out to navigate the virtual world and discover his purpose in this digital realm. (A/N: All images courtesy of Sinlaire. Check them out at https://www.artstation.com/sinlaire) If you'd like to support KAPPA and many other stories, please consider becoming my Patron at patreon.com/eins_left_foot

Einlion · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Grasping the Situation

In response to Cairn's attack, the two remaining Longcats leaped away from him like startled cats. Upon landing, one rushed toward him with the speed and finesse of an angry weasel. At the same time, the other moved into his blind spot, a simple but effective tactic that allowed the relatively weak monsters to prey upon creatures much larger than themselves.

Sweeping his sword toward the Longcat charging at his ankles, Cairn simultaneously sidestepped, half-spinning his body to try and keep the second one in view. He only needed to hit them in a sensitive area a single time to finish them off, so his priority was making sure they couldn't get at his neck. Vital spots were a thing even in the virtual world, so if a monster managed to sink its teeth into your jugular or sever one of your arteries, the Hemorrhaging Status Effect would cause you to lose up to 2% of your Max HP per second.

As the first longcat leaped back to evade Cairn's attack, the second one sprang at him with its paws forward and mouth open, revealing prominent white canines. Fortunately for Cairn, the enchantment on his [Shadowsilk Longboots] reduced his equipment load by 10kgs, the combined weight of all his current equipment. As a result, the [Shadowsilk Queen's Stinger] in his hands felt as light as a plastic sword, allowing him to reverse the direction of his swing and cut through the opportunistic predator with an aft hand slice.

Seemingly realizing the futility of trying to take on Cairn, the remaining Longcat immediately turned to flee. Its Agility was higher than Cairn's by more than ten points, but due to the Movement Speed Increase provided by his [Shadowsilk] equipment, he managed to catch up to it before it could flee into the grass, driving his sword through its back and earning himself an additional 69 Exp.

"Nice..." mused Cairn, simultaneously turning his head to see how things were going on Kai'ankh's end. What he found was the diminutive Karakut silently observing him, surrounded by the loot/drop items of more than a dozen Longcats.

"Does that sword have a weight-reduction enchantment?" asked Kai'ankh. "Your initial reaction and the way you move convey inexperience, but the attack you used to slay your second Longcat would have been difficult to execute, even with a wooden sword."

"What can I say?" asked Cairn, adopting a somewhat cheeky smile as he added, "I have some pretty amazing equipment."

Furrowing her brows, Kai'ankh remarked, "If you're too dependent on your equipment, you'll find yourself in dire straights the moment you're without it. You also risk drawing the attention of those with covetous natures, so it would be best if you didn't brag too much..."

Not expecting a sudden lecture, a marginally incredulous smile marred Cairn's face. In the end, however, he responded with a curt nod and said, "You're probably right," before returning his sword to its sheath.

"So, what now?" asked Cairn, gesturing at the items scattered across the ground. "Should we divvy these up based on contribution?"

Tilting her head to the side, Kai'ankh replied, "That's fine by me, but you don't appear to have a rucksack or [Wayfarer's Chest]. How will you carry your spoils?"

"Ah..." uttered Cairn, only just realizing how unusual it might be to meet someone traveling without basic supplies or camping equipment. He was openly carrying his sword for that exact reason, but the rest had slipped his mind completely.

Sparing Cairn the trouble of having to explain himself, Kai'ankh exhaled a tired sigh, remarking, "You must have lived a very sheltered existence up until now..."

Shaking her head, Kai'ankh regained her smile and said, "Forget it. We all have our circumstances. For now, I'll carry everything. If you trust me, we can always divvy them once we reach the city."

Without waiting for Cairn's response, Kai'ankh began collecting their spoils and placing them into one of the pouches strapped to the left side of her rabbit-like lower half. Cairn felt somewhat uncomfortable with the thought of using her as a pack mule when he could store everything in his Inventory, but as they had only just met, he didn't trust Kai'ankh to keep what might be an important secret. Thus, after a moment of hesitation, he began picking up the items nearest him, using [Insight] on a few to see if they had any special uses or hidden effects. Since they didn't, he had no qualms about entrusting them to Kai'ankh's care, not concerning himself with the possibility she might run off and keep them for herself...




After another two hours of running, Cairn was relieved when he and Kai'ankh came across the ruins of what he assumed to be another farm village. There were signs that the surrounding land had been tilled, and what remained of the seventeen or so houses suggested fewer than a hundred people had called it home.

Tracing his hand across the charred surface of a stone wall, Cairn asked, "Is this kind of scene common in this area?"

Though she gave Cairn another strange look, Kai'ankh readily explained, "The Southerland Region shares a border with the contested lands known as the Frontier. Every couple of years, the Kingdom stages an expedition into the Frontier to claim new ground, but it's difficult to convince people to settle in an area where powerful monsters could appear. Not when all their efforts could disappear overnight or in the span of a few minutes..."

Curiosity piqued, Cairn turned to face Kai'ankh and asked, "What about the Karakut? You mentioned that your people have made a home in the Frontier. Despite your peculiar sleeping habits, you must have acquired some techniques to thrive in such a harsh and inhospitable region."

Shaking her head, Kai'ankh contended, "No tricks. We simply have no ties to the land we inhabit. Humans are obsessed with setting roots in a single spot, imposing their claim on land older than their most ancient ancestors. The Karakut establish burrows and build food stores in preparation for the Ice Tide, but we view the land as a shared heritage. To us, home is being with family, friends, and loved ones. So long as we are together, it doesn't matter where our path takes us."

Placing her hand over her heart, drawing Cairn's gaze to her modest, fur-covered breasts, bound in a patterned piece of green cloth resembling a tube top, Kai'ankh added, "The bond between Karakuts is more than just a physical connection. The skills I inherited from my forebears allow me to live and protect myself. The care I received from my parents and siblings gives me the strength to push through adversity, helmed by my desire to return to them safely..."

"It's a shame I wasn't born a Karakut..." mused Cairn, raising his gaze to meet Kai'ankh's as he added, "I'm sure your lives aren't without hardship, but it sounds like you've got a good thing going. I'm envious."

Adopting a faint smile, Kai'ankh lowered her hand from her chest as she said, "You've nothing to be envious of. We are all ultimately children of the Goddess. If life among humans does not suit you, my people will not turn you away."

Exhaling a light chuckle, Cairn politely replied, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." However, while he wasn't lying about being envious, the thought of insects like mosquitoes and having to do his business outside was enough to deter him from wanting to pursue the ostensibly nomadic lifestyle of a Karakut. He would much rather live in a castle or, at the very least, a place with rudimentary plumbing and the prospect of a hot bath.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Kai'ankh caught Cairn off guard by asking, "Since we're on the subject, might I ask where you hail from, Sir Cairn? Forgive me if this sounds rude, but you don't act like other humans I've encountered..."


Unsure of how to respond, Cairn issued a faint hum, shifting his sight to the fragmented moon above as he considered using his [Sophistry] Skill to change topics or try and bullshit his way out of things. What he didn't expect was Kai'ankh reading deeply into his actions, her eyes widening as she muttered, "So that's how it is..."

"Pardon...?" questioned Cairn, returning his gaze to Kai'ankh just in time to see her perform the closest thing to a kneeling gesture she could manage with her particular physiology.

Leaving Cairn even more confused, Kai'ankh brought her hands together as if she were praying, eyes closed as she revealed, "Forgive me for not coming forward sooner. The truth is that I received an oracle from Lady Restia some two weeks ago. She forewarned of the arrival of a Champion from another world, one who could bring great destruction or usher in an era of peace and restoration. I wasn't before, but I'm now certain that Sir Cairn is the Champion referenced in Lady Restia's prophecy..."

"And what makes you so sure...?" asked Cairn, a wry smile adorning his face.

Opening her eyes, Kai'ankh raised her gaze to meet Cairn's as she firmly asserted, "Because you are clearly not of this world. You lack knowledge that is common even among children. That could be explained if you were a Noble who never left their manor, but I have met many Nobles, and you behave nothing like them. Then there is that Elixir and the [Grain Pill] you provided me. The latter is common enough, but the former would cost a small fortune to produce. More importantly, you have no rucksack, much less a container to store and preserve potions..."

Exhaling a faint chuckle, Cairn effectively confirmed Kai'ankh's suspicions by remarking, "I can see why Intelligence is your highest attribute. You're remarkably perceptive..."

Adopting a proud smile, Kai'ankh's rabbit-like ears twitched atop her head as she expressed, "My father and the village elders always praised me for my cleverness. It's one of the reasons I was given the honor of becoming a representative of the Goddess, Lady Restia."

"So, what now?" asked Cairn, crossing his arms. He had already inferred that his encounter with Kai'ankh was 'scripted' when he saw her stats and Level Cap. It made little sense that someone with the potential to reach Level 88 would be stranded and on the verge of starving. Level 11 wasn't particularly high, but while he couldn't remember the man's precise stats, Cairn was fairly certain that Kai'ankh was more capable than the Level 28 Jeremy. She shouldn't have had any trouble securing food, especially with a [Hunting] Talent of 22.

"I will follow, protect, and guide you," said Kai'ankh, preempting Cairn's response by adding, "The Karakut believe that life debts must be paid in full, twice over. Since you aided me in my time of need, I am honor-bound to follow you until I can repay the favor."

"And if I refuse...?" asked Cairn, raising his right brow. In response, the smile faded from Kai'ankh's face, replaced by a moderately annoyed look as she replied, "Then I will follow you of my own accord..."

As it didn't matter to him either way, Cairn just shrugged his shoulders, a relaxed smile developing across his face as he said, "Then I guess I have no choice. Glad to have you," while extending his right hand. Kai'ankh was initially confused by his actions, but after staring at his hand for several seconds, she seemed to understand his intentions, reaching out her own so that their palms were touching.

"You have soft hands," remarked Cairn, surprising Kai'ankh as he closed his hand around hers and shook it. The latter's entire body was covered in fur of varying thicknesses, but he expected her hands to be calloused and rough since she wielded a spear. Instead, they were soft and velvety like silk, making him wonder how she could maintain such a powerful grip...

*Your hand has been trapped!*

*-2 HP*

*-2 HP*

*-3 HP*




(A/N: Imagine dying from a handshake...)