
he knows what we know

"so the kidnapper lives in the dark. and he has a lot of people who cover him but the real question is... is he human? "my brother paused after and stood for a second just listening. everyone went quite . no one even breathing. " well... that was dark son"my father said breaking the ice. "your going to scare your sister" my mother companied. "well she needs to know what's going on or she may be in danger and get kidnapped again. " my brother said confidently. "your scaring he again" my mother yelled.

"ring, ring" someone's calling but who's phone is it. I look at mother and father and then my brother. nope not ours but then.... who's. who's phone rang. was... someone watching us right now. we all look around. nope but we expected this. after the ringing stopped we searched the room acting clueless. and found the phone by chance and turned it on. times like this having my mother comes In of use. but when we turned the phone on there were no lockes it was open and already at a picture. the picture was a picture of a grave, I knew this grave it... it was my great grandmother's grave. and in bold wrote "stop acting bump I know you know about me pawns. " pawns is he talking about the old man and Tony?was he watching us right now?