
Key to my heart ❤️

************ I walked into the class and was very happy it was empty. I needed a quiet place to cool off after the argument I had with Dad this morning. I fucking hate that man. I walked over to my seat and dumped myself there putting my face in my palms. I was startled when I heard footsteps at the door. "Who is here this early" I asked myself and looked up sharply. Immediately I got lost in her pretty blue eyes, I just realized I needed her, looking at her, I felt okay but she removed her eyes and moved to her seat to eat. "What is she doing here this early, Should I apologize to her for what happened yesterday?" I asked myself "No! Don't apologize" was what my mind kept telling me. I decided to just sit still and watch her. She ate like a goddess, chewing the food gracefully before she swallows. She finished eating and was going to trash the cup and paper bags when all of a sudden, she slipped and fell straight on my laps startling me. The cup and paper bags fell off her hands and she held me tight scared that she might fall. After a few minutes, she realized where she was and she looked up slowly starring into my eyes. I saw the scared look on her face, she bit her lower lip making her look extra cute and seductive. She was sitting on my laps and all I wanted to do at this point is kiss her full lips. I brushed strands of her hair aside, tucking it behind her ear, leaned in and was about to capture her lips when someone gasped at the door. "Fuck" I cursed in a low voice and pulled away from her. She whimpered and ran off. I looked at the intruder, she is one of Morgan's minions. I hissed and left the class for my private office.

Lilly_Amarikwa · Teen
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36 Chs

Not again!

Candy's POV

I got down from Bella's car and walked straight into the school building with my head up high. I wasn't going to let what happened yesterday bring me down. I walked with Christy and Bella and we went straight to the classroom. We took our seats and waited for the teacher.

A few minutes later, Mr Foreman walked in majestically. He is the Physics teacher and has that fatherly look in his eyes. He walked to the board and wrote his name, subject and topic. He turned and started asking questions concerning the topic he was about to teach. All of a sudden he turned to me and asked "Young lady, what's a potentiometer?".

I stood up quickly to answer the question when Brian walked in and the answer got stuck in my throat. Our eyes met but I looked away immediately. He walked over to his seat and settled down looking at me intently. I lost focus and started stammering the answer.

Mr Foreman looked disappointed and was about to ask me to seat down but I summoned the courage and answered "A potentiometer is a device used in the laboratory to measure potential difference". He smiled and asked me to seat.

He started teaching but I couldn't focus at all so I decided to go to the restroom to clear my head. I took permission from Mr Foreman and hurriedly left.

Brian's POV

I walked in the moment I heard the teacher's question which was thrown at her. I looked at her and she lost her focus. I smirked and went over to my seat. From my seat, I admired her curves which could trace carefully in her tight gown.

She looks so cute and seductive in this dress. I heard her answer the question and I felt proud but I noticed she was uneasy as she sat down, then she excused herself and left the class. I felt like following her but I sat back and watched her leave.

Candy's POV

I splashed water on my face and was about to leave the restroom when Morgan and two other girls walked in looking like they're at war. "Not again!" I exclaimed inwardly and was about to move out when Morgan pushed me back and grabbed my hair and said menacingly "How dare you try to snatch my boyfriend from me?". I said while struggling "I don't understand what you mean by that you bitch".

"You keep staring at my man and I want to teach you a lesson you would never forget, so that anytime you hear of him, you will whimper and run away in fear" She said grinning wickedly. I couldn't take this anymore so I pulled free and smacked her across the face and hit her head on the sink. She fell down screaming and bleeding from a cut on her forehead.

I smiled coolly and faced her minions but they just screeched and ran away frightened. I bent over to her, pulled her hair to ensure she was looking at me and said coldly "Next time you pick on somebody your own size, I'm way stronger than you and your fucking boyfriend. You get me?".

She gritted her teeth in anger but I just smirked, pushed her onto the floor and walked away. Like I said, I'm ready for all of them😒.

Dear readers ❤️, hope you're enjoying my storyline. Please review, comment, correct and like my story. Purple y'all 💜....