
Key to my heart ❤️

************ I walked into the class and was very happy it was empty. I needed a quiet place to cool off after the argument I had with Dad this morning. I fucking hate that man. I walked over to my seat and dumped myself there putting my face in my palms. I was startled when I heard footsteps at the door. "Who is here this early" I asked myself and looked up sharply. Immediately I got lost in her pretty blue eyes, I just realized I needed her, looking at her, I felt okay but she removed her eyes and moved to her seat to eat. "What is she doing here this early, Should I apologize to her for what happened yesterday?" I asked myself "No! Don't apologize" was what my mind kept telling me. I decided to just sit still and watch her. She ate like a goddess, chewing the food gracefully before she swallows. She finished eating and was going to trash the cup and paper bags when all of a sudden, she slipped and fell straight on my laps startling me. The cup and paper bags fell off her hands and she held me tight scared that she might fall. After a few minutes, she realized where she was and she looked up slowly starring into my eyes. I saw the scared look on her face, she bit her lower lip making her look extra cute and seductive. She was sitting on my laps and all I wanted to do at this point is kiss her full lips. I brushed strands of her hair aside, tucking it behind her ear, leaned in and was about to capture her lips when someone gasped at the door. "Fuck" I cursed in a low voice and pulled away from her. She whimpered and ran off. I looked at the intruder, she is one of Morgan's minions. I hissed and left the class for my private office.

Lilly_Amarikwa · Teen
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36 Chs

I don't love you

Morgan's POV

When Selina rushed over to my table to tell me she saw Brian and Candy together at the back of the school. I didn't twice before I stood up and ran towards that block of the school building.

I arrived just in time and when I realized that Brian was going to kiss that whore, I screamed in fury and charged at Candy but Brian stood in my way and he looked pissed off. I gritted my teeth but then he didn't care and just pulled me away from there with agility.

By the time we got to his office I was already in tears cause of the humiliation as students watched him treat me this way. I kept pleading with him to let go of my wrist but it seemed like I was pouring water on a rock.

In his office, he left me and I slumped in a chair crying thinking he would at least apologize or maybe cuddle me but after he started yelling at me, I knew my dreams were miles away from me. "What is wrong with you Morgan? I don't know you to be this way. Are you really that obsessed with me that you go about hurting people?" He fired at me.

I looked at him sharply and said "You call my love for you an obsession?" He acted like I didn't just speak and continued with what he was saying "I want you to stay away from Candy. Any other day you touched as much as the hairs on her head, you won't escape my wrath. I know you're the one behind the cold room incident the other day but I'm going to overlook it and pretend it never happened".

I stood up shocked that he knew but I tried to use the incident to her advantage. "You are overlooking the issue because you love me Brian and you don't wanna see me get hurt. Just admit it babe" I said coming closer and caressing his cheeks.

I was utterly surprised when he caught my arm and removed it sharply from his cheeks. "What's wrong with you Brian? I'm your girlfriend for crying out loud" "Not anymore Morgan cause I'm officially ending this fucked up relationship between us" He said going over to his bar to pour himself a drink.

I was shocked to the bones at his words. "I don't get you babe, you're joking right cause if you're joking it's not funny". He looked at me sharply and said "Do I look like a clown to you? Have I ever shared a joke with you before? Morgan I'm ending this relationship because that's what's best for you and I".

"I don't love you and I never will. I just left this whole thing before cause of the relationship between my family and yours" He said slowly to me without any sign of regret in his eyes. I tried my luck again by saying "Then let's continue our relationship because of our families. Remember I'm the one your Mum chose for you before she died so you have to honour her wishes".

Immediately I mentioned his Mum, he bowed his head and became silent, I thought my plan of using his Mum against him worked so I tried to get close to him but he suddenly lifted his head and yelled at me with red eyes "How dare you bring my mother into this? Get out of here! Get out!" I was terribly scared of his anger now so I hurriedly took my bag and left.

When I stepped out I felt my crying and rushed to the restroom to prevent students from seeing me. I cried for sometime but then I looked at my reflection in the mirror and said to myself "Brian is mine! No one else can have him except from me. I'll get you back Brian I bloody swear!".

Dear readers ❤️, the story is going deeper. Hope you're enjoying your time with me and my book🥰. I'm doing my best for you guys. Purple y'all 💜...

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