
Kevin's life season 1

the tale of the boy version of Kimi of how he got his powers and how it is different from Kimi's and how he handles stuff

Kanisha_kimi · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

episode 1

(The screen shows a African American boy: Kevin who has short/long hair, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and white shoes riding on a skateboard with another boy: Charlie who has short fluffy brown hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes on a high tech scooter. Both of them are flying through the neighborhood)

Kevin (feeling wind against his face): Awesome!

Charlie: I agree!

Kevin: Charlie!

Charlie: Yes.

Kevin: Have you read my new superhero comic?

Charlie: Yeah, and I also saw how popular it became.

Kevin: Yeah, it's awesome.

Charlie: I know

(Charlie and Kevin pass a house, and sees a blur passed them, then makes them spin around)

(Charlie lands on Kevin, and they accidentally kiss)

Charlie: Oops!

A girl voice: How cute!

(Charlie and Kevin notice a girl: Rey who has long red hair, wearing a red headband with two little wings on it, red shirt with a picture of a sun and moon, white/black pants, and moon boots)

Charlie and Kevin: Rey!

Rey (poses): Yes, it is I (speeds around them again) The fastest girl in the neighborhood (laughs heartily)

Kevin: Are you ever going to get tired with those boots?

Rey: Never! Plus, my dad added more speed to it.

Kevin (while Charlie is fixing his hair): Yeah, we noticed.

Rey: So, Kevin?

Kevin: What?

Rey: Are you coming to the field trip this year?

Kevin: Yes, with my job, I earned enough money for the field trip.

Charlie: Which wasn't necessary, I told you, I could've lend you some money.

Kevin: No. No. No. I promised I wouldn't take any money from you.

Charlie: You are too sweet.

Rey: The fact that you used to be a leader of a gang is a surprise.

(Kevin started to sweat)

Kevin (thought): That's right, I never told them that I never quit, and I meet my members every night.

Charlie(waves his hand): Kevin! Kevin! Kevin! 

Rey (whispers): Charlie (blows a kiss)

(Charlie blushes, he sees Kevin still frozen)

(Charlie kiss Kevin on the cheek, Kevin blinks his eyes, and Kevin's face turns red)

Charlie: Sorry, that was Rey's idea.

Kevin (turns to Rey): Rey! I should've known it was you.

Rey: Guilty is charged, but I can't help it, I mean you are already an item, just you two still act shy.

Kevin and Charlie (angry): We don't..

Rey: Do too.

(Rey stares intensely with Charlie and Kevin for a few seconds, then they notice the sun coming down)

Kevin: Oh! I guess we have to go.

Charlie: Say! Kevin

Kevin: Yes

Charlie (blushes): Do you...maybe..want to have a movie night at my house?

Kevin (blushes): Sure! Let's do it.

Charlie: Great (hugs Kevin)

(The screen switches to Kevin and Charlie at a mansion)

Rey: See you tomorrow at school.

Kevin: Bye!

Charlie: See ya!

(Charlie and Kevin enters Charlie's mansion)

(Inside the mansion is many maids and butlers)

Servants: Welcome Master Charlie!

Charlie: Hello!

Kevin: Hi!

Servants: Welcome back Master Kevin!

(Charlie takes Kevin upstairs and they see a woman: Lady J who has long brown hair with spike ends, wearing a white dress with a headphones on)

Lady J: Charlie! You're home! I'm sorry, I was busy with...hey, Kevin

Kevin: Hi, miss J.

Lady J (smiles): Charlie, you know you two have school tomorrow?

Charlie: please let me stay, he's literally next door.

Lady J: Hmmm…

Kevin: Please Miss J.

Lady J (thumbs up): Okay!

(Charlie hugs Kevin)

(A camera flashed)

(Kevin and Charlie look up and see a man who has short blonde hair, wearing a black jacket, white shirt, black pants, and black shoes holding a floating camera to his face beside Lady J)

Charlie: Mom!

Lady J (waving the camera): Just adding it for the picture book of mine.

Kevin: You're still doing that?!

Lady J: Of course (phone rings) Yes (walks away) 

(Lady J goes downstairs, scans her hand, and a staircase is revealed. The staircase leads to a lab and the entrance to this closed)

Lady J: What do you want?

A Male voice: You can't hide him anymore, we have found him

Lady J (serious): I won't let you.

Male voice: You can't protect him forever.

Lady J: As long as he is under my care, he will be protected 

Male voice: That's what you think.

(The male hangs up the call)

(The screen switches to a dark room)

Male voice: Send Sector E

(Back to Lady J in the lab)

A female voice: Sounds like...you got into quite the predicament...should I help you 

(A girl who has straight brown hair, wearing a green cape, green gloves, red sleeveless shirt, green shorts, and green boots named Starlight coming out of the shadows)

Lady J: I just brought you to life last week.

A male voice: But, she's not

(A boy who has long silver hair, brown skin, wearing a white suit named Foxie)

Lady J (shocked): You didn't…

Starlight: I summoned him,and through convincing and (holding dog biscuits) snacks

Lady J: Is that dog biscuits?

Foxie: I'm part...every animal, but I like being a dog and wolf the most.

Lady J: How can you help me?

(Foxie whistles)

(Four people appear with terrifying aura around them and glowing eyes)

(Lady J smiles)

(The screen switches to Kevin and Charlie eating popcorn, while looking at the TV in the dark)

Female actor: I do love you, but I know you don't love me like I do.

Male actor (confused): What? What do you mean?

Female actor: I know you respect me as a friend and love me, but I know we can't be in love because your love isn't the same as my love.

Male actor: Are you breaking up with me?

Female actor: Yes, you must find your own love, true love. If you stay with me, you won't find it.

Male actor: I understand...I'll accept your feelings 

(Charlie and Kevin started to touch hands, while watching the movie)

(Charlie and Kevin smile at each other, then they put a cover each other)

(Episode ends)