

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

Lemon_D · Realistic
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73 Chs

16__The welcoming part (DK the rapper!)

After Kevan leaving me inside, I went to bed to have some sleep but whenever I tried to sleep, i couldn't sleep.

I started thinking of how he dragged me outside with me wearing only my night gown. 'He actually did it' you wouldn't be live me if I told you that this guy was the first person who dared to slap me.

Was it because he was stupid or he didn't know who he messed with.

But according to how he behaves, he always never had a second thought when someone attacks him. Be it directly or indirectly, I even don't know where his line of temper stops. What I know is that, he is the first person who doesn't care about who you are or what you are to do something to you. He was different not like the other guys of this school who always had to respect me because of the fear they have towards my father's.

But this Ken was different, so different to stick in my mind making me lose sleep whenever I had that thought of him being INA relationship with my step-sister.

Yesterday I even failed to sleep because of the dream I had in the mid night. I saw Ken kissing Klara in public as proof that he really loved her back. But is true that Klara loved Ken for real or we are just trying to force situations here, I even don't know why Momo got that stupid information from just a hug.

It would've been another person but not Klara.

'Why Klara? Why not Klara?

She is beautiful maybe even more than me.

She can dance too, she is friendly and he likes her but he hates me.

He hates me because I treat him a pet as he said. The thought of him hating me made me lose appetite.

But yeah, he was free to hate me. I have been nothing but a bad person to him. I must hate him even more, do bad things only just to make him leave willingly or forcefully.

"Relax, why are you moving back and forth inside your bed? The mimes have begun won't you join me to the main hall?" Momo found Klara in her bed doing nothing similar to sleeping.

"Can a hug from no where really make people think that it was a hug of love." I was also wondering what I was asking Momo but I needed a reply.

But instead of her answering me, she just hugged me tightly before stepping back from my bed.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked waiting for a satisfying reply.

"Nothing, I just hugged you out of nowhere. Do you know why?" She instead asked so I shook my head not knowing what she meant.

"It's because I was worried about you and that'a why I hugged you. I knew you will not understand why I hugged you but after telling you why, I hope you understood." She continued to explain.

"I don't care about what the people present will say because they don't know why I did it, so shall we proceed to the Main Hall?"

Thinking about the mimes, I really wanted to see how interesting it is going to be this time. So we walked to the Main Hall.


It was filled with sorts of students from different schools were also here plus the best school, winners of the MDD competitions of the community last year attended our welcoming party.

It was not weird to see them attend the party but most times most of the students of the visiting schools used to come after the mimes. They never wanted to pay double for the mimes and club but this time, they were all here and inside the hall which means that something special was posted to their schools. The question was, what was it anyway!

I decided to ask Eddie who was the organiser of this party, he was standing with the DJ at the Dj's box having a serious talk with the DJ as the serious look on his face was well displayed.

"You used not to be absent in the mimes house but here you are this time, are you here for the special post too or your looking for someone?" Eddies made things straight forward for me before me asking at all.

"Special post?" I never heard Momo talk about the special post.

Eddie seemed to not be surprised by her question because she rarely came to the mimes or after the mimes party so he answered.

"Do you know that rapper who made the freestyle at the pitch...who was it again, Kash?" Eddie asked for the name from Kash who was standing just besides him.

"Kevan...Kevan Dikens" Kash answered shortly.

"Yah its him, DK! that guy. So we were shooting a video secretly during the his rap and after shooting it, we displayed the video to different schools just to trend our welcoming party. It was all Kash's idea but see the results. The main hall is full and the staff has provided flat screens for the mimes and dance but the whole of these people are here for DK the rapper!" Eddie was so pleases with the situation now.

"DK the rapper?" I was wondering what it meant.

"Yah, the guys have named him that after viewing his video. Dk the rapper, ain't that cool anyway"

'So my Kevan was this famous without me knowing even! DK the rapper, its cool' I sighed.

"The reason why these guys are all here is just because they want to see him perform what is on the video. Many don't believe that it was him who was rapping." Eddie continued to explain now both of us looking at the performers on stage.

To be frank, Kevan looked nothing like what he does. First of all, he looked young. The reason why I say that he looked young is because he does things beyond his age. Am really not sure if he is in his teens but he also looks like a teenager like me. But he does things beyond my reach making him to be a 20 years plus person.

Seeing how these students failed to believe a rap video of him, who would believe that he broke Ricky's ribs anyway. Kevan just continued surprising me each and every day.

"We promised the students that he will be performing three freestyles on instrumentals only. I am also wondering how he is going to do it on instrumentals with no song." Kash was very excited.

"When is he starting?" I was also curious.

"He is the one to tell us but I heard that he will be here shortly. He will perform three times but every time he steps on the stage, it will be two songs and one freestyle."Kash continued to explain as Eddie was announcing the entrance of the other performers.

I turned my gaze to the the stage where I found three Leading Wing students. They called themselves the MIGOS. They all loved the Migos and owned a borrowing office in school called THE RICH GANG.

These guys were wealthy, they could make a party of there own without the help of the school Administration, the MDD Club or the Boxing Club.

As I was still thinking about the Migos, the stage was now filled with US dollars, I can't tell if it was fake or real money but what I know is, it is even in large amounts! Damn!

I decided to enjoy the show too. I was somehow strong now after being forced to eat something by Kevan. Where is he even, i'm seeing Klara but Job and Ganja are also no where to be seen.

"Patience colleagues, its just two songs from now and DK will be on stage." So it was not only me who was inpatient but also the crowd because after that announcement from the vise chairperson 'Eddie' a round of applause was heard from the crowd.

So its just two songs from now. I was very anxious about what he was wearing. That guy had drips but lacked shoes! Maybe one day I will buy him a pair.

I laughed at my thoughts, by him a pair as who? As my pet of course!


Of course Ken never knew that Habibah left her bed chambers and went to the party too, she was even planning on buying a pair of shoes for him as her pet. Not knowing that Ken was having three pairs of shoes now.

Two pairs from Klara and one pair fron Kate.

"Hey DK, its one song now and you must be there already, guys are waiting for you. I think you should cover your face if you don't want guys from other schools asking for word drops." I had to admit, Job deserved the title of manager, he was good at it.

He was always reminding me on how to not be nervous on stage as if I told him that it will happen and I was not planning to hide my face but I did not need to explain that to Job anyway.

I was still tightening my shoes when I had the intro of the song I was going to perform so I left the male dressing chambers with Job. I had to go with him on stage, its what he requested and the reason of it, I cant tell either, Or maybe he wanted to be my backer.

Stepping on the stage. I looked at the crowd which was very excited, I looked at the DJ showing him my right hand thumb because I had no time to waste, I had to be so direct and fast so the DJ dropped the song.

I had to perform it with someone who I did not that much but by the looks of it, the guy really knew this song so he didn't bore me a bit as I enjoyed it too. I guess the crowd didn't enjoy it that much and I knew it already, they just wanted a freestyle because Eddie had already told me about it which was just fine with me anyway.

By the end of my first song, the guy left the stage so the DJ dropped me another song. This time it was an instrumental so it had to be a freestyle.

The good thing is that it was me who gave out the instrumentals that's why my freestyles were always on flow making the crowd cheer out loud this time appreciations of cash were seen.

As I was rapping, I always liked that feeling of being caught up in the situation so I even forgot about the surrounding crowd and decided to enjoy my freestyle. It can be called a freestyle at this school but in Razor town it was different. Getting someone's instrumental from the song and making your own song but through that very sound and with some of the lyrics from the original song was called a cover song not freestyle.

A freestyle at our home town was totally different from here at school. Singing or rapping about reality on a given sound track or instrumental was the perfect explanation of a freestyle in Razor town. Freestyles were mainly performed in battle grounds, some times one on one and maybe a crew vs a crew.

Right now the stage was now full of students some dancing on the track some appreciating with cash.

And finally the track was down and whistlings of appreciation and cheers was heard from the crowd. Looking around the pleased crowd, I decided to end this with the last collaboration I had.

Seeing people enjoy my company, I was more than pleased because here guys appreciated covers and I really knew a lot of them but in Razor, no one would give a shit about any damn cover but only freestyles was a say there.

Finishing up with my last performance, I had to get some fresh air. I was exhausted for real. This hall being so big also made me feel troubled a bit, I even looked for the commonest familiar faces I knew but found none so I gave up on the thought of looking for them anymore, it was troublesome and tiresome.

Leaving the stage, I had to prepare for my second performance. But as I headed to the exit, my eyes saw leaving the hall too, I wondered why they decided to leave at the same time and thought but I couldn't figure this out.

Walking strait to the dressing room, I had to get prepared for the next performance. It was the one with Kate. Thinking about how easy and fine her song was, I decided to go out for some fresh air.

'Performing love songs is not my doing but money is my half percentage anyway' I really enjoyed this school, artists might get rich from here for sure.

The next performance was Kate's love song performance. August and Nicki Minaj. It was just a simple song so i decided to move out and have some fresh air.

Coming to the teen to buy some water, I found two guys of some school I did not know harassing a small dark skinned short boy , taking money from him when the sky is blue and no one did anything too. Who are they to be this cock in our school stealing our student in public? Looking at the boy being harassed, I recognised him. He was very silent and a less talker always wearing spectacles on his eyes.

According to Ganja's explanation, this guy was our class' book worm.

He was very wise maybe that's why he was also very small.

"Hey book worm, come here " I tried to help him indirectly at the same time trying to cause no trouble.

He walked hurried from the two boys and asked politely " what does the senior want from me " it sounded weird to me but I liked it though he seemed to be very much older than me.

"I want you to go and buy me some water from the teen" I aid but before taking out the money, he had left already to the canteen. After picking up the water he came back hurriedly.

"Here you go, thanks for helping me senior, please don't pay for the water take it as my gratitude."

He turned to leave but he was ounce again stopped by the same two guys and by the looks of it, they seemed to be very angry with him this time round.

"Let him go, i'm not requesting again, its tiresome asking for what you can get yourself anyway" Ken looked at them coldy.

"And what are you to bump in other people's business" a heroic voice sounded from the taller and bold one.

"If it concerns a student of this school, be it my friend or not, my introduction here has nothing to do with you. I think its better you deal with my polite personality or you won't like the idea which forced you to come here and start your stupid business of stealing from the weak" Ken was really impatient.

"We just want to see what you going to do if we don't do what you said anyway. I like that heroic part of yours too, hope you don't end up losing everything" the same person said clenching his fists.

They all looked at each other coldly as if anytime from now, things will be unbearable.

A smirk and a devilish smile was seen on Kevan's face " Well well, you asked for it and the food thing is that you found me in the moods today, U am good at serving too"
