

A story that takes place in a mysterious world full of magic and mythical beasts. Join Ken Ai on his adventure in exploring the entirety of the world and making many allies and enemies along the way.

SquidwardTentacles · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 31: The Present

"That's all I really have to tell you about us, since it was about 10 years ago we're forced to make a move as soon as we can... I'm sorry for involving you into this Zad, you're a kind hearted soul so don't feel inclined into helping us because we understand how dangerous this can be."

Thane smiled at Zad but any ordinary person could tell that behind that smile was a desperate cry for help.

A familiar voice spoke saying,

"Honestly, after telling such a sad story how can we not offer to help you? These corrupt nobles need to pay for their sins."

Zad looked around as if he recognised this voice.

Slowly a person emerged from the shadows behind Zad patting him on the head saying,

"So this is what you've been doing while I was gone, I must say you've acquainted yourself with some interesting people"

"Ken! When did you get here?"

"Well I came here just in time to hear that story of his."

Thane thought to himself in disbelief

"This kid... he's younger than me but he was able to conceal himself like a professional assassin this must be the person Zad spoke of."

"It's an honour to meet Zad's companion your name was Ken right?"

"Yes and you don't need to speak so formally towards me, a friend of Zad, is a friend of mine. Although I do have a question for you."

"Please, ask away."

"How do you expect to take down such a high profile figure, surely you know how strong they can really be?"

"I do know, that's why I've gathered 10 others to assist me in the coming months so I can take back my sister. Some bare a grudge against the royals, others have their own personal reasons. I'm not entirely sure if we can do it but I ask of you, with your help we might stand a better chance so please help us!"

"I never had any intention of refusing however I have a condition, you must help us out with something first."

Thane had a surprised expression looking up at Ken.

"If it's something we can assist you with do tell!"

"Let's head back to the inn and discuss everything there."

Thane nodded and the rest followed along eager to find out what Ken had planned. They reached the inn and informed Arthur who had just returned about everything.

"So first you want to fight the troll and now you want to assist someone in taking down a noble... Although, you're doing this for the right reasons I am a little familiar with the one you're going after, however this is only from rumours that have been passed down."

Thane's eyes lit up as he questioned Arthur

"I would be grateful if you could even give us a shred of information on this beast."

"Fine, as you already know he's not exactly a good person, it's said that he uses a special type of manipulation magic to create golems, to what extent though I haven't a clue. It's likely there'll be many on guard if you do end up storming in. That's the most I can tell you right now."

Ken intruded on the conversation saying,

"Well that's good and all but I think we should get to the main focus for now. Tomorrow once night falls me and Zad will go over to the training grounds and dispose of that troll. So I hope you've prepared Zad."

"Of course, it does feel a little early but I feel like the only way to progress will be by fighting."

Thane looked puzzled

"So do you want us 3 to help you fight the troll?"

Ken shook his head

"You can leave the troll to us we just need you to be on guard making sure people don't get close to the crossfire."

Fern worried for Zad and Ken said,

"Are you sure it'll be fine!? From what I've heard it's had many adventurers meet their ends!"

Elias with his arms crossed scoffed,

"Hmph, forget about them if they want to die by the trolls hands that's their decision."

Thane looked at Elias in disappointment.

"Don't mind him he means well, but I for one believe in your abilities and will be glad to keep guard while you kill that monster!"

"Then how about we get a good nights rest for now and get ready for tomorrow."

Everyone went into their respective rooms except for Ken, he stayed back with Arthur reaching into his pocket and putting the knife he grabbed previously onto the table. Arthur looked in shock saying,

"This is!?"

"One of the goblins on the road was carrying it but I'm not entirely sure what to make of it."

"You can't tell what this knife is?"

"It would help if you could enlighten me."

"An easy way to put it would be that a knife like this would be hard to come by, I can understand why they've been causing problems now... There's no ordinary way to obtain one of these things weapons like these which are imbued with strong concentrations of magic are extremely expensive and I doubt anyone with one of these would lose it to a mere goblin."

"So you're saying that someone might've given it to them?"

"It's only a possibility but you'll have to leave this with me so I can inform a certain someone about it maybe that way we'll be able to trace it back to the person who crafted it."

"I guess that's fine then, not like I need one of those since I'm pretty strong anyway."

Ken turned around walking to one of the rooms as Arthur sighed.

[The Next Day - Inn]

Ken, Zad and Thane with his 2 friends waited at the inn as night was about to fall. The room was filled with silence after a long day of preparing and waiting for this moment. To fill the void of silence Ken spoke

"Looks like it's almost time, I'm glad you didn't bail out on us Thane."

"Rest assured, even if you were to ask for our assistance against the troll we would join you no questions asked!"

"Good to hear, and don't worry after this we'll make sure to keep our promise and help you in the coming months."

Thane nodded.

"We'll head out first. Let's move Zad."

"Got it!"

Ken and Zad exited the inn heading for the former training grounds. Shortly after they left Fern spoke to Thane.

"Are you sure they're going to be okay, I went to go find out more about this troll earlier today and the things I heard were awful..."

"If they don't do it I don't think there'll be anyone else that can. Either adventurers are too afraid or they just don't care enough about a rural village like this."

"But that's..."

"That's the reality of it, the strong don't come to help people that aren't worth their time, just like with us... They should be there by now let's go, that includes you too Elias."

"Not like I have much of a choice anyway."

[Location - Former Training Grounds]

"Seems like there's a lot more light out tonight Zad, makes for a nice hunt."

"This place is kinda giving me the chills boss..."

"It'll most likely be here soon so don't go getting scared. Although this place looks like a real mess. What's with these abnormal ruptures in the ground, something feels off."

"It looks like magic might've been involved in this area, but I guess that would only be normal if other adventurers came here previously."

After a slight pause Ken encountered a surprise,

"This feeling!?!"

Feeling a slight rumble below him Ken jumped back and shouted.

"Get back Zad!"

Zad followed suit not wasting a single breath. A few seconds later the terrain where they previously stood formed in a way as if they would've been crushed had they still stood there. Ken with his eyes wide open muttered,

"Just as I suspected, this isn't an ordinary troll! No wonder it was able to kill everyone that crossed paths with it."

Shortly after a disfigured creature emerged from the trees moving slowly swaying it's long arms back and forth. It had a curved head with no eyes or ears.

"Looks like it decided to finally show itself."

Been a while since I've written a sort of longer chapter it'll probably be more like this from now on so I hope you enjoy

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