
Chapter 6

The ninja with kensuke all take out their katana and all star at the enemy with hatred and blood lust in their eyes. Kensuke takes out his katana and rushes at the enemy with his army right behind him he slashes and slashes and so do all his Allies.

The motto uchiha their all activate their basic ability of short term teleportation and begin teleporting and cast into many different genjutsu on the enemy. Kensuke moves with the wind and continues his barrage of power with his brother and father.

Then all of them look at the enemy and mutter " uchu No kusari " and Immedietly most of the enemy gets trapped. They all begin to make use of this and use vectors and closed space to begin to kill the enemy.

Eventually a few of the weaker uchiha break away their space because they couldn't handle it but kensuke and his family persevere. They continue to keep it and continue to slaughter and slaughter until all of the 800 men are dead on the floor with no one left.

Their bodies covering the entire battlefield and the stench of blood turning the clouds red and the ground permanently died red. The allied uchiha start celebrating even though 10 on their side died with one motto uchiha. Even though they are different uchiha and their eyes are different they are all of the same clan and all respect each other.

Before the men could cheer kensuke walks in front of them and shuts them up " all of you quiet down the enemy is not dead yet ". He looks towards the bushes and gestures to his men to be silent and as they use their sharingan and sense their surroundings they realize someone is there " come out we know you are there ".

The bushes move and five people come out all decorating their face with an aoi sharingan and a big knife in the middle to show how they want them dead. The motto uchiha begin cursing at them however kensuke glares at his Allie's awakens his eyes and says " Get out of here, I will not allow you to die" he uses his eyes and teleports them away, far enough for them to get to safety by teleporting themselves and helping the ones that can't.

He looks at his brother his father and the four children of his brother who are close to their adulthood. " why aren't you following them do you all want to die". His father looks at him and says

" we won't let you die and my fellow clansmen have been killed and your brothers wife has been killed just like yours as you said in your letter.DON'T FORGET THAT BOTH MY DAUGHTER UN LAWS DIED, WE WILL FIGHT WOTH YOU"

he shouts before falling into tears and so do his entire family . " ok but we have no time for tears it is time for battle". Kensuke once again activates his aoi mangekyo sharingan and so do his brother and father while his brothers family activates their mature sharingan.

His father rushes in first and begins to battle one of the people that came who also activated his sharingan. His father who's name is shintamo takes out his sword and rushes up and uses the abilities of the aoi sharingan.

He uses his time abilities and the uchu no kusari and begins slashing at the enemy. The attacker slashes back at him and uses his ability to copy any object he touches using chakra and continues his barrage.

He keeps copying his sword and keeps attacking shintamo as both his children also begin their battle with each taking on two people.

The attacker of Shinto continues using his ability and keeps shooting them towards shintamo he then posts his hand together and says fire release : great fire annihilation as a blaze of fire attacks him and then does another technique and says fire release: great fire ball jutsu and another fire goes towards him.

Shintamo repeats the same thing and another big fire goes towards the attacker while he continues the same.

He then copies swords over and keeps doing it until he has so many swords and throws them towards shintamo as he gets stabbed however he manages to stab the attacker and greatly injures him the attacker then goes into susanoo and attacks shintamo.

" ha so we're going to be doing this again well don't worry because this is our last attack. Shintamo uses his aoi mangekyo sharingan ability Amaterasu and unleashes it towards him the man gets burned and the susanoo breaks down.

Before he takes his last breath the man looks at shintamo and says " you must be purged because the shadow demanded it it and it will get what it wants " before he died from his injuries. Kensuke looks at his father and sighs in relief as he defeated his enemy and watches him sit down and rest from the exhausting fight.

Kensuke looks at the two who he knows are the strongest and continues his charge with them. They both fire two fire balls towards him one after the other as he blocks them. He uses his ability uchi no kusari and blocks them as he continuesky injures them however before he could injure them they manage to escape using their vast strength .

The one who seems to be the stronger of the two looks at kensuke and says respectfully " you are strong I understand that but the great mission that was passed upon by us of the first territory must be completed.

Our ancestors worshiped Indra and believed that they should kill all variants of uchiha by lord Indra shadow a being that looks like a shadow but with orange eyes.

We didn't believe it and didn't follow it until we met his shadow last year and It gave us our commands. So prepare to die for our ancestor".

Both men didn't waste anymore time and activated their aoi mangekyo sharingan immedietly charging towards kensuke with a consecutive blows .

The younger one would grab an object and immedietly deform it converting it into the shape of a human. He then creates many others that immedietly rush towards him aiming to kill him.

The younger brother who was a well known mute continues his attack as more monstrosities emerge.

While he was being attacked kensuke looks towards his older brother and sees that one of them is dead and the other is close however before he could be relieved the surviving uchiha attacking his brother immedietly tricks his brother and uses his entire life force to move his sword and the only thing kensuke sees is blood flowing from his brother.

Author note : well another chapter hopefully you liked it and if you didn't please let me know what is bad with it and also please review this book to let me know how people feel about it.

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