
Kenichi - [Nano Martial] (En)

Hard work beats natural talent. [Starting Activation] Natural talent without hard work is nothing. [Loading data] What happens when the least talented advances against those with natural talent? [Activation Complete]

_DemonLight_ · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"Um, what happened... Uhg, what's that smell?

[Are you awake teacher?]

"Eh? Who said that? Who are you? Where are you? Are you the death that is coming to take me?"

Kenichi exclaimed getting out of bed looking around for the source of the voice.

[Calm down teacher]

"Where are you? What are you?"

[I am the seventh generation Nanomachine of the SKY corporation, I am speaking to him through his brain waves]

"Brain waves?... So you're in my head"


"But how is it possible?...Wait, so you were the one who saved me?"

[If it means rebuilding his body and healing his wounds, then yes]

"I see, thanks… wait a minute… how do you rebuild my body?"


[I will transfer all the basic information to the master's head, please accept]

"Transfer information, like to a computer?"

[Exactly, accept]


A strong headache invaded Kenichi, he felt like he was suddenly receiving information provided by the Nanomachine in his head, a strong dizziness accompanied the pain and his body felt a shock.

"Aaahhh, ugh"

A scream came from Kenichi when he finished receiving all the information and he vomited due to the dizziness he felt.

Sitting down on the floor and leaning against the wall, he reached out with a hand trying to calm his dizziness, which didn't take long to disappear.

[This is the first time you receive information, the second time you will no longer feel dizzy and you will not vomit]


[Yes Master]

"Is it true that I have millions of little nanomachines inside my body right now?"

[It's right]

[To be precise, 6,482,400,000 nanomachines have been placed all over his body]

"What the hell am I, a machine or a man? But thanks for saving me"

[I am to serve the master]

"Kenichi are you awake?"

"Hey!, I forgot where he was, Nan-machine, you can keep quiet for a moment"

[I can communicate through brain waves, or also activate the silent mode]

"Ok, turn on silent mode for a moment"

[Activating silent mode]

Kenichi lay back on the bed to try to pretend to be asleep.

"Looks like he's still sleeping, maybe you can pick him up?"


"Young Master!"


The ones who exclaimed were the only two people Kenichi cared about, his sister and his servant.

His sister Honoka was very similar to him, she had brown hair almost reaching black, big eyes and a profiled face that gave her a touch of innocence, despite having lost her parents, she can always be seen with a smile, She has a friendly attitude and is very fond of her brother due to being the only family she has, which made Kenichi happy knowing that despite everything she always smiles.

The other person is the servant of the Shirahama family, Roberta, whom Kenichi owed too much and was very grateful to her, she has dark purple hair, bangs that cover her forehead, and her hair is tied in two ponytails. in the back, she always wears her black and white maid outfit, medium-dark blue eyes, a face with features that give her a serious touch, she was hired by her parents, and when they died, she was fine He could go away and leave them to their fate, but he decided to stay with them, even though he told her that it was not necessary, she flatly refused to leave, which he had great affection for.

"Ugh, what is smell? It comes from Oni-chan"

Honoka said with a degraded expression due to the strong smell that came from Kenichi, the others present also put on a disgusted expression when they felt the strong smell.

The third person who entered was a middle-aged doctor who also sensed the smell, but had to continue with his work.

"I see that he is already very young, I am surprised that he will get up so soon, I thought that he would take a little longer to recover"

"So, thanks, but what happened?"

"Mmm… apparently he doesn't remember what happened, well to summarize, they found him in the woods injured and they brought him to the hospital, although… when he arrived he had no injuries"

"That was the nanomachines working, apparently no one else saw it, that's good"

Kenichi mentally thanked the Nanomachines.

"Now we will do a few more tests to check the state of his body and then he can go"

"Great, Oni-chan will live!"

"Miss Honoka don't say that, it was obvious that the doctors managed to save him despite almost dying"

"Thank you for having so much faith in me"

"Hahaha, we just did what we could, although I think it was thanks to his own efforts that kept him alive until now, well I'm leaving, I need to do the last tests, bye"

"Young Master I'm glad he's alright"

"Oni-chan you had me worried"

"Thank you both for caring about me"

"Young master should rest and take a bath, no offense but it stinks"

"I had forgotten about that, so this black thing is the impurities of my body, but what exactly was it used for? Nanomachine, what was it used for and this?"

Kenichi asked in his mind.


[He wants me to turn off silent mode]


[Nanomachines around the entire body removed all impurities, and thanks to that your body has become the ideal shape to practice any physical skill, from blood vessels to myocardium and muscles]

"You…are you sure you're not some kind of God?"

[I am a Nanomachine, I am not a Master God]

"Oni-chan see you in the afternoon"

"Until the afternoon, young master, we will come to pick you up, together with the tests, I'll leave"

Roberta, she said goodbye with a slight bow before leaving the room.


"Analysis! That doesn't mean they'll discover Nanomachines!"

[Impossible, current technology and methods are not enough to detect Nanomachines]

"Ugh that's good"

Kenichi then entered the bathroom of the hospital that had his room, now that he thought about how they would pay for the hospital, although he discarded his thought knowing that Roberta would have already taken care of it, it was not the first time that he had done something like that .

He remembered how because of Honoka's cold she took her to the hospital and demanded an urgent doctor.

"Nanomachine, you said you repaired my body, how far can you heal me?"

[If it is an internal organ that received a stab or damage from an external source, it can be easily restored, however blood loss or bodily amputations may take longer, as they require cell division]

"Oh, I see, that means as long as I don't take damage that could kill me, I can heal myself."


"I want to check it out, but I'm afraid it won't work"

[I suggest you make a small cut on your palm if you want to try self-repair]

"Well here we go"

It would proceed to make a small cut in his palm and the blood began to come out a second later, but in the same way a second later the wound healed.

"Incredible, even though I saw it, I still find it hard to believe it, tell me, all the information I have is it possible for you to do it?"

[All information passed in the transfer is possible]

"Hey, I can call you Nano, it's easier to call you that"

[Understood, I will register with the name of Nano]

"Well let's get out of here, Nano, don't I gain more muscles? I mean, before I looked like a spaghetti with legs, and now I look like someone trained"

[That's because of body reconstruction, scientifically it's impossible to create life from nothing, but rebuilding a body is very easy]

"I see, it's good to hear that"

After the bath, he got dressed and went back to bed for a few minutes thinking about his current situation, he sighed after a few minutes, there was no point in breaking his head now, for the moment clearing his mind is the first thing and then he would see what to do as soon as he leaves the hospital , since he had nothing to do anyway, so he decided to go out and try to find a book, he liked reading that was a fact, he still remembers when he read a whole encyclopedia, it took him two weeks to finish it but he finished it.

"Excuse me miss, but you won't have a book that you can read, any will be fine"

"Sure, although they are only for basic medicine"

"They are perfect thank you"

The nurse gave her two books on basic medicine, she didn't think she would be able to read them all.

For Kenichi it was perfect, he could read a book all afternoon and start with the other, he liked reading as much as gardening.

Returning to his room, Kenichi was going to start reading quietly while he waited for afternoon, it was still too early for lunch.

[Wants to analyze the book]

"Huh? Analyze? How are you going to do that?"

[Just turn the pages of the book quickly]

"Just that, don't you need me to read the whole book first?"

[It won't be necessary]


Paying attention to Nano Kenichi, he began to turn the pages without stopping at a single one, until he finished leafing through the entire book, all this only lasted 10 seconds.

[Scanning of the contents of the book has been completed, do you want to transfer the information to the brain?]

"You scanned all the content just by turning the pages, incredible, yes"

[Starting transfer]

[Full Transfer]

"Ugh, the dizziness again, although it was less than before"

"Well let's try, the heart is made of muscle tissue and pumps the blood that is transported to the whole body through the blood vessels, arteries and veins, it has the involuntary muscle called cardiac muscle or myocardium that covers the heart and makes movements possible of this organ, allowing the transport of blood and oxygen to other organs and tissues, it is located between the lungs in the center of the chest, behind and slightly to the left of the sternum, it has four cavities, the upper cavities are called the left atrium and atrium The right and lower chambers are called the left ventricle and right ventricle.

"Incredible! Just by leafing through the book I know all the content, and it only took me a few seconds, I still know If I read the whole book in the afternoon I wouldn't be able to understand it until I read it 3 or 4 times in a row, doesn't that mean I can read and learn any book in just a few seconds? Great! With this I can study weeks of studies in just a few minutes, Nano can scan books and then pass all the information at once"

[It's possible]

Kenichi moved on to the other book and likewise it only took him a few seconds to completely scan all the information and he transferred the information back and it was less and less painful.

She left the room to return the books and the nurse was surprised to hear that she had finished it, she thought that maybe it was only one, who knows what would happen if I told her that I memorized both of them in less than a minute, she turned on the television to pass the time and began to change the channel until stopping at a fight show about karate.

"I always dreamed of becoming as cool as them, even as my former teachers, but they were right, I have no talent for this."

[You want to scan the movements of the karate master]

"!, Can you scan the movements of the fights?]

[That's right, I also have information on multiple martial arts, you want me to transfer all the information]

"Not at the moment, it will hurt my head if I receive all the information at once if I'm not used to it, at the moment it only scans the movements of the television master"


[Full scan, do you want to transfer the information?]


[Full Transfer]

"This is…"

Kenichi would do the exact moves like on TV.

"It's great although I feel like it's missing ah! What happened?

[His body is not used to martial art, and his muscles and tissues are not adapted to practice it, since he does not have the training that the muscles need to put it into practice]

"I see, having the knowledge doesn't mean I can do it"

[Do you want to start the transfer of the body?]

"I guess it's necessary, do it"

[Starting transfer, it is recommended to lie down to place the anesthesia]

"Okay, if the transfer of information to the brain caused me to vomit I don't want to know what this feels like"

-Three hours-

[Transfer complete]

"Wow, I feel stronger and amazing, let's try"

Kenichi proceeded to perform the movements once more and unlike before the movements were more precise and fast and his body more fluid from him, as if he had been practicing this movement all his life.

"Amazing, with this I can become strong, not just strong, I can protect the ones I really care about, prove everyone wrong, I can change my destiny, tell me Nano, will you help me become strong?"

[I am here to help the teacher in whatever he needs]

"Then Nano, I'm counting on you"

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