
Kengan Match

(This is an OC Kengan match) Story by SilentEvil4554 and his friends I do not own this fanfiction. And have no intent to make money on this, I'm just sharing it.

IsekaidMe · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Ship (2)

Party Room

"So how many fighters are here in this ship?" Okabe asked this older looking gentleman. He wanted to ask because depending how many fighters he has to fight, he'll have to strategize if it'll be a long drawn out battle.

"There are 32 fighters scheduled to do battle, but the ones doing battle with whom I couldn't tell you" replied the old man. "There's a lot of tough guys around that's for sure"

"So tell me about these fighters and who they work for I'm curious" asked curious Okabe.

The old man stroked his beard, he decided why not it wouldn't hurt to give away that little information. In fact knowing more of the fighters could make things interesting. He lifted his left hand up slowly and pointed at the competitors.

"Well that man over there is Yumihura Kyria he is the owner of Kyria Schools Association" "And beside him is his companion I believe it was Kachi Metsukara" "Yes he is the one that specailizes in that art called Capoeira".

The old man shifted his finger towards this lonely Italian man standing in the corner by himself. He was at least 7 feet tall and had a muscular man's body. Yet he had a feminine looking face, he looked delicate as if he was an angel. "That's Raphael Empio. He works for the famous car company known as Fellali." "Don't let that look fool you, he may have the face of an angel however, he is secretly a devil in disguise." The old man did seem really uncomfortable talking about him, he decided to quickly move on and talk about the rest.

"Representing another car manufacturer is the fighter named Aiguo Zhànshì" "He's from a family of martial artists, his style is taekwondo mix with Baguazhang". As the old man finished explaining Aiguo with child-like wonder began to devour a bowl of sweet candy. Eating up the whole bowl in less than a minute.

Shocked from what they saw they continued talking about the other fighters.

"Those three talking at the far end are competitors as well" "The man with the short brown hair and beard is a practitioner of Muay Thaï and Judo" "He is able to end his fights with very minimal effort. His name is Victor Faye."

"Standing on the right side of Mr. Faye is William Brando. He could beat a man 100 different ways." As the old man was explaining Brando bit down on the ice cream cone in his hand.

"Are all fighters in this boat freaking weird with food?" thought the dirty wrestler.

"The shortest man standing is named Kaiya Nariko also known as 'Bullet Ant'". "Kaiya is an extraordinary fighter, his fights are always so amazing due to the techniques he utilizes"

"Kinda short don't you think?" replied Okabe. "I bet I can take him on easily" The old man only shook his head. This youngster doesn't understand that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

"Over there might be someone you'd want to fight" the old man was pointing to "The Man-Eater".

"Right there is Akayama Yuuta, he is probably the most feared fighter on this ship". Mr. Yuuta was 24 years old, though young just the mention of his name brings fears to his enemies. His abilities as a warrior also make other assassin groups like the Kure clan or Mikazuchi Clan second guess themselves. These assassins do not want to mess with his family.

"Yes sir, Mr Yuuta is an interesting individual. He is a cool and collected individual inside and outside the ring." "Though if pushed too far that deadly side of what his family is known for surfaces." "I predict he'll be the winner." finished the old man.

"You sound like a fangirl mister, stop talking as if he is anything special" said Okabe. "You're talking to the future winner of the tournament don't you forget that" claimed the wrestler.

At the end of Okabe's little speech the pair noticed Kaiya Nariko and William Brando hurried outside for some reason.

Ship's main deck

Gojira escapes from his holding area, with an intense anger in his heart he punches Qi Ling through the door. Ling's body was flying at high speeds he was going to be punched overboard!

"I got you!" said a mysterious man as he caught Ling.

Ling was caught in the arms of a man much taller than he was.

Amazed he wasn't punched overboard, the drunk fighter looked up to see a man of african descent grinning.

"Wow look at the size of that man!" "He must have eaten a lot of vegetables growing up" the stranger put the drunken man down gently. "More importantly this fellow sure does have a lot of power in those fist of his" continued.

The man that caught Qi Ling was none other than Terry Jackson! Terry was the underground fighting champion back home of his country America. He is a practitioner of the fighting art known as 52 hand blocks! Though a master of the martial art, he still continues to develop it daily.

"Listen I love your style. It's really interesting, but I don't think it's having any effects on him." "How about you give me a try?" said Terry. Terry couldn't hide that signature smile of his. He wasn't worried so much about his fellow competitor's safety he just really wanted to try his crack on this big fellow.

"Alright here goes my turn!" Terry ran towards Gojira full throttle, he was itching badly to test out his new moves he was developing. But before he could reach the man he was caught from behind.

"What the how did-" Terry was confused, who could have grabbed him? It was so fast Terry couldn't even process what came about.

"Listen there's no fighting between competitors on board the ship." "I thought it was made perfectly clear we had to wait till we reached the island" said William Brando.

"Okay easy big fella, just wait till the actual tournament" it was Gojira's boss. He was calming down the beast. He led him back inside the shipping container.

"Brando's right, it would have been unfortunate if any fight did occur..." Kaiya Nariko emerged from behind the shipping container. "That big guy's mine, why are you trying to tire him out?"

Jackson, obviously frustrated that he missed his opportunity, decided that some comfort food was in order. He walked away without saying a word to either man.

"You're pretty quick, ya know that?" Kaiya threw some heavy looking ankle weights back to the man.

"Yeah but I'm a lot faster at ending fights though" said Brando as he put the weights back to his legs. "That was a pretty close call though"

"Yeah, I guess everyone's itching for a fight, just a little while longer and we can finally get that fix" replied Kaiya.

"What was I doing again?" said Qi Ling. "Oh yeah bathroom!" he frantically ran to find one.