
Kengan Match

(This is an OC Kengan match) Story by SilentEvil4554 and his friends I do not own this fanfiction. And have no intent to make money on this, I'm just sharing it.

IsekaidMe · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Jack-Guo Qiang

"Tonight's fight is a special one!" The announcer moved, jittering with excitement as the mic trembled in his hands. The lit warehouse only made it clear how energetic the young man was, as he hurriedly explained the rules of the fight.

"Xespr Corporation's bid on the research facilities situated in Tokyo is being contested by the initiator of this challenge. The winning company will receive the information, leads, and resources that the facility made open for bidding."

The fighter representing Xespr Corporation stepped into the lit area. He was about 6 feet tall, with an athletic build. He had a T-shirt, but his bottom outfit matched that of the stereotypical shaolin monks. He had a small scar on his left eye, and he grinned at the audience. "Hello." "His first ever Kengan fight, Jack Guo-Qiang has been making a name for himself on the public stage! Revitalizing the usage of Kung-fu with his impeccable fighting style, he's won every single fight ever since his return after an 8 year hiatus!"

"You better win." Jack's employer said. She was on her phone, and didn't take her eyes off the screen. She was dressed in simple clothes, unremarkable for a Kengan Associate. Jack continued to grin, staring intently on the person he was going to fight. The fighter's name was Liang Bu, he was notorious for never losing a fight.

"Fighters, to your positions!"

Liang Bu and Jack entered the makeshift ring. 'Let's have a clean match, ok?" Jack said. He offered his hand. "KILL HIM LIANG BU!" Shouted some of the crowd. Liang Bu didn't say anything, but nodded at Jack, before his face became that of a hardened warrior's. He didn't have to say anything. The 2 of them focused on each other intently, their eyes staring, waiting for a twitch, any sign of an assault. "Begin!"

Liang Bu leaped at Jack, throwing a carefully calculated crescent kick directly at Jack's head. His speed shocked the spectators, and they began cheering. "Win my money for me!" "Kill the runt!" FWOOOSH Liang Bu's kick sliced through the air, his attack fast enough to nearly escape the eye.

However, Jack was unharmed. In fact, he had barely moved. Liang Bu quickly backed up, realizing that this fighter was strong.

"That was a close one!" Whistled Jack. "Good form too!"

Liang Bu charged back at him again, delivering a flurry of punches that resembled the movements of a bee swarm. Each one had enough power to knock out heavyweight boxers. And yet, Jack was unharmed. He weaved, backpedaling and dodging all of the fists flying towards him. Suddenly, he stopped, and disappeared.

Before Liang Bu realized it, his body felt it. Several rapid blows hit his face in succession, and he only just barely managed to back away in time before one aimed at his eyes landed. He panted, blood already covering his face. Jack however, stayed on the offensive. He continued attacking Liang Bu, each hit somehow more powerful and damaging than his own. "ARGHHHH!"

He continued to backtrack, on the defensive, unable to recover. He felt the various kicks, punches, and strikes hit him "D-damn it!" He attempted to fight back, but a kick to the abdomen sent him reeling. "His hits-they hurt! Almost as much as the Tiger-" he was interrupted by a fast aerial kick that hit him in the jaw, which caused him to bounce onto the pavement. He quickly put up his arms, but Jack followed closely, slamming his guard with multiple kicks and strikes that were immediately bruising him. His arms were beginning to turn red and purple, while his body was littered with scratches and open cuts.

Liang Bu realized he had no choice. "I have to use it!"

As Jack delivered another flurry of fast punches, Liang Bu stopped guarding. The punches landed on him, making him grimace and nearly drop from the pain. However, it was done. Jack had gotten in range, and Liang Bu quickly rushed into him, grabbing his shoulder and hip. "This is It!" He thought, as he flipped Jack into the air, preparing to slam him into the ground. "He's fini-" BAMMM! Jack had delivered an aerial downward kick before Liang Bu could reposition his arm, cracking his jaw. Liang Bu stumbled back, gripping his chin.

"Close, but not enough!" Jack was uninjured, and had quickly resumed his posture. "Your style is interesting! Too bad I have to end this now, or else my boss well get angry!" Liang Bu's face turned into a snarl.

"He was playing with me! How dare he!"

But before Bu could retaliate to the man's playful nature he was struck in the face. Then struck in the body, he was getting strikes everywhere around his body. He was stepping backwards, he couldn't handle the barrages of attacks.

"How am I being moved by strikes alone?!" His shock quickly dissipated into fear however, as Jack had grabbed him and threw him upward. "What the-" KRACK! A high, downward kick slammed into his collarbone, driving his massive 260 lb body into the ground with a sickening thud. BOOOM! His body left a crater in the ground, cracks immediately appearing as his body collided with concrete. There was silence, the only thing to be heard was Jack's breathing returning to normal. A giant "NOOOOOOOOO!" reverbated the arena, before the chattering of businessmen resumed Cheers and shouts of anger sounded throughout the warehouse, as the audience took in what happened.

"It's rigged! How could Liang Bu have lost that easily!".

"I want my money back!"

Jack sighed, walking to his employer. He had heard it all before. Most people didn't believe in his strength, but that was fine. He didn't need their belief though, only his own and his boss'. He saw the medical team rush towards Liang Bu, his body crumpled on the ground "He'll live.", he heard them say, as they put him on the stretcher and prepared to take him to the hospital. He reached his boss, and began putting on his clothes and wiping off some of the sweat.

"Good thing I pulled my punches," he said to his employer. The woman didn't look up, and began walking out. "Man, that was fun! I heard he had only just narrowly lost to the Wild Tiger a few years ago, and that he'd gotten stronger! It was exciting fighting another kung fu user."

"You know the tournament you were supposed to fight in? What's it called, "Fight Island"?" Her voice startled Jack, the fight having been quite relaxing for him.

"Yeah, the one I signed up for months ago. I've been waiting for that tournament for 2 years now! I've really wanted to fight Okubo for some-"

"You're not going." She said.

"WHAT!" Jack nearly bit his tongue off. "Why not?!"

"Because you're entering this one instead." Jackie turned her laptop to him, showing him what was on her screen. Slowly, as he read through the details, his frown turned into a smirk.

"This is it! This is my chance to show the world what Kung-fu can really do! It's time to see what 12 years of training can accomplish."

"We'll discuss the details later. For now, get changed. We have a flight to catch."

Jack's grin continued to radiate, and he walked towards the exit with her. Before exiting the warehouse, he turned back to look at Liang Bu. "Maybe next time, we can have a rematch, Liang Bu." He turned. "You were strong."

Written by alee51104

IsekaidMecreators' thoughts