
Kella The Matagot

A woman goes to bed looking forward to sleeping in but wakes up with a completely different body called a cat beastkin by a screen floating in front of her. To make things worse she's in an unnatural forest

Rayith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Mana Clothing/Questions and Riko's Test.

"Well this is surprisingly boring." Titanya said looking at a one sided fight between Riko and the Pond bear.

"Yeah I know right? Riko is so fast that pond bear can't do anything." It quickly became boring when they realized how fast Riko was in comparison to the pond bear. the only reason the fight is still going on is because the pond bear was incredibly resilient and regenerates it's skin very quickly.

"What colors do you like and do you like any kind of clothing?" Kella asked thinking about something, ignoring the fight completely.

"White, black, gold, red and purple. For clothing I always wanted to wear a blouse with a skirt." Titanya answered looking at her hole and ripped filled clothing.

"What are you doing?" Titanya asked looking at Kella holding piece of fabric.

"I'm making clothes for us because ours look like they got destroyed by slimes." Kella started making a white blouse out of mana and tried making the texture the same as cotton which actually worked.

"Your making clothes, I can't wait to see it!" Titanya stared excited at Kella making her clothing. As the process went on the blouse gained a frill on the collar.

"First part done now for the skirt... Actually do need panties or a bra?" Kella asked while testing how nice the thing she made felt.

"I've never worn them before." Kella looked at Titanya who apparently isn't wearing anything underneath her hole filled shirt and pants.

Kella noticed that something changed about Titanya. 'did her boobs grow?' Titanya looked like she had E cup breasts now. her shirt couldn't handle the change and was ripping.

"I'll make you panties and a bra first then make the rest." Kella Said and looked at Titanya looking curious. "Are they that nice?"

"Yes for a lot of reasons but the biggest is that your going to be wearing a skirt so I'm not going to let other people see your sensitive part's besides me." Kella replied not realizing what she said out loud.

"Does that mean you want to see my sensitive part's?" Titanya tried to tease Kella but Kella she froze for a moment when she heard the question then pretended that she never heard it. 'was that a yes?' Titanya thought confused.

After 3 minutes of silent cotton pantie making Kella held up black slip panties then asked "What's outside of this dungeon?"

"What do you mean?" Titanya asked confused by why she would ask.

"I just kind of woke up with no idea of how I got here." Kella Said starting to make her next article of clothing.

'Is Kella a feral beastkin that Mutated? no, That makes no sense she making things she would have no idea about if she was.' Titanya shook her head 'Although i'd follow her even if she was a monster.' Thought then said "outside of this dungeon is the town of pavron and we're in the kingdom of gavel."

"Oh, are there Royals?" Kella pondered.

"The royal family is the main reason why you should hide your mana pulse skill I heard they are anxious about not having a stat increasing skill for their heir." Titanya explained to inform Kella so she would be careful around anything involving them.

"Royal family aren't the best, got it. Anyway what kind of town is pavron like?" Kella asked finishing a black bralette bra that had gold flower patterns on it and started making more clothes.

"It's a rather developed town but it has a problem of a lot of people with racism against beastkin." Kella frowned hearing that. "Why didn't you leave if they hated you?"

"I was too weak to leave so I was stuck here but that's all fine now that i met you." Titanya said with a smile.

"Were the roads dangerous or was it something else?" Kella asked so Titanya wouldn't notice the smile on her face.

"Both, people that were level 10 and below could only leave with a party or a caravan and the roads ether have bandits or monsters anyway." Titanya talked while looking at a red skirt that had 3 bags varying sizes and loops strapped on the waistband for utility. a simple white fox curled up looking out on the lower half of it and a hole and clip for a tail that Kella made for her.

Kella made boots and socks for Titanya in silence.

"and done with your set. now go behind a tree and try it on please... Actually I'll help you." Kella Said pushing Titanya away from the battle.

"Why are you helping me!?" Titanya asked trying to stop herself from being pushed.

"You don't know how to put on a bra or panties right? you even said you never wore them before." Kella smiled at Titanya who realized she screwed herself by saying that.

"B-but I can clothe mysel..." Titanya was cutoff by a tail covering her mouth.

"You're at least going to need help with the bra and I can stand behind you if you don't want me to see your more sensitive parts." Kella stopping pushing Titanya and uncovered her mouth.

"Okay..." Titanya timidly replied while taking off her shirt with her back facing Kella.

"You're very clean despite the state of your clothes, Tanya." Kella stated while handing her the bra.

"Yeah, the adventures guild has a free shower and even somebody to clean your clothes." Titanya said trying to put on the bra herself but failed.

'I forgot how short I am now.' Kella couldn't even reach the top of Titanya's head without jumping. "could you sit down you're too tall for me and what's the adventures guild?"

Titanya sat down on her feet. "Have you never heard about it?"

"I lived in a place that didn't have have one and I've only heard very different things about it depending on who I asked." Kella was referring to the things she read about them in comics and novels.

"Raise your arms for me please." Kella asked to which Titanya raised her arms with the bra in one hand.

"Ok then, the adventures guild is a system set up by a guild to make people be able to commission requests for a price to get adventures in the guild to do them." Kella listened to Titanya's explanation while directing her on how to put the bra on.

Titanya and Kella finally managed to get her bra on. "How does it feel?" Kella asked while getting the blouse ready for her.

"this is the best thing I've ever worn in my life." Titanya said cuping her breasts with her hands to feel the bra Kella made more.

"I'm happy you like it so much that you'll do that next to me." Kella teased, even though she was looking at Titanya's back it was still obvious what she was doing.

"I-i have no idea what you're talking about!" Titanya slammed her hands against her thighs.

"Pffft Hahahaha! whatever you say Tanya. let's get the rest of your clothes on and in the mean time let's talk a bit more about the kinds of commissions there are." Kella Said giving Titanya the blouse from over her shoulder.

Titanya took the blouse and sipped it on with a bit of help from kella. "Commissions are separated by 2 things the difficulty and the type. Difficulty is determined by the guild and is given a grade." Titanya stood up and shooed Kella away while taking the rest of the clothes from her.

"Fine, I'll go but can you talk about the difficulty and type?" Kella went behind a tree and sat down.

"The grade starts at G then goes up in difficulty in order of G, F, E, D, C, B, A and finally S." With Kella behind a tree, Titanya took off her found off the street pants and slipped on the panties. 'This is so comfortable.'

"There are lots of types of commissions with a few examples being monster subjugation, material gathering and escorting people." Titanya put on the skirt with a bit of effort.

Kella listened then asked "What about dungeons?" Titanya slipped on the socks and boots.

"Dungeons are their own thing." Titanya said as she walked in front of Kella.

"What do you think?" Titanya asked twirling the skirt she has on her in a cute fashion.

Showing off her white blouse that showed sleeves that went to her wrist and the frill on the collar that hid some of her breasts.

The rest of her breasts was covered by a black bra that had gold colored flowers on it and reached up to the top of her shoulders.

The red skirt that reached to slightly lower then her knees had 3 bags and quiver of arrows on her. It also had a large but simple design of a white fox curled up looking out on the lower half of the skirt.

Long socks that covered the rest of her legs they were all black.

And finally the boots had no laces instead were slightly stretchable but too much so they would still be tight on the feet and for the color the bottom was black and the top was dark red.

Kella stared at Titanya for a couple seconds then started to make something else. "It's missing something and What do you mean their own thing?"

"Dungeons relegated by the Guild separately from commissions." Titanya said while wondering what she was making.

"Why do people go into dungeons then?" Kella asked while forming a large piece of fabric.

"People go in to them to prevent the dungeon from breaking but mostly to level up and find Artifacts." Titanya saw a large dark red cloak with a clasp that looked like a fox was being made.

"Do you know what artifacts are?" Kella asked while pouring mana into the cloak.

"From what I've heard they're historical or random objects that have gained special traits." Titanya said watching the cloak turn much more soild.

"Interesting... Now lean down for a moment." Kella instructed.

Titanya leaned down and got the cloak that reached her knees put on her. "Better now I don't have to constantly worry about you getting kidnapped because your too beautiful." Kella Said like it was fact.

Titanya blushed "Y-your messing with me again, aren't you."

"Why would I joke about your safety." Kella got up and went to a tree that hid herself from Titanya.

"Where are going, it's my turn to ask questions." Titanya asked.

"I want to surprise you with my outfit and you can ask any questions you want, I I'll be completely honest." Kella said starting to making her outfit.

"What did you do before you woke up here?"

"I used to work as a construction worker."

"You were a construction worker? but you're so small though!" Titanya exclaimed poking fun at the contradiction.

Titanya was met with silence for few seconds before hearing a response. "I used to be much larger then this." Kella admitted.

"You used to be larger?" Titanya asked confused by her response.

"Yep, my body completely changed when I woke up here." Kella didn't really see a need to hide this from Titanya.

'If she did hate me because of this I would have chosen the wrong person to be nice to.' Kella thought that most she would be is surprised about this. 'me being human might be a small issue though'

"WHAT?!" Titanya scream echoed through out the forest. Riko even asked telepathically if everything was all right which Kella responded 'Yes, focus on your fight.'

Titanya managed calm down after about 5 minutes of persuading from Kella and laid on the ground. "So what did you look like before, I'm really curious now. you have to tell me, did you even change beastkin type?"

"I had long brown hair, blue eyes, 203 cm tall, a very muscular build and I... was human." Kella Said the last part with a bit of hesitation.

"You were human, Why are you so nice to me then?" Titanya asked curious why someone who was human was so nice to a beastkin.

"What does being human has to do with me being nice?" Kella thought she would be undoing some of the trust she built up but she was just curious about why a human is being nice? 'I guess us sharing emotions cleared any doubts she would've had.'

"human history teaches them that beastkin are the cause of one of the "calamitys" and a lot of humans hate us for that." Titanya kind of expected a response of I don't believe it at all but what she got was. "What are the calamitys?"

"You don't know?" Titanya asked confused.

"Nope, beastkin were only fantasized about when I went to sleep." Kella was about halfway done with her outfit. 'I'll ask what the calamitys are later.'

"what about the other races?" Titanya was getting more confused with each question Kella answered.

Kella thought for a moment then took a shot in the dark. "Elfs and dwarves?"

"Yes, you know about them?" Titanya nodded slowly.

'Their the most prominent and earliest of the "calamitys" according to humans so she was around then, maybe they didn't call it calamitys at that point?' Titanya theorized but immediately got screwed up by Kella's response.

"Same answer as beastkin." Kella answered

"Were their monsters?" Titanya was grasping at staws at this point.

"Nope, nothing, mana wasn't even present when I went to sleep." Kella was starting to have fun messing with Titanya using her own confusing situation that she was avoiding thinking about deeply so she didn't start panicking herself.

"Seriously?! We're not going to find anything about this unless we go to scholars and people who have deeper knowledge of the world."

"Yeah but not anytime soon I need to be strong enough so I don't get turned into a slave, captive or something like that. Then we wouldn't be together anymore and we both don't want that right?"

Kella didn't want to mess with this topic until she could protect herself and Titanya from crazy people who would torture her to get as much information out of about her time as possible

"Your right about that I might fall apart if you leave me alone now." Titanya said half joking.

Kella finished her outfit and started to put it on.

"Um... Do miss it?" Titanya asked timidly

"Miss what?"

"Your life before waking up here I mean."

"Nope, everything that would have made me sad about it was gone." Kella with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kelly. I didn't mean to be mean."

"I know you didn't mean to be. Besides I'm enjoying life so much more now that I have you around." Kella teased Titanya but wasn't joking.

"You mean that?" Titanya shyly asked with a smile.

"Of course. Now let's move on to a different topic. My outfit!"

Kella walked out from behind the tree to show off her outfit.

Kella wore a open faced hoodie that had had a dark purple and black plaid vector pattern on the inside, smooth black on the outside, the cuffs had the same plaid vector pattern, the hem having puffy white fur and a few buttons on it to close if need be.

A short purple v-neck blouse that showed her belly button with a white bra that was partly visible.

A pleated black mini skirt held up by a leather belt that also had a couple bags strapped on it.

you could see boy shorts underneath her skirt, below that was black and purple stripped cotton stockings and finally black boots that looked the same as Titanya's but the dark red was switched with dark purple.

and to top it all off she had a silver hair pin of a cat with a long tail next to her right ear.

"Pffft..." Titanya stifled a laugh.

Kella pouted at her response. "Did I do a bad job?"

Titanya shook her head at the question. "N-no, you just look like a crime boss."

"And how many crime boss's have seen then?" Kella asked jokingly not expecting a response.

"Only once but his outfit was similar to yours but they had a lot of spikes covering it." Titanya said this while looking at a dumbfounded Kella.

Kella took a breath and exhaled. "Ok moving on, How does the currency work here?" Kella felt it would be important to know this.

"Sure, people use coins of different metals for currency it's 10 to 1 in the order from least to greatest is copper, silver, gold and I think there's more but I don't know them." Titanya told Kella everything she knew about it.

"Ok now let's go and check up on Riko." Kella offered her hand to Titanya who took it and got up.

When they got back to the fight it looked the same as they left it.

"How hardy is that bear?" Titanya mumbled.

"Let's use this opportunity for Riko to do her own test." Kella said with a bit rage in her voice. she was upset that Riko was doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

"What kind of test?" Titanya asked warily because the last test she made took a really long time.

"A test to make use of her body better, did you hear that Riko?"

Riko then started to change the way she was fighting. "Good, now don't disappoint me."

Kella watched the fight making notes of what Riko could do better and occasionally said some advice. Titanya currently had Kella on her lap massaging Kella's ears. 'I could do this forever.'

-1 hour later~

Riko's body shrank slightly except for the legs and claws which grew slightly. "Controlling what parts change size intriguing... but how do you make use of it?" Kella pondered out loud so Riko heard her question that was really Kella telling her that alone was not enough.

-2 hours later~

Riko controlled her body in a slightly more precise manner and started trying to use Mana so she would be more effective. "Oh? your using mana, not bad but focus on your body for now." Riko stopped using mana to focus on her body.

-3 hours later~

Riko started to morph in unnatural ways that a normal wolf couldn't do, making spikes to attack in unexpected ways or jumping passed while making a blade on her side to slash them. "Ok good job you can use mana now, don't kill it until I say you're done." Kella was happy to see how Riko improved.

-4 hours later~

Riko was now able to completely cover herself in her own mana and even control her mana about half a meter away. "Good you pass you can kill it now." Riko had finally gotten her masters approval it made her more happy then she could describe.

Riko sliced the poor boss turned practice dummy to shreds with massive mana claws and teeth.

*Ding Ding*


<Slime Bear(Boss) LV 6 killed 379 EXP Earned>

<Slime Forest Dungeon Conquered>



I'm not giving any detailed description of clothing again for a long time

I did set a lot of ground work with this chapter so I guess that's good.

Rayithcreators' thoughts