
Kella The Matagot

A woman goes to bed looking forward to sleeping in but wakes up with a completely different body called a cat beastkin by a screen floating in front of her. To make things worse she's in an unnatural forest

Rayith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Gilbert, Pavron and Church.

Titanya and Kella looked down the path and saw a trail of dust being made by a small figure sprinting down the path.

"I'm guessing that Gilbert?" Kella asked.

Titanya looked to the dust cloud then to Kella. "Yeah I think you're right with that guess." Titanya replied squinting her eye at the figure quickly approaching them.

Kella thought for a moment then realized something. "you don't think he's going believe I bought you as a slave right?"

"what do you, oh." Titanya looked at herself who was in a completely different outfit than before and looked to Kella, someone he's never seen before in a outfit that looked like a crime boss's. "I'm sure you'll be fine... probably."

"Great, just great, let's hope I don't get attacked when he sees me." Kella said jokingly but still concerned.

"Should we speed up to reach him faster?" Titanya asked feeling that it might be rude to walk while he was running so fast a dustcloud was being formed.

"No but we can speed up a bit." Kella said as she pondered why Gilbert would help Titanya.

They walked towards him slightly faster as what is assumed to be Gilbert sprinted towards them.

"How did you meet Gilbert?" Kella asked wanting to satisfy her curiosity.

"I was sitting at a table sad about not getting in a party that day that's when he came up to me and said. "Hey kid, if you wait a few days I'll have a party for you to join so could you wait for that?"

and when I asked why he wanted me to join him he replied. "I was looking for somebody like you to be a ranger in the party... oh yeah my name is Gilbert."

but then 2 day's later Jake said I could join his and I got inpatient and accepted, so here I am with my lifelong partner." Titanya finished by hugging Kella and holding her like a teddy bear.

"Tanya, you don't know what lifelong partner means do you?" Kella asked with a smile. 'At least he doesn't sound like a bad person from her first impression.'

"It means I'm staying with you forever right?" Titanya stated while looking at the figure making a dust cloud who now was close enough you could tell it was a short man with a massive beard.

"It's usually a bit more intimate then that." Kella said in playful tone.

"What do mean?" Titanya asked obvious to what Kella meant.

"I can show you later if you want~" Kella Suggestively said while looking at a running man who finally saw them and seemed to recognize Titanya then started to slow down to meet them.

"I would love to be more intimate with you!" Titanya said rubbing her cheek against Kella's cheek not fully understanding what Kella meant.

"You better not go back on your word when you find out what i mean." Kella mumbled.

"I guess you're ok kid but who's your... Friend?" The man who stopped in front of them asked not even winded from his sprint.

He had long bushy red hair that was brushed away from his face, his beard would cover his short neck if it wasn't braided on the sides of his face, blue eyes and wearing a greenish tunic, brown pants with a belt that had several square Pouches and brown boots with laces, his clothing was basic but very well made. He was staring at the scene with a mixed expression.

He also had a strange looking flail on his waist and a kite shield strapped on his back.

"Oh hi Gilbert, she's Kella, my savior and the person I'm spending the rest of my life with." Titanya said happily holding Kella like a large teddy bear.

"So you saved the kid huh... So I guess I'm losing the ranger for the party." Gilbert mumbled now that he wasn't worried about Titanya getting turned into a slave anymore.

"Oh yeah, Tanya mentioned that you were making a party, how is that coming along?" Kella asked ignoring how she was being held.

"I managed to get half of what I wanted I but couldn't find the controller and supporter for the party but now I'm missing the ranger as well." Gilbert rambled a bit frustrated.

"What do you mean by the controller and supporter of the party?" Kella asked.

"The controller specializes in disabling and manipulating the enemy and the supporter specializes in healing and buffing the party." Gilbert stated while pondering about where to find someone to replace Titanya with his head down.

Kella thought for a minute then nodded slightly. "I don't think you lost the ranger for your party."

Gilbert looked up to Kella with a confused expression. "Aren't you recruiting her to your party?"

"No, I'm not a adventure yet." Kella said poking Titanya's cheek asking to put her down.

Gilbert realized what she might be implying. "Not yet, does that mean you're willing to join the party I'm making when you do?"

"Pretty much, I can be the controller." Kella Said as she was begrudgingly put down by Titanya, putting the two speaking at almost eye level with Kella being slightly shorter.

Gilbert looked into Kella's oval shaped pupils that didn't seem to care if he said no. "I need people who aren't racist or people who stab the party in the back, can you do that?"

"I Guess I would qualify for being not racist and for the second one, only if they don't betray me first... but can we leave this town after the party is made?" Kella said while looking around at the autumn forest around them then back at Gilbert.

"Good and yes I was planning on proposing that to everyone anyway." Gilbert replied with a wide grin from this turn of events.

"Let's start walking to town now that we've discussed the our plans." Kella Said as she grabbed Titanya's hand and started walking down the path with Gilbert ending up taking up the front.

Titanya leaned down slightly so she was closer to with them and asked. "So how many people did you ask to join the party your making?"

"3, 4 if I include the little boss." Gilbert said gesturing to Kella.

"what are the people you asked like?" Kella asked ignoring her new title.

"A cocky fairy who's good at element magic, a inquisitive wolf who's good with a spear, a naive fox who has a nack for the bow and a mysterious cat who's eyes seem to see through me." Gilbert said so quickly it seemed like he prepared for the question.

"Did you just call me naive?" Titanya asked pouting.

"You are/were naive." Gilbert and Kella Stated in unison.

Titanya looked betrayed at Kella. "You too Kelly?" Titanya whimpered.

"You followed a group of strangers that asked you to join them for no reason into a forest, so you can't say you weren't naive for expecting nothing bad to happen from that choice Tanya." Kella shot back at Titanya.

Titanya wanted to deny what she said but couldn't so just stayed quiet for for a few minutes before she pointed out a cool looking bird.

They walked in mostly silence besides Titanya occasionally pointing out things she thought Kella would like.

After about 45 minutes of walking they finally got out of the forest and saw a wall made out what looked like cut white stone that surrounded something a little more then half a kilometer in diameter with a gate ahead of them.

They could also see that the sun was about to set now that the trees weren't blocking their view.

"So that's Pavron..." Kella looked at the somewhat large wall.

"What do you think of the place I spent most of my life?" Titanya asked wanting to see her response.

"uninspiring and whoever made that wall has no idea what having a nice place to protect can do to the morale of people." Kella muttered and only Titanya heard it.

Titanya would have laughed if she didn't understand what she meant.

"Yeah it's not a place that cares about the people in it." Titanya replied.

The two stood at the edge of the forest with Gilbert for a couple seconds before Kella realized something.

"Do I need anything for getting through the gate?" Kella asked.

Gilbert looked back at Kella. "Do you have a card?"

"No?" Kella said unsure of what exactly that is but certain she didn't have it.

Gilbert looked baffled at that response and was about to ask questions before getting cut off.

"I don't know about a lot of things in the world and I won't tell you a lot about me... Yet." Kella said before Gilbert asked.

Gilbert sighed then said. "Alright we'll have to get you through the gate first then you'll have get a card at the town church. you'll need a card to be a adventure."

Kella looked to Titanya and had a idea. "I have stupid idea that will probably work for getting through the gate."

"Really what's your idea?" Titanya leaned down and asked, Kella then whispered something in her ear.

"Ok that should work" Titanya replied. "We'll be right back Gil." Kella said before going into the forest with Titanya and went out of sight.

"Did she just call me Gil?" Gilbert said confused, staring at the place they left him.

After about 15 minutes Gilbert saw Titanya come back with a bag that covered most of her back.

"Ready to go?" Gilbert asked.

"Yep." Titanya replied and they started to walk towards the gate.




As they reached a gate, they saw 2 men on the inside of the gate that were wearing what looked like grey american civil war outfits.

One man was sleeping against the gate and the other was looking at them with a tired expression.

"Oh, your back, seems did you did what you wanted." the tired man said gesturing to a slightly glowing white cube next to him embedded in the wall.

Gilbert put one hand on top on of his other hand and pulled out what looked like a playing card out from a seemingly invisible sleeve in his hand. Titanya did almost the same but pulled out the card from her forearm.

Gilbert put the card on the cube which then changed to yellow then removed it and put the card back in his hand then walked passed the man.

Titanya did the same and it glowed green. She then walked passed the man who gave her disdainful look and muttered. "So I guess she didn't get sold, fucking idiot's couldn't even sell off this animal to a zoo." Just loud enough for her to hear but didn't stop her.

Titanya ignored the insult not wanting to make trouble right now and kept going.

As they walked through the gate they saw massive doors attached to the gate.

As they were walking away from the gate Titanya heard cursing and yelling. She turned and saw the racist man was only in his underwear with the uniform fallen at his feet with its seems destroyed.

Titanya heard a chuckle from her backpack and walked faster with a smile.

Once they made it fully passed the gate they saw the path they were walking on changed to cobbled streets that was about 2.5 meters wide with a few people walking on it.

there were buildings lining next to the street made with walls of cut stonethat were painted white and roofs of wood.

A lot of them looked like Cookie cutter's copies of the others with them being 2.5 meters cubes with wooden doors in the middle.

the cubes lined up in rows with barely enough space for people to walk between the 'houses'. and every 5th building the road branches out to the right, left and straight.

The only differentiator between the buildings was the accessories added on the doors by the people living in them.

"Do you want to come out?" Titanya quietly asked to the bag on her back.

"Yeah, I would like that." A voice whispered back.

Titanya went in-between some buildings and come back with Kella next to her.

"Let's go to the church and hopefully they'll get you a card." Gilbert said to Kella as she walked up to him.

Kella looked around at the buildings and said. "Ok but where is it?"

"Come on, I'll show you where it is." Titanya exclaimed grabbing Kella's hand and started pulling her down the street.

"Do you like the church?" Kella asked keeping up with Titanya's pace.

"Yeah, one of the people there leaves out meals in the alley for me and Fen, so we didn't starve." Titanya explained.

"And who's Fen?" Kella asked curious about the name.

"She's a smart person who kept asking people questions to figure out the best way to leave and told me the best way to get out of here was to become a adventure." Titanya said stopping in front of a building.

The building was 3 cubes connected together with a sloped roof and stained glass windows next to the double doors it had in the middle.

"Here it is." Titanya said as she heard steps behind her she looked to the sound and saw that Gilbert followed them but kept his distance leaning on a building.

"Alright let's get my card." Kella replied as she knocked on the doors of the church.

The doors partly opened showing a tall man with red skin, in a white suit was standing behind it.

"How may I help you Miss?" The man asked in a deep but non-threatening voice. He sounded more like a butler then someone who lived in a church.

"I came here to get a card, is that possible?" Kella asked in a slightly more polite tone.

The man went silent for a moment then said. "Yes that is possible Miss." The man opened the doors the rest of the way showing the rest of himself.

he had a stoic face, grey silky hair that was tied into a ponytail, his eyes looked like dimly glowing orange orbs and black growths on the sides of his forehead that looked like they were cut off at the base.

The man looked at Kella then looked over and saw Titanya. His lips quivered for a moment looking at Titanya and asked. "May I ask for you two for your names?"

'What's was that?' Kella thought looking at the man before Titanya Cheerfully said. "Hi my name is Titanya and this is Kella."

"Well miss Kella if you could follow me so you could get your card." The man stepped to the side of the door and invited her in.

"Can come in to?" Titanya asked softly.

"Of course miss Titanya." the man replied.

As Kella and Titanya walked in they saw a few alters lined against the wall in front of them, a door on their right and a yellow slate on a pedestal to their left.

"It's quite compact isn't it." Kella said because They had to stay close together to not bump into the things around them.

"Excuse the limited space, the lord here doesn't allow much changes to the buildings size besides connecting them together." The man replied.

It's alright... I'm sorry but what's your name?" Kella asked realizing that she didn't know his name.

"Oh my apologies, i forgot to introduce myself my name is Leonardo, miss Kella." Leonardo introduced himself with a small bow with his right arm on his chest horizontally.

"Oh It's fine Leonardo, So how do I get a card?" Kella asked.

"You place your hand on the slate to your right miss Kella." Leonardo explained.

"Thank you." Kella said letting go Titanya's hand and took a few steps then putting her hand on the slate making a dim glow that then faded.

Kella lifted her hand and saw a rectangular card that fit in her hand and had some of her information on it her name, age and race.

"Alright now all we need is someone to be the supporter in the party and we can leave this place." Kella Said to Titanya.

"Yeah I would like to visit different places now that I can." Titanya replied.

Kella looked over to Leonardo who seemed to be thinking about something.

"Do you know anyone who could fill the role of a supporter in a party Leonardo?" Kella asked him thinking he would probably know something.

Leonardo looked at Kella and said to her. "Well I am only aware of 2 that are still in pavron and not in a party currently miss Kella."

"And who are those 2 people?" Kella asked annoyed from this revaluation.

"Those would be myself and my apprentice miss Kella."

"your apprentice?" Kella asked wanting a bit of clarification.

"Yes my apprentice is the one I'm training to take over care of this place for me." Leonardo explained.

"How much longer until your done with training them?" Titanya asked curious.

"About a week from today miss Titanya." Leonardo replied.

"Would you like to join our party when you finish training your apprentice?" Kella jokingly asked.

Leonardo put his hand on his chin and rubbed it for a couple seconds then said. "That sounds like a lovely idea miss Kella."

Kella blinked then smiled. "Great should we come by every couple day or will you meet us at the adventures guild?" Kella asked to start making plans for things.

"I'll meet you at the guild but I won't mind you visiting miss Kella the same goes for miss Titanya." Leonardo answered.

"Alright we won't bother you any longer and let you do what you were to doing." Kella said taking Titanya's hand and walked out of the church.

Leonardo went to the door and said. "No, it was lovely to talking to you miss Kella and miss Titanya." Leonardo said putting his hand on the doors.

"I'm happy you feel the same. we'll talk more later so until next time take care Leon." Kella Said as the doors closed.

What a town full of life and joy huh?

on another note I'm having trouble stringing what I want together so I hope you can bear with that.

Rayithcreators' thoughts