
episode 1

(The episode opens with a rainy day where a pregnant woman who who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a white dress named Karin driving to the hospital)

Karin (thought): Hold on, please, let me make it.

(A flaming ball is coming down)

(The screen shows Karin is in the forest, leaning against a tree)

Karin (thought): I can let this happen, but it's too late and with this (looks at her bruised leg) leg, I can't go far.

(Karin rips part of her dress and wraps it around her leg and limbs to a cave)

(Karin drinks the water)

Karin: And to think, all I wanted was to see it would be like to be a single mother.

(The screen shows A baby girl by Karin)

(Karin has stopped moving)

(The baby girl has black hair, brown skin)

(The baby girl crawls to Karin and touches her hand: then cries)

(The screen shows a 30-year-old person who has long green hair wearing a red shirt, blue jogging pants, and shoes)

(The person stops by the cave)

(The baby's crying echoed)

(The person goes down the cave and sees the dead woman and the baby girl crying)

(The person picks up the baby girl)

The person: Shh! Baby, it's okay. Nicky is here. (grabs a phone and speed dials)

(An ambulance appears)

(Karin is in the ambulance)

(The screen shows Nicky with the baby in their arms)

(Nicky and the baby is looking at Karin in the hospital bed dead)

Nicky: I'm sorry for your loss

(The baby kisses Nicky on the cheek)

The baby girl: Thanks for being so kind.

Nicky: Your welcome (looks shocked)

(There's a silence)

Nicky (looks at the baby girl): Did you just talk?

The baby girl (smiles): I did

Nicky: How, you aren't even a month old?

The baby girl: I am a baby with mutant powers, pleased to meet you, I picked my name to be Keira.

Nicky: Keira, this may be rude, do you know what happened to your mother because the doctors can't identify what killed her, but it was toxic.

Keira (looked down): it was the meteor that gave me my powers, which killed her.

(A small earthquake happens)

(People in the hospital are panicking)

Nicky: Keira, it's okay, you have me, I'll be your parent, don't panic.

Keira (looks at Nicky): Really?!

Nicky (smiles): Yeah

Keira: Dama!

Nicky (surprised): You know a name for a non binary parent, so much knowledge for an newborn infant.

Nicky: Yeah

(The screen shows Nicky signing papers)

(Nicky walks out of the place)

Nicky: Now, I am officially your parent and I forgot to tell you that I own an orphanage, so you will have many friends and so many very babysitters so in case I am busy.

(The screen shows Keira and Nicky at an orphanage)

(Nicky has earrings, a green shirt, pants, and heels with flowers on it)

(Keira has a red dress and white shoes)

Nicky: Welcome to Nicky's orphanage.

Keira: What a n original name.

Nicky: I know it could've been better.

A teenage girl: Hello (Looked at Keira) Who is she?

Keira: My name is Keira, pleasure to meet you.

The teenage girl: I'm Leah.

(Leah is a teenage girl who has long red hair, yellow eyes, wearing a black dress)

Keira: It's a pleasure to meet you.

(Nicky's phone rings)

Nicky: Could you hold Keira for a moment?

Leah: Of course

(Nicky answers their phone as they walks away)

Leah (looks at Keira): So, you are the mutant baby?

Keira: I am.

Leah: How much do you know?

Keira: Enough to fill out two novels.

Leah (looking interested): Whoa!

Another teenager: So, this is the famous Keira. My name is Sky

(Sky is a girl who has blond hair with pink hair, wearing a long blue dress)

Keira: Hello, Sky.

(Nicky walks back to Keira, Sky, and Leah, and puts their phone in her pocket)

Nicky: I have bad news, I have to leave, so please take care of Keira.

Nicky (kisses Keira on the cheek): I'm sorry, and to think I had the whole afternoon planned.

Keira (smiles): It's okay, we are going to have fun.

Nicky: Well, I'll be back at four (Hugs Keira) I promise.

(Keira kisses Nicky on the cheek)

(Nicky leaves the orphanage, and drives off in their car)

(The screen shows Sky and Leah took Keira in the play area)

Keira; I hope you don't expect me to stay here.

Leah (looking confused): Why not?

Keira Because my powers (hiccups)

(The hiccup causes the ground to shake)

(The babies cry)

Keira: My powers go haywire.

Sky: Okay, I'll take Keira downstairs to the basement and you take care of the babies.

Leah: Got it.

(Sky takes Keira and heads to the basement)

(Leah is rocking the babies)

(The screen shows the basement)

(Keira is put by the Halloween decorations)

Sky: We should be fine here, since the shake won't be bad here, right?

Keira: I don't always cause the ground to shake, this is the first time.

Sky: Are there any other powers I should be looking out for?

Keira (smiles): I have every power in the book

Sky (nodded): Oh (looking shocked) Oh!

(Sky speed dials on her phone)

Sky: Uh, dad, remember when you said you owed me a favor. Yeah, I need a few essentials for the orphanage.

Sky's dad: Sure, I can send a van, what kind of essentials do you need?

Sky: I'll send a list to you.

Sky's dad: Okay, love you.

Sky: Love you too.

(The screen shows Sky writing on a clipboard, while Keira flying, breathing fire, and dancing upside down)

(The room has a metal wall, microphones hanging on the ceiling, flowers in vases, tables, pillows on the floor, monkey bars, and toys)

(The episode ends with Sky watching Keira juggling blocks)