

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

zoya_raichand · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


The Zior Hotel buzzed with pre-party energy. Our reputation for excellence preceded us, and tomorrow's event was no exception. Everyone, from housekeeping to catering, was on edge, determined to maintain Zior's spotless record.

"Cia, how is the preparation for the party going?", Ma'am asked

"Everything is on set and proceeding smoothly" I answered

"Good. Tell the staff to get ready for tomorrow and that I don't want any mistakes and serve our client with the utmost service", Ma'am gave the orders.

"Done, ma'am" I assured her.

Time blurred into a whirlwind of activity. Before I knew it, the party was in full swing. The venue pulsed with music and conversation, a glittering showcase of Zior's finest.

[Inside the party venue]

"Welcome…", Our employees greeted the guest with a practiced smile.

"Ma'am, Is the arrangement to your satisfaction?", I asked

"Yes, everything looks good. Pass the message to everyone, 'Good work guys, thank you' ", said Ma'am

"Of course", I said with a smile, because Ma'am's approval was hard-earned and cherished. I am sure everyone would love it too.

"I'll go and greet others, and stay on patrol", Said Ma'am

"Yes ma'am, enjoy your time"

As I continued my rounds, a scene unfolded in a secluded corner, sending alarm bells ringing in my head. A woman, one of our staff, was clearly distressed, her arm twisted tightly in the grip of a burly guest...Such a noisy situation.

"Please leave me, sir", she pleaded, her voice trembling.

"Huh? What? I am not doing anything, am I?", said the Man

"Sirr…please leave my hand"

"Come on, don't make me look like a criminal, I am just asking you for a night."

"No…please..", struggling to free her hand from his grasp.

"Sir, please release her hand," I intervened, my voice calm but firm.

'Manager Cia…ma'am", the woman's eyes met mine, a desperate plea for help flashing within them.

The man turned to me, his face contorted with a sneer, and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the manager," I stated, my voice gaining a steely edge. "And I politely ask you to release her hand."

A sneer twisted his features "And what if I don't want to? Just a little fun, you know? This little thing here doesn't seem to understand the value of good company. It's not like I am asking here for free. I'll pay her, okay?!",

"No…I don't want to", the girl protested.

"You heard her. Release her. Or I will be forced to take further action," I stated, my voice dropping a menacing octave.

The man scoffed, "WHAT?? So now a beggar talks to me like this?"

But before I could do anything...

A searing heat exploded across my cheek. The man's slap echoed in the stunned silence.

"Now, don't you dare to talk or try to stop me, Know your place"

This asshole…no Cia, try to control your anger. My cheeks are burning like hell. I want to slap him back and let him taste the same thing, this piece of shit…Sigh, okay let's try again, Cia…Calm Yourself...

Taking a deep breath, I forced my voice into a steely calm. "Sir, I will ask you again to leave."

He sneered. "Seems you haven't learned your lesson, little girl." His hand started to rise again.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the tension. "What's going on here?"

Ma'am. Relief washed over me as she strode towards us. Her gaze darted between me, the trembling woman, and the now-flustered man, and finally stopped at my burning cheek.

"Cia, what happened to your face?"


She diverted her gaze from me towards the other girl

"Tell me what happened here, NOW", Ma'am's voice, dominating and demanding.

"Ma'am, that man tried to push me and asked me to spend the night, and when Miss Cia tried to stop him. He used violence against her and was going to use it again but you came just in time", the girl recounted the incident, her voice trembling slightly.

Ma'am listened intently, then turned back to me. "Cia, didn't I always tell you to get me in this kind of situation?"

Shame pricked at me. "Yes, Ma'am. I apologize."

Her voice softened slightly. "Remember, everyone here is under my protection. You, the other staff, and our guests. Don't hesitate to call for me, ever, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am..."

"Look here girl, I don't know who you are but I think you should leave now", the man sneered at Ma'am.

As soon as Ma'am heard what the bastard said a smirk appeared on her face

"I don't know how a low-life imbecile like you dare to talk to me like that and hurt my people", said Ma'am with her cold voice.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I don't think that you know me. If you knew you would have begged me for forgiveness", The man puffed out his chest with anger twisting her facial features.

"A pity," Ma'am sighed, amusement flickering in her eyes. "Cia, blacklist this peasant from all Zior properties."

"Yes, ma'am!" I replied, surprised but resolute.

"How dare you?", The man sputtered, rage coloring his face. He lunged at Ma'am, but with a lightning-fast movement, she sidestepped him. A well-placed kick sent him sprawling to the ground, a guttural groan escaping his lips.

"Arggghhh…", the man fell to the ground in pain.

Ma'am stood over him, her heel crushing his face "Now," she said, her voice devoid of emotion, "get out of my hotel and never show your face again."

Fear replaced the anger in the man's eyes. He scrambled to his feet and fled, his parting threat swallowed by the murmurs of the crowd, "You are gonna regret this…I will make you pay…"

"Yes..yes..run with that tail of your's between your legs"

Ma'am watched the man disappear, her expression hardening for a brief moment before softening into a smile. "Good job handling the situation, both of you. I'm proud of you."

Relief washed over me, and a grateful smile mirrored the young girl. We both expressed our thanks to Ma'am, the tension finally leaving our shoulders.

"Cia," Ma'am said, her voice firm but laced with a hint of concern. "Give her first aid for her wrist, then meet me in my office."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, impressed by Ma'am's swift action and unexpected tenderness.

Ma'am turned to the young girl. "You, take the day off. Go home and rest. You don't need to come in tomorrow."

The girl's eyes widened. "But... I'm okay, Ma'am. Please don't fire me." Her voice trembled with fear.

Ma'am's lips curved into a small, amused smile. "Fire you? Goodness no! I'm just telling you to take a day off since your wrist looks nasty. Get some rest, you silly girl."

The girl's expression shifted from fear to relief. "Thank you, Ma'am," she said, bowing deeply.

"Go now," Ma'am said gently.

After tending to the girl's wrist with a first-aid kit, I wasted no time heading straight to Ma'am's office. The encounter with the man had shaken me, but Ma'am's decisive actions and unexpected compassion sparked a newfound respect for her leadership style. I was eager to hear what she had to say next.

A knock echoed through the office.

"Come in," Ma'am's voice boomed.

I pushed open the door, self-consciously touching my throbbing cheek. "Ma'am..."

"Sit, Cia," she commanded, pointing to a chair. "Show me that face."

Hesitantly, I sank into the chair. Ma'am's usual calm demeanor had been replaced by a steely glint in her eyes. It wasn't anger, exactly, but a fierce focus that demanded my attention.

"But Ma'am..." I started to protest, but her sharp voice and gaze silenced me.

"I don't like to repeat myself"

"Yes ma'am..."

She pressed a cold ice pack to my cheek. A sharp hiss escaped my lips, "Arghh…" earning a small frown from Ma'am.

"Bear it, it's your fault to show such bravery"

Ahhh….so embarrassing!!!... Her face, it's so close to me….The throbbing in my cheek subsided slightly, and I managed to voice my lingering concern.

"Ma'am, was it okay?", I asked


"To blacklist him and anger him like that?"

"Why is it not okay?", Ma'am asked

"No, I mean, I heard that he is a big shot, and will try to do something to you", I replied with concern in my voice.

Ma'am chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "Don't be naive, Cia. Let's just say his influence doesn't extend to disrespecting my staff, Cia. He made a mistake, and he'll face the consequences, and don't worry, all his power will only last up to four days. He dares to touch you, I'll make him regret that he was even born in this world", said Ma'am who was completely focused on tending my swollen cheek.

"That's scary ma'am", I said

"Haha…don't you know how demonic your boss is?", said Ma'am

"And that's one of your charming points, ma'am"

"Oh…flirting now Cia...", said Ma'am with a smirk

"Huh..n–oo noo, I was justttt…",

Ma'am took the icepack away from my face, leaned close towards me, and said "Just?"

Flustered...I Pulled away

"Hahahah…I love to tease you. Your face is so red", said Ma'am


[Knock, knock]

"Looks like Rin's here," Ma'am muttered, setting down the ice pack.

"Miss Rin?"

"Come in," Ma'am called out.

The door swung open to reveal Miss Rin, her gaze immediately landing on my cheek.

"What happened to your face, Cia?" she asked, concern tinged in her voice.

Before I could answer, Ma'am spoke "An ugly bastard slapped her"

"What?" she exclaimed, a spark of anger flashing in her eyes.

She strode towards me, her movements graceful yet purposeful. Gently, she brushed her fingers against my cheek, "Ouch," I winced.

"Sorry, dear," Miss Rin murmured. "It must be sore, look how red and swollen it is" Her brow furrowed in worry. She diverted her gaze towards Ma'am and asked, "Ryo, you're on it right??!!"

"Absolutely, I am gonna destroy him", her jaw set. "Cia, you can go now. Take care of yourself."

"Yes Ma'am, please enjoy your stay, Miss Rin " I replied, bowing my head to both of them before exiting the office.

"Sure sweetie, take care"

After Cia took her leave Rin and Ryo settled on the sofa

"So? Who was it?" Rin asked, her voice low.

"Sato Ichino," Ryo answered.

"Ichino? Isn't he one of the new tycoons?", Rin continued.

"Yes," Ryo replied. I want every single detail about him within two days"

"Sure, it's easy since he's a known pervert. Lots of rumors swirling around him, but he always uses money to silence them." Rin said.

"Do you know him?", Ryo inquired.

"No, but I heard about him a lot through Aki", Rin answered.

"Ah yes, he may know a lot about this and all..then I will leave this to you,"

"Hehehe…yes, then I'll be going home", said Rin, getting up from the sofa.

"Okay, good night Rin"

Rin turned around, waved her hand, and said - "Night Ryo, get a good sleep, stupid".

"Yes, ma'am", Ryo chuckled and wished her