
Keeping Up With The Royals

A common girl as we call them, falls in love with a Prince who is the heir to the throne. Even though he was a Prince, heir to the throne Casimir didn't seem to care. Liz is yet to reach to the top of society and the Crown Prince is yet to meet his match. Crown Prince, is falling in love. Girlfriends are girlfriends, consorts are consorts. Nicky_TheCritique 2014

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Chapter Four- First My Purse, Then What?


"Aum huston we have a problem..." Emii said as she slowed down.

"Emii this is not the time to play astronaut"

"I know that look we have company and their waiting at our door steps."

Great just great. Of all the persons in this country why me? "Dear God-"

"Liz are you really gonna start praying?"

"Well what the fuck do you want to do?" I asked her "My apologies God" I said while I looked to the heavens.

We decided on sleeping in the car, when we woke up it 5 and about two reporters were still lingering out our apartment complex.

"I think we should move, but to where I don't want to go back home."

"I'll just call daddy." I said pulling my phone from my back pocket. I'm surprized I did't loose it.



"Hey Dad it's me"

"Uh Hey Hon"

"Dad what's wrong?" I knew something was wrong or my dad was up to something.

"Uh nothing everything is fine, so what can I do for you hon?"

"Well we need to move"

"We? Are you coming back home- wait who is we?"

"Hey I'm here too" Emii said.

"Yeah dad, you're on speaker…..I meant we as in Emii and me. Were you expecting someone else?"


"Good then, dad help us buy a house or a new apartment" I heard him gasp. "I have a lot of money saved up-"

"Me too" Emii shouted.

"Emii you don't have to shout. Anyways dad you just have to help us out."

"So, you girls want to change colleges too?" Dad asked.

"No dad just where we are living. I'm doing so well right now and this is the last term for the year."

"Ok Princess"

"Princess?... Dad you haven't call me that since I decided to leave home and live with Emii. Are you sure you're not up to something?" I inquired.

"What could good old me be up to?"

'You'd be surprised you're a dad and I'm your daughter you could be up to just about anything' I thought to myself. "I don't know dad why I even suspected that you're up to something" I said playing along with what he said. "So you're gonna buy our new place today right?"

"What?! Today I-"

"Yeah because you just love your daughter and your god-daughter so much" I smiled and Emii winked at me.

"When you put it like that how am I going to deny you too. Stop by the house when you're off work. Bye Hon"

I ended the call. "So Liz what about our apartment. We did pay a month's rent" Emii said.

"Yea but we have like a week and a half left for that month to be over. We can just let our brothers have parties there and burn off the time"

"At a cost of course. Let's go to IHOP I'm so hungry". I followed as I was starved, no dinner.

We drove to IHOP and I was happy to see no reporters. Yay! I opened the door to climb out the car when Emii grabbed my hand "I change my mind. Let's just go to Starbucks I don't feel like coming out of the car" She drove us to Starbucks and surely she went to the drive through. I ordered then she ordered, we drove up to the window to pay for our food. I reached over to get my bag. "Oh my God!"

"What's wrong?" Emmi asked a little startled.

"I can't find my purse..." I emptied by bag on my lap "It's seriously not here Emii….I feel like I wanna cry. My driver's license, money, credit cards.... dad got me EVERYTHING!!!!! I can here him screaming now"

"Oh my God! Where were when you last used it, or see it even?"

"On my way to the conference yesterday. I barley got to the studio before Yvonne dragged me out".

"Maybe it fell out when you had that reporter rush scene." Emii laughed

"It's not funny Emii, I-I..." I thought about it "I don't think it's there because if it was then reporters would have had a field day with it" I sighed, Great. This is all that Prince's fault I could just slap him right now.

"I'll pay for us don't worry. Someone must have found it, let's go report it."

We drove to the police station. We walked in wearing sun glasses just in case we needed the disguise. I should forget this and just replace everything that I need. I just know this is a waste of time.

I walked up to the first clerk I saw. "May help you?" she asked

"Yeah I am here to report my purse missing and it has my driver's license, money and credit cards in it"

"Okay you'll have to fill this form out before I can assist you any further" she said giving me a sheet of paper with questions, blank spaces, tick boxes. I took the paper and both Emii and me went to sit in the waiting area.

I filled out the form and went back to the clerk, I handed it to her and she started to read through I heard her gasp "You're Elizabeth Garston she said out loud I jumped on desk separating us and reached to cover her mouth.

"Shhhh....." she stared me wide eyed "Are you going to speak more softly" I asked and she nodded. Emii was right at the table telling me to get down. I climbed down.

"I think I have what you are looking for" the clerk said I turned to her, that was quick. I should come her every time I can't find something. I misplace one of my favorite earrings I wonder if she could help me out with that...nah! She bent down to pick up something by her desk. She handed me what looked like a gift bag. I looked in it and there it was yay my purse. I thanked her and asked her how she got it. "Well a man came here dressed in black, I didn't think anything of it andby the time he gave me the bag and just said tell one but the owner. I was about to call be supervisor. Then he gave me a folded paper, I read it. He stood there and watched me read it too. I still have the note if you want to see it….." I nodded she went in her desk draw and pulled out a paper it was folded in half. I took the paper and unfold it; it had a watermark that looked like the royal crest I read it quickly as if my life depended on it. I sighed after reading it, Prince Casimir can't be serious.

"Did the Prince himself bring this?" I asked mouthing the word 'prince' instead of saying it.

"No I think it was a bodyguard or something…..like you he didn't take of his shades and was stiff looking"

I gave her back the paper. "Thank you, you have been helpful" with that I grabbed Emii's hand and walked out and headed straight for her car.


Emii pulled up at Tropic Blue Pictures' front gate and the guard came out. She showed him the pass every intern got. He let us through. We parked in a spot that was cool so the car wouldn't feel so hot later when we were ready to get off work.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Emii asked.

Emii's POV

I heard Liz sigh she must be really frustrated with all this prince and reporters stuff "What's wrong?" I asked she handed me a note that she took from her purse"what's this?"

"Read it"

I read it but I couldn't help but laugh.

Dear Elizabeth

Or should I call you Liz? I know that at the moment you are angry with me. You might even be asking yourself why is this happening to you....or not. I don't know you that well-or at all to know what you would think. I wish you get this message. If by chance you do- well that's is if you went looking for your purse at the police station, I hope you do though Call This Number 1 412 555 2368. This isn't my direct number if by chance you decide to call.

Your Knight,

Prince Casimir

"Is he's serious?" I couldn't stop laughing. "Where was this?"

"A pocket in my purse, where my Student ID should be. And not to mention my driver's license is gone too. Prince 'get gal easy' is going to pay for this"

"How are you gonna pull that off?" I asked. That really got my attention.

"Simple do what he wants and call the number"

"You're really giving up like that?"

"Not giving up….just lowering the bait"

"Ok then" I laughed my bestie though. She's never gone steady with any boy, she only kept them in the friend zone. And when I mean friend zone I mean if the boy wanted a hug it would one of them church hugs the elders at church want young men and women to do when they wish to embrace- it was ridiculous. I stood by her all the way though elementary, high and now we are in college. I mean I guess she liked a couple of boys but never got serious with any, it made me think she wasn't straight one time but being in college with her I knew that would change or have the possibility to change. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let's get to work" Liz said smiling a smile that didn't reach her eyes, we walked down a path leading to the studios then separated and went to our different stations I wish I was in studio four with her. I hope her day goes well, with that Keeping Up With The Royals tv show they will surly want a scoop from her.


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