

A billionaire gives his daughter away to his millionaire friend to fulfill the promise he made to him , when they were young . Although his daughter and his friend's daughter are friends, this marriage will ruin their friendship.

Elizabeth235 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter One

It was a lovely morning and Mr Levi went out to his breathe taking garden to enjoy the beautiful scenery of flowers dancing to the Wind's melody and birds singing .It was so magical..." Let me not enjoy all this alone , how about l call my buddy Choi " . Mr Levi thought to himself. Mr Levi picked up his phone and called up Mr Choi ." Hello there Choi , l hope ur not too busy because l would love it if u would came over and see what l'm seeing here in the Garden". Mr Levi asked .

"l would love too , Lev .....l hope that u have my favorite cookies waiting for me to devour . Anyways l'll be there in 5 minutes". Mr Choi replied .

Mr Levi saw a tall middle aged man with a white t-shirt that says ," Too sexy " and Blue shorts . And then burst out of laughter because it was his friend Choi .

"What are u wearing Choi ?". Mr Levi asked while laughing. I'm wearing ummm .... clothes , what else . Mr Choi replied while giggling. l know ur wearing clothes but ur 20 year old son , would be Soo embarrassed to see his dad wearing a T-shirt that says "Too sexy , and l know that was ur intention. Mr Levi jokingly said. U know me Soo well , Lev ....l like to annoy my son cause it's fun . Mr Choi replied.

"Here are the cookies ur Soo obsessed with , my little princess, Avery baked them yesterday." Mr Levi proudly stated . "Oh! that's amazing , once upon a time we were changing her dipper but now she's clocking 20 years . Mr Choi sadly said ". Yeah! they grow up so fast. Mr Levi said while looking down . Anyways my friend , since our kids are adults now . l was wondering if u remember the promise we made to each other , approximately 20 years ago ?".

"Hmmm .....of course l remember , how can l forget . We promised each other that once our kids turn 20 , we will get them married to each other". But l think that we should first ask for their approval". Mr Levi said and then sighed . "Your right Lev ...l will take my leave now and thanks for inviting me to this lovely scenery . See you ". "See you Choi and thanks for coming ". Mr Levi said while smiling.

Mr Levi and his daughter Avery are going through pictures of Avery's childhood and then Mr Levi asked Avery ; "Love .... can l ask u a question? ". Then Avery answer with ;" Sure Dad".

"Do u have a boyfriend? ". Mr Levi asked while looking at Avery dead in the eyes . "No Dad , l don't have one" . Avery answered. Why though princess , are u scared of dating or what ?. Mr Levi asked while holding Avery's hand . No , dad , l'm not scared .... l'm just not ready to date anyone yet . Avery answered while giving a weird smile . "Are you sure , that's the reason why or are u just lying to me ? . Because l'm ur dad and l know when ur giving me that smile, it means ur lying. So please tell me the truth". Mr Levi stated with a serious face . "Okay Dad! since u insist on knowing the truth.... l don't want to date because l don't want to end up like u and Mom . l don't want to love someone so much and end up heartbreaken....like u.... dad . l don't believe in love cause love hurts . a.a.at least that's what l learnt from urs and Mom's love story ". Avery said with an angry voice while crying.

After all that Avery ran to her room and closed the door so that she could cry in peace. Her Dad stayed downstairs because he knew Avery needed some time alone . I think it's all my fault that Avery's mom left me , l didn't give her my time that's why she eloped with someone else and left Avery when she was only one year . But l won't regret marrying her because in the process l got my Avery . l would go through any heartbreak for my daughter cause she's my everything, she's the love of my life . Mr Levi said to himself while wiping his own tears .

Back in Mr Choi's house, Mr Choi and his son are discussing while playing ping pong. " Son , can l ask u a question?. Mr Choi asked . "Yeah ! dad ...ask me anything ". Kai answered.

Aaaaaaaaaaa..... do u by any chance have a girlfriend or ...a crush on anyone . Mr Choi asked while jokingly smiling . Kai first giggling and then started blushing then he said ;" Umm ...well .... l don't have a girlfriend but l surely have a huge crush on someone. Wow ! ...son who is she can l ....know her name cause ur blushing so much that ur cheeks have turned red . Mr Choi desperately asked. Kai got nervous and even hesitated to answer but then said : Ummm well .... it's , it's .... Avery . Mr Choi was chocked and then paused for Abit . Are u serious buddy ? . he asked . Yes dad , look .... l know it's kinda weird because we have been childhood friends and she sees me like a cousin.... but l can't control my feeling for her. ...b b but ..... don't worry dad l'll keep my feelings to myself. Are u silly .....why should u keep ur feeling to urself, tell her how u feel . Mr Choi stated with parting Kai on the back. Thanks dad for the advice... l'll surely tell her . Kai answered.

Mr Choi said to himself ; "it's not a good idea to tell my son about the marriage right now. l think that l should first talk to Lev ".

(Kai) Hello Avery

(Avery) Hello

(Kai)How are u

(Avery ) l'm not good (Kai) What's wrong

(Avery) l had an

argument with my

dad .

(Kai ) Oh ! Let's go

for ice cream and talk

about it if u want .

(Avery) That

would be amazing

Both Avery and Kai met up at their favorite ice cream place (lily's) . Kai thought to himself while looking at Avery ; "This was where me and Avery first tasted ice cream when we were just three years old and l think it's the right place for me to tell her how much l love her ". "Hey ! hey , hello there dreamer ...what world are u in ?, cause ur mind is far ". Avery asked while clapping her fingers to get Kai's attention. "Ummm ... don't mind me . Anyways, do u want to tell me what happened between u and Uncle Levi ?".

Kai asked. "Well " Avery sighed and then said . "My dad asked me if l had a boyfriend and l said no , then he went ahead and asked me why .....well l got angry and said that l don't want to end up heartbreaken like him because of what happened with him and my mom. Avery sadly stated ". U know that his ur dad and u shouldn't be so harsh on him so l think that u should...maybe talk this out and kinda apologize for what u said . Kai said while gently holding Avery's hand. " Your right Kai . Avery stated . Anyways.....can l ask you for an advice on something. Kai nervously asked . Ask away bestie. Avery answered. "Ummm l ..... kinda have a crush on someone and don't ask me who ...but yeah ! l have a crush on this girl but l'm afraid that she doesn't like me back cause l don't think that l'm her type . What should l do ?". Kai asked.

"Well , how do u know that ur not her type and how do u know that she doesn't like u . You have to tell her how u feel first . So that's it ....tell her your feelings . Okay ". Avery stated while holding Kai's hand . Thanks Alot , Avery , l will surely do what u said . Kai answered. They both hugged each other and then headed home.