
Chapter 31 : A Weekend Away From it All

Chapter 31

Keava POV

“I don’t normally…deal…with my emotions,” Roman said one afternoon. We were out on a horse ride around his massive estate. We both found it easier to open up while there was an activity involved.

The Horses had been a gift from some Dutch minister whom Roman helped out of a tight spot once. They were both magnificent creatures though Roman had not taken the time to name them creatively.

Hooves and Whinney i what he called them

“I find that acting as though I’m uninterested becomes an easy lie to believe for both parties.”

“It makes you seem like a dick,” I point out with a smirk.

“You’re one to talk,” he nudges my shoulder. “You’re always serious except when there’s a cup of coffee in front of you. Wait…was that the key to your heart this entire time? Caffeine?”

I blow him a raspberry and gallop off into the woods. The loud hooves behind me tell me that Roman is not far behind.