
Chapter 92: I wish you didn't have to die


A nerve jumped in my cheek. "You think I haven't done that? God, Nate. How many times have I told Quinn that she comes first? How many times have I said I'd give up football in a minute if it meant making her happy? Remember the summer before college, right after Bill died? I told Quinn that I'd give up Carolina so I could stay with her. I offered to go to Birch. And then this spring, at Matt's funeral ...I told her I'd give it all up for her. She knows it's all for her, everything I do."

"Does she?" Nate spoke without moving his head. His gaze stayed fastened on my face. "You've made the offers. You'd said the words. But what have you actually done? When did you ever act on the offer?"

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "Quinn never wanted me to. She refused."