
Chapter 9: And then this happened


Leo's eyes darted to mine, pleading. I knew what he was waiting for; he wanted my permission to tell Nate's mother the story the boys had concocted. The lie that was going to let Brent, Karl and Tim get away with what they'd done to Nate. I pressed my lips together, still tasting him there, and although I wasn't at all sure he was right, I gave a little nod.

"It was those steps by the gym. I guess Nate was heading to the locker room, and ...I don't know, he just fell. I was down the hall and saw him going down, but I couldn't do anything. Couldn't get there in time." Leo rubbed the back of his neck, giving an excellent impression of friend who was suffering from guilt. Or come to think of it, maybe he wasn't acting. "I think he hit his head on the railing. But the doctor said he was going to be okay. They just want to keep an eye on him. We saw him before he went up for a CT scan, and he was awake. He talked to us. They said maybe a mild concussion."

"Oh, my God." Sheri closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then looked at me. "Will you guys take me in to him?"

"Of course." I gave her a quick hug. "He's really going to be fine, Sheri. He talked to us and everything. I bet he's more worried about you and Mark freaking out than anything else."

She gave a semi-hysterical bark of laughter. "He always is. That's Nate. Okay, so you're saying I need to pull myself together, huh?" She managed a smile. "All right. Got it. Oh, and I called your mom and dad, both of you, in case they didn't know where you were. Quinn, your mother's on her way here."

"She is?" It didn't really surprise me. My parents and Leo's all tried to support Sheri and Mark however they could, whether that was bringing meals or sitting in hospital waiting rooms.

"Yes. She said if everything was going well here, she'd drive you home."

Disappointment flooded me. All the anticipation of riding home with Leo went up in a cloud of smoke. "Oh, well, Leo was going to-"

"I better get going." He tapped his fingers against his jean-covered thigh. "Since Sheri's here with you, and your mom's coming. And Nate's going to be fine." He glanced at me. "If you're doing all right, I'm going to stop in at practice." He cast Sheri an apologetic smile. "Not that I think that's more important than Nate. But if you've got this . . ."

"Sweetie, don't be silly. Nate wouldn't want you to miss football practice, especially not with a big game tomorrow." She patted his shoulder and squeezed. "Not that I keep up with that, but Mark said something about it being an important one."

Leo shrugged. "They're all make-or-break according to Coach. But yeah, it'd be good if I can show my face and explain what's going on." He dropped his gaze to me. "You can tell Nate that I'll see him soon. Explain ...what's going on and everything."

"Oh. Okay." I felt oddly deflated. Leo was backing away from me, both literally and emotionally.

"I'll see you later, Mia. Text me if anything comes up." He reached down to take my hand, squeezing it lightly, and then dropped a quick, friend-zony kiss on my cheek. "Sheri, if you need anything, let me know. I can bring Nate his homework or whatever."

"Thanks, Leo." She managed a smile. "It always makes me feel better to know Nate has the two of you."

Leo winced just a little before he nodded and turned to go. I watched him leave, his long legs striding across the asphalt, and I wondered if he was rushing off because he regretted kissing me. What would he do when we saw each other Monday in school? Or should I go to his game tomorrow and cheer him on? If he saw me there, would he ask me out, and not just as his friend? Or would he pretend the most beautiful moment of my life so far had never happened?

"Quinn? You okay, honey?" Sheri tilted her head at me quizzically.

"Hmmm?" I blinked at her. "Oh, yeah. Come on, I'll take you to Nate."

We went back inside, with me leading Sheri down the same hallway I'd run out a few minutes. She ran her fingers through her hair, wrinkling her nose.

"How many times have I been in one hospital or another with Nate ...but you know what gets me every time? The smell. That horrible antiseptic slash pine cleaner slash sickness smell. When Nate was little, the first thing I'd do every time we brought him home was wash him with his own sweet baby soap. Or when he got too old for that, make him shower."

I made myself smile at her, although cheery was pretty far from what I felt at the moment. "I get that. Remember when I had to be in here overnight? I had that ear infection that wouldn't go away. The smell still reminds me of that night." I shuddered. "I've always thought Nate was so brave to face everything he does without freaking."

"He's got more than his share of chutzpah." Sheri stopped when I did, by the door to Nate's room. We both leaned inside, but the bed was still empty.

A passing nurse paused. "Imaging's backed up today. You can wait in the room if you want. The waiting area's pretty full."

"Thanks." Sheri dragged a chair from the hallway into the room and then pointed to the other one already there. "Sit down, hon. Your mom'll text me when she gets here."

"Okay." I sank into the ugly brown imitation leather chair. "I'm sorry we couldn't get you sooner. We tried both you and Mark. And I know the school tried to call, too." I flashed back to that horrible moment when I'd seen Nate lying so still on the steps. "I was so scared."

She nodded, her eyes welling up. "I'll give myself permission to break down a little now, while he's not here. But don't worry. I can man up the minute they wheel him in here."

I reached out to touch her hand. "I said before that Nate's brave, but I kind of think I know where he gets it."

She half-laughed through her tears. "It never gets easier." She laid her other hand over mine, holding it there. "And no matter what, you'll do anything to keep your child from being hurt. In any way." Her eyes searched mine, and I felt my face heat.

"I'm sure it's hard when-well, with Nate sometimes it seems like anything that can go wrong with his health does."

"There's that. And then there's a different kind of hurt." Sheri didn't move, but her fingers tightened, holding me where I was, as though I might try to run. "Quinn, I don't mean to interfere or to pry. But when I walked up, it seemed to me like you and Leo were ...close. Is there something between you two that I haven't heard about?"

Part of me was thinking, I wish I knew the answer to that question. I lifted one shoulder before I spoke. "I don't think so. I was pretty upset about Nate, and so was Leo. He was just ...hugging me. Trying to make me feel better."

"Hmmm." Sheri raised one eyebrow. "Was that all it was?" Before I could answer, she gave her head a little shake. "Never mind. Forgive me for being nosy. Quinn, I hope you know I love you. I love Leo, too. I want all of you kids to be happy. But Nate's my number one priority. He has to be. And I don't think I'm betraying any secret when I say he thinks he's in love with you."

I opened my mouth, but misery and guilt made it impossible to say anything.

"It's all right, Quinn. It's nothing you've done. You've always been Nate's best friend, and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. All I'm asking is that you don't abandon him. Whatever happens between you and Leo-or anyone else-please don't forget about Nate."

"I never could." It was my turn to cry, warm tears trickling over my cheeks. "Sheri, Nate's one of the most important people in the world to me. I love him." I swallowed hard. "I wish I could say that I felt the same way. But Nate's always been like my brother. My best friend. I can't imagine not having him in my life. I just don't see him . . ." My gaze slid away from hers. "Any other way."

Sheri sighed. "Believe me, honey, I understand that. I've always been able to see it, but Nate doesn't. Or if he does, he's just too stubborn to admit otherwise. I'm not asking you to lie to him, or to pretend to feel something that you don't. I just want you to keep being the best friend you can. And if-" She broke off as we both heard the sound of wheels at the door. An orderly backed into the room, steering Nate's gurney around the corner.

"Well, if it isn't my daredevil son." Sheri jumped to her feet, her eyes taking in Nate's form under the thin blanket. She set her shoulders and pasted on a smile, and if I hadn't seen her crying a few minutes before, I'd have never believed she had been.

"Hey, Mom." He glanced at me, a small frown on his face. "I guess you heard what happened?" It was more question than statement, and by the way his eyes bored into me, I knew I was the one he was asking. He needed to know if I'd gone along with his story.

"That you tried to take all the steps in one bound? Yeah, I might've heard a rumor about that." She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I'm going to be fine, though." His gaze darted between the two of us. "What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing special. Just girl talk." Sheri smiled wider and winked at me. "Right, Quinn?"

"Yup, that's all." I nodded, hoping that neither Nate nor his mother could sense the turmoil and confusion whirling inside me.

I was more than ready for this day to be over.