
Chapter 16: Disappointment


By mid-morning on Sunday, the pain in my head had subsided enough that it could be controlled with regular over-the-counter meds, and the doctors agreed that I could be released. I'd just gotten dressed and was sitting on the edge of the bed when I heard a noise at the door.

"Knock, knock." Dr. Randall stepped into the room. "I hear my favorite patient of all time needed a little staycation at his number one resort this weekend."

I snorted. Dr. Randall had been monitoring me and coordinating all of my care since I was four years old. At this point, he was almost like family.

Leaning against the door jamb, he skimmed my file on his ever-present tablet. "So the bad news is, that new protocol we introduced last summer? Apparently it doesn't give you the ability to fly."

I rolled my eyes. "It also doesn't make your jokes any funnier, either."