
Chapter 13: Being invisible to the one who counts


I hadn't expected to hear from Leo that night after he'd kissed me. Not really. Yes, I'd kept my phone in my pocket and then on my nightstand, and yes, I'd checked the volume and made sure the ringer was turned on about every fifteen minutes or so. But it hadn't surprised me when the phone stayed silent.

It hadn't surprised me, but it had hurt.

I'd already planned to go to the football game the next day. I went to every game, and I knew my parents wouldn't think twice about me heading there today. I'd texted with Sheri that morning and learned that the doctors wanted to keep Nate one more day, because he was still in a great deal of pain. I could almost feel her anxiety through the phone, even though she assured me that it was nothing to worry about.

Go have fun today at the game. Give Leo a hug from me and scream for him like I do, LOL. I'll tell Nate you'll see him later.