
Chapter 127: Family reunion


"I never knew it got so cold down south." Lisa Taylor wrapped her scarf a little more securely around her face. "I'm glad I remembered my gloves."

On the other side of me, her husband leaned over. "Well, it is December, Lisa. You can't expect beach weather. Virginia isn't that far south."

I bit my lip and tried not to laugh. Leo's parents had been down here for the last three days, visiting on what Joe called a ‘pre-wedding mini-vacation' and what Lisa referred to as ‘Joe's attempt to keep me from killing people'. Although they never really argued, they sniped at each other all the time, which made it less than fun to be around them. Apparently, being the parents of the groom was almost as stressful as being the bride's family. Simon had called us last week, griping about the tensions between Justine's parents and his own.