
Chapter 110: Thank God for texts


Quinn: Hey-just wanted to let you know I arrived safely in California. The apartment is beautiful. Allan and his wife are really nice. Hope all is good with you.

I stared at the text for a solid minute, hating every word. It sounded stilted and formal, the kind of thing I might send a work acquaintance or an aunt I hadn't spoken with in a long time instead of the person who was closer to me than anyone else in the world.

Or who used to be, and maybe that was the problem.

Finally, I hit send and tossed the telephone down on the couch, sighing. When it came to Leo, everything felt uncertain and murky. I couldn't quite find my footing. I'd been proud of how well I'd handled our meeting at his brother's engagement party; I knew I'd taken him by surprise with my announcement. He'd seemed almost unhappy that I was moving across the country. I'd expected him to be relieved that I was leaving, after my disastrous visit to Virginia.