

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Grendell stared at me with a funny face. "DIDN'T A RANDOM PERSON POISON YOU ERLYER YOU, IDIOT?" Oh, that is what the funny face was for. "SO." Grendell's jaw literally dropped. "SO, SO. You could die any second now." I took a breast fingering out that Sarra didn't tell him everything. "The man was looking forward to me dying which means that when he ran away, It didn't work." sadly Grendells face didn't change. "You are an idiot. I will pack some madisons seeing that you are not giving up." I sat on the window seal and noticed that Sarra is trying to talk to me. She seemed to be shy about yelling it out loud. "how did I teleport again?" I remembered that all I had to do is image myself on a three-dimensional map and put some energy. "PUF" "What did you want to talk about?" I couldn't see Sarra. "Odd, I could have worn that she was here." "I am." I looked down and noticed that I must have scared her. "Sorry." Sarra stood up. "It's ok, I will just need to get used to it." teleporting takes less magic than I tough it would, seemed that it would be using fire that really drains my resource. "Hello, are you paying attention?" Sarra was waving her hand in my face. "Ya, just thinking." "Ok, why are we going there for and who are we going to support ourselves financially?" I didn't think I needed to explain this but I have been expecting a question like this. "You need to learn how to use your power properly and Clafter will be sending a hock to there weekly. Is that all you need to know?" Sarra took a breath. "Who are we going there?" I thought that was an obvious question. "Through the desert and mountains." Sarra was shocked for some reason. "Why not by sea?" I answered that without a second thought. "Because it would take longer and more expensive." I have been in this world for eight days, there is no way I am going brock before that. Sarra turned around. "GRENDELL, GET SOME WATER POUCHES. THIS IDEOT WANTS TO GO THROUGH A DESERT." Ouch, That is mean. Sarra faced me again "I am going to find Grendell, and please don't do anything stoped." "Ya ya ya, I will still be alive." Sarra left and I noticed that I am quite hungry. I turned around seeing that Grendell was already cooking something yellow, it looked like chicken. Looks like he is cooking it on a rack above his furnace. "What a weird way to cook." I started to hear my stomach ramble. I will do the smart thing and eat. I grabbed the chicken and noticed that it is a bit overcooked. all the more reason to eat it before it goes bad. I opened my mouth with my hands on the hot chicken and took a nice big, hard, bite. "CLONG." "OOOOUUUCH, that is not chicken." Apparently, that was a piece of metal heat till it was yellow, and right after I said I wouldn't do anything stupid. Interestingly, I got about half of a teleportation's worth of magic from it. "It would seem that by eating fire or something hoot can regain some of my magic." I should get some real food and not mention this to anyone. I will never live this down if Sarra and Grendell find out.

We got the resources and I have talked to everyone that I need to. We have gone on horseback until we hit a town on the edge of the desert. it only took two days. "Ok, you get what you need, we will be ditching the horses hear and have someone to take them back." I started to walk around the town and I can hear all sorts of people. Especially the two voices from an ally. "Hey, did you hear about the boy?" "No, I haven't." "Apparently, one of their kind is still alive this is news from our spy." "You don't say, not that I think about it. Didn't the spy almost lost his head for saying such an impossible thing." "Yes, but I thought that you didn't hear of anything about it?" "Never mind, some already triked someone else to deal with him." That is interesting But I don't think that I will have to deal with whatever they are doing. Nothing seemed to catch my eye so I waited for the two of them to get overhear. Sarra finally appeared and it seems that she changed outfits to something that is lighter and so much cuter in every way. I should look away. "Have you seen Grendell?" Sarra shook her head no. I can see I guy that is dressed light and is wherein a hat. "Grendell, Overhear." Grendell ran over to us. "How did you know it was me?" "I can't believe it, You are the bulkiest person there is." Grendell shrunk like he was trying to accomplish something. "Ok, every buddy ready?" Grendell straighten up. "YOU IDIOT, DO YOU WANT TO FREAZ OUT THERE?" My body started to lean away from his yelling. "I AGREE WITH GRENDELL ALEX." I started to put my finger in my ear and then blow on the top of it. "So what you are saying is that if I want to live, I should stay here with you and sleep the day off." Grendell was pissed, and Sarra was just worried. "Ok, I guess we could look around." There was a swap market selling all kinds of strange things. Grendell is practically drilling over the tools for blacksmithing. "Hay Grendell, you do know that all wait that you grab will have to be carried by you." Grendell started to look like a black cloud went over him. That is what I get for having a blacksmith in my group. we passed by a clothing stand and I noticed that Sarra has nothing on her head. For the desert, she is going to need something. "Hey, what is the one best used for desert travel?" I grabbed the one he pointed and put it on her head. Oh man she looks so cute with the black hair and red tips peaking out. I really need a reality check. "I'll get it." I paid the man and we continued. Sarra wouldn't stop staring at me. "Hey Alex, why did you get this for me?" I thought it was funny but I forgot that she spent half of her life as a slave. "The desert is a very bad place to get skin exposed to the sun or sand." "Ok, but why don't you have one?" Oops, I should have expected that, what is going on with me. "My skin only needs to burn once and I will be fine. Now for the sand, I just don't care." Sarra started to look to the ground. "You are very confusing." In a sense, I was proud of that but just because of my bad habits with people. "Hay Sarra." "Ya." Crap now I feel bad about saying this question. "How old are you?" Sarra stopped walking. "Is it January?" I didn't know how they took time here but in my world it is. "I think so." I grabbed some dried up fruit and munched on it. "Ok, if my math is right. I should be seventeen." "GUOOg." Oh crap, I am choking on my food. "CHOF CHOF CHOF." Sarra was about to try to help me but out of pure practice, I stopped her. I am having off a storm. I will have to try to stop choking and forced all the air that I can out in one go. "CHALOF." "Ouch." I turned seeing Sarra about to cry. "What is the waterworks for?" Sarra's face started to look pissed. "You jerk, I thought you were going to die because you would not let me help you." My left eye started to tear up. What is going on, thankfully Sarra can't see it. Only people I trust can make me do that and that is family. "Ha, don't worry, I have choked over worse." Especially for bummer reasons. "So you are the same age as me? Interesting." we spent the rest of the day and found Grendell again. "Hay Grendell, Do you have, who are those two that you are being latched onto?" Grendell looks drunk for some reason. "Oh, I figured that I should find a place to stay, and then I met these two lovely ladies." Oh no, why do I have a feeling that this has something to deal with B.R.O.T... "So I figured that and I found them and then found a place to stay." Sarra reacted to what he said. "Ok, what is this place?" One of the ladies looked at her. "Well, we work there." I don't like that answer. "You didn't answer her." The laydee looked at me like she was scanning me. "Well, we work at the broth..." "NOT A CHANCE, Grendell there is only one place that started with that and we are not going." Grendell sighed. "Ok, sadly I had a feeling that you would say that." Sarra started to look confused. "What is the matter with what she was going to say?" Crap, I really don't want to answer that. "Grendell, she may be my age but some things are not meant for friends to know." Grendell shrugged the girls off. "I guess she is your responsibility." Sarra started to puff up. "What is wrong with what she was going to say. I found a place to stay and after I was pretty certain that everyone is asleep, I snook outside. I figured that the main reason that teleporting took so much energy is because my body is not used to it. Teleportation is when the body or object is taken apart down to the atomic level. So I should get my atoms being separated and put together. For all I know, It could save my life. Teleporting as fast as I can is the only way.