

Every person dreams of going to another world, right. Well, that is what happens to antisocial seventeen-year-old Alex Enderson. A young boy that is extremely gifted but hates people is forced to deal with others to survive and fight for his and the lives of the people that care about him.

Enderstried · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Royal Debate

Clop, Clop, Clop, Clop. I need to get to the royal capital, and I hope that I sent the letters to the king in time. "OUCH." My right arm is in a string-like pain. "That's what I get for deflecting an arrow without thinking. But if it wasn't for my peripheral vision, I would have been skewered. But I need to get to the capital to give Sarra's true freedom.

I make it to the capital and walked up to the guards telling them that I need to speak with the king. Typically they didn't let me in. "IS THIS YOUR DOING?" I turned around to see Gulteth as pissed off as ever. "I will ask again boy, IS THIS YOUR DOING?" I can see Sarra is with him but his face, It was so funny that I had to chuckle a bit. The timing is perfect. The gates opened and I can see a tall scrawny man walking up to us. "Baron Von Gulteth, you are needed," said the scrawny man Gulteth walked through leaving me and the man. "If this Alex Enderson was going to waste the king's time, He should have been here early instead of being missing." This man is a real piece of work. "You could have said my name you know." The man was startled and in complete shock that he was waiting for me. "I would have been inside sooner but your guards are doing their job." The man just stared at me. "I would have assumed that you would be a gentleman because of your second name." that makes sense, seeing how I forgot that in the past in my world, family names have only been around for a copal hundred years. "Ya, family names are a necessity where I am from." The man straightened his face and started to walk me inside. The royal palace on other people's terms is beautiful. Using gold to decorate the ceiling and floor as well as elegant soft paintings on the walls. We stopped at the door and the man faced me. "You will enter the building swiftly and you will neal unless otherwise told to do so. You will watch your tough and you will not insult the king." The man straightened up and waited. I didn't want to say anything, mainly because this guy seems really snobby. Then the man knocked on the door. "You may enter." I would think that is the king of the land. The doors opened and I walked in calmly. I looked at the man on the tone and he was surprised to see me walking in. I nealed down and waited. "You are the man that sent me the letter?" The king said with a very surprised face. It was as if he was expecting a Nobel to enter. "You are just a random commander. How are you the one that wright the letter that I reserved?" Crap, if I don't give him a good answer then Sarra's freedom is done for. "Your royal highness, this letter is to serve as a deliverer of information that you may want to know. For Baron Von Gulteth and I made a deal and he is unwilling to uphold his end. Now I do know that you may not care about this trivial matter but if the people learn of this and you are unwilling to do something of this, there will be more trouble on your hands than there are on mine." I stopped there thinking that was good enough proof that I brought it up to him. "You know how to read and write?" The king is confused. "Odd, doesn't everyone know seeing how there are writing on every business?" It would make sense that everyone knows but I could be incorrect. "No, the writing on them is for the educated that can read. How can you read even though you are of a class that has not the wealth needed for such an education? I am digging myself in a hole. How can I tell him without saying too much? "Where I come from, education of that level is not only recommended, It is mandatory." "Interesting." the king sat back and put his hand on his chin. "Your highness. If you don't mind, I would prefer to talk to you like you are a normal person and, my knees are starting to hurt." oops, the room is silent. "You insolent fool, what did I tell you," said the man. "I should kill you where you stand," said Gulteth. He is not that bright, is he? I am currently nealing. Sarra looks like I just put myself on death row. "HAHA HAHAHA, I have never met a person that had the audacity to see me as a normal person." Well, he is amused. "I am king Leonhart, normally I should say no and feed you to the animals but in this case, you may." Everyone is looking at Leonhart astonished that he would let such a thing happen. Nevertheless, I can get comfortable. "Now that we can look at each other as people." I was going to continue "First you must answer one question," interrupted Leonhart. I was surprised. "If you had the chance to be king"... Surprisingly I already have an answer. "I would refuse the position." Leonhart's face changed, overly he was not expecting that. "Before you say anything I will explain why. You see I am quite lazy and don't really like to do work of that sort. I simply don't want to be the only person held accountable for any cause. Instead, I would propose a system like my homeland where there is no monarchy but there is a government built for, by the people, letting them decide how to run to a better tomorrow for themselves." Leonhart sat there giving an impressed look. "Interesting, so you sent me the letter about a slave witch? Do you have any proof?" I didn't expect to change the subject like that but thankfully I had the papers with me. "Two papers, one for the musket and one for the which." I walked up and gave him the papers. He looked at them for a bit. "Gulteth, I now the writing on the line. This is your righting," said Leonhart. Gulteth jumped saying, "your highness, this is a trick and you know that the true owner of a slave is the one that controls the anklet. That is the law." I know I should keep my mouth shut but I really need to shut him up. "So in the law, it is perfectly fine to go against your word just because of an anklet." I tried to say that with a calm voice but I can't tell. I was just in the moment. Gulteth just stood silent, and I knew that he is out of cards. Leonhart stood up. "I do not have the time to deal with this childish argument. Instead, you both will fight. All items are allowed and death is possible." Oh crap, what did I get myself into in just the first eight days I have been in this world. "Neither of you can decline and if you try to run, you will be imprisoned and I will hold the witch till it is settled." A thousand things were going in my head. "OH CRAP. This is not what I predicted to happen." I didn't realize that I said that out loud. "You have a problem. Alex Enderson." I looked at Leonhart and then realized what happened. "Life is just one big problem that I have to go throw. I am just going to have to deal with it."