
Keeper of my Heart

Noel Ashford is the only child of Scott Ashford, famed law attorney of the small town of Bisbee, Arizona. Life for the two is rather simple. Until the day her father brings home a stray criminal in the form of a 6-foot devil, by the name of Harken Lewis - who makes it his everyday mission to uproot Noel's simple life and welcome her to the dangers of his. At the loss of her mother at the age of 10, Noel has depended on herself in the absence of her father, counting down the days until she can leave her small town and finally start living her life outside of her shut-in home. Harken Lewis has lived his 18 years in and out of juvie and foster homes, never knowing the meaning of a home, and never allowing himself to be tied down. Shacking up with his lawyer and her daughter is meant to be a means to an end, a pit stop on his journey to greener pastures. He doesn't expect to find the one thing to shake his resolve and shatter everything he thought he knew about himself. Stick a shut-in hermit and an adrenaline junkie delinquent under the same roof, and what do you get? Disaster.

TheAryaKaunis · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Harken is completely stunned, barely feeling the phone hit his chest, his eyes focusing on how pissed off Noel is, racking his brain for what he could have possibly done now. His heart leaps out of his chest when tears start to well in her eyes, and he sees she is clutching her phone like a lifeline.

Looking down he picks up his own, tapping on the screen to reveal the text message she meant for Nolan.

"Oh shit," he whispers unintentionally. This is all Noel needs to hear before she turns on her heel and runs off.

Fuck, no!

"Go, we can do this another day," Abel says and throws Harken his bike keys. He is already walking back inside when Harken jumps on his bike, forgetting his helmet is still on the ground and takes off. Noel isn't anywhere to be seen on the downtown strip, making him wonder if she is going to run back to school.

Knowing how upset and embarrassed she must be feeling right now, there's no chance she wants to show her face at school. He rips the bac around and takes off in the direction of the Ashford house, keeping a quick speed but slowing down enough to look out for her, knowing he will spot her right away.

He's been looking for her in the crowd long enough.

Not far from the downtown core, he sees her walking slowly along the sidewalk, looking like she is headed for the bus stop. He slows down and comes to a crawling speed next to her.

"Noel, can you at least give me the chance to explain?" he pleads.

"What is there to explain, Harken? I know this explains your behaviour that night, you knew this was just a big joke and tried getting me to back out before you got caught, and you know what?" she cries out, stopping and turning to glare at him. "I won't lie and say I didn't have my suspicions, and I didn't really care. I'm not even pissed off about the fact that you lied to me and tricked me."

"Then why are you so mad?" he yells, sounding like he is losing it.

"It's because of what you did afterwards! You deliberately took me out to cheer me up and gave me a better memory to end the night with. But that was probably all a part of your plan, wasn't it? You just like messing with me all the time! Why, Harken? What the hell-"

He grabs her hand and yanks her down towards him, his lips colliding with hers. He doesn't know what he is doing, he just thinks it feels right.

Noel beats on his chest until he lets go, pushing away from him.

"Stop doing that!" she screams.

He shrugs, looking frantic. "I'm sorry, you were freaking out, I didn't know what else to do."

She scoffs at him. "Is this something you do every time a girl freaks out on you? I can imagine that happens often."

Harken's face breaks out into a grin. "That's not likely, I'm very popular with the female population."

Noel rolls her eyes, then realizes he has defused the situation, just like he intended when kissing her, and almost wants to hit herself for being so gullible. Harken takes the chance seeing that she has calmed down a bit and gets off the bike, leaning back on it as he faces her.

"I can say I'm sorry, but I know you won't trust those words. Would just explaining why I did it make you feel better?" he asks.

"I don't know if it would make me feel better, that might take time, but that doesn't mean I don't want to know why you didn't do it. Do you realize the impact of what you've done? Or did you think it was just another harmless prank?"

He looks down, kicking a few rocks at his feet. "I didn't think it was harmless, I didn't think at all, that's the problem. I tend to do that when I mix alcohol with anger."

She is confused at first by what he means, then remembers the night she received the fake text from Nolan. It was when she was leaving the party at Karl's, right after she got into another fight with Harken.

"Can we go home first?" she asks.

Harken's eyebrows shoot up. "Are you going to play hooky, Little Red? Don't you need perfect everything to get into this college?"

He isn't wrong, but missing one class won't kill her, and she can always get her dad to write a letter about being sick later. He owes her that much, at least.

Getting on the back of his bike, he hands her his helmet, but she notices he doesn't have his. "Where's yours?"

"Forgot it back at the pub, I'll get it later."

Noel feels the heat rise to her face, thinking of how Harken chased after her so quickly, he forgot his helmet, something he treats like a part of his bike, which it technically is. Leaning her helmet on his back, she closes her eyes, wondering what in the world this boy is doing to her.

They get home and Harken doesn't park his bike in the garage like he usually does, even going through the front door, something else he rarely does. She follows quickly behind him as he walks inside and up the stairs, turning to his room instead of hers. Thinking he is just going to take off his jacket or something, she lingers in the hallway.

"Are you coming in?" he asks.

Shocked, she hesitates as she walks in, realizing this is the first time she has ever been inside Harken's room, even though this spare room has been here for years. It doesn't look much different, a cheap bed frame bought from the discount furniture store downtown, a single bedside table and dresser, and a small desk and chair under the window on the far wall.

There are no posters, no personal pictures, and the walls are white and void of any décor, completely unlike what you would think a teenager like Harken would keep his room like.

"I never planned on being here for long," he comments, guessing what she thinks as her eyes wander the place.

Not knowing what to say to this, she sits on the edge of the bed, her butt barely touching the mattress. Harken jumps on the bed next to her and wraps an arm around her waist, dragging her further onto the bed.

"No one else has been in here, Little Red. You don't have to act like the place is covered in cooties," he snickers.

Rolling her eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today, she makes herself comfortable on the bed, crossing her legs and sitting to face him.

"What happened after I left Karl Mason's party?" she asks, deciding to start the story off there. "You were with Amy Stone when I left, but Priscilla says you didn't end up leaving with her."

"I never bring a girl home; this is where I sleep."

So...isn't the other option where she sleeps? Noel shakes her head, never able to understand a guy's logic.

"No, I didn't leave with her. I don't remember much from that night, I just remember being really angry after we fought, and then I got even more frustrated when I heard Isaac just let you walk off on your own, but I was already pretty hammered at that point, and I knew I was the reason you were leaving. I remember being so angry at one time, I thought about getting back at you by making you think Nolan was interested in you, but I also remember deciding not to do it."

He stops and blows out a breath. "By the time I realized what I had done, you and Priscilla were already getting ready. I always planned to cancel the whole thing, but I knew at that point you would probably be devastated, so I tried to make it sound like it wasn't your fault."

He ruined her first chance at a date just because he was angry at her?

"What did I do to make you angry enough to do something like that? I can't deny that I said some pretty hurtful things, but you took it too far with this."

Harken shuts his eyes and falls back against his pillow, running a hand down his tired face. "That I can't really answer, Little Red. I'm not sure myself."

"You know I've never been asked out before? Especially now knowing I was never really asked out by Nolan," she mutters.

"If you're saying that just to hurt me, Little Red, you have succeeded. I am deeply wounded, so please don't lower yourself for my sake," he says dramatically, fake sniffling to drive his case as he leans up and puts a hand over his chest.

They both break out in laughter, and she shoves him playfully.

"I'm being serious here. I've honestly never been asked out before, not that I can remember, at least."

Harken laughs, but it sounds empty. "You seriously can't remember a single time someone asked you out?"

Noel shakes her head. "Maybe during junior year, or back in middle school, I don't really remember much of those years so I wouldn't remember if someone did, and I turned them down."

"Wait." Harken suddenly sits up, rocking the bed. "You don't remember the junior year?"

"Well, I remember some of it but nothing important. I don't even really remember the trip at the end of the year, or any other school events I might have gone to. I had a really bad fall out of a tree that summer, I spent a lot of time in the hospital with a serious head injury, that probably affected a lot of my short-term memory of that year," Noel explains.

Harken looks as if someone has sucker punched him in the gut, his face growing pale.

"Are you alright? You look like you're going to be sick," she asks.

He just shakes his head. "Sorry, can't imagine going through something like that, it surprised me that's all."

"It's alright, it was quite a shock, a lot of things changed for me that summer. Spending so many months in the hospital really affected my life more than I thought it would. Looking back, I wasn't always a shut-in, but I missed the entire first half of my grade 10 year. By the time I went back, I had no interest in being your typical high school kid, going to parties and wandering around town causing havoc," she stops and gives him a pointed look.

"So, what changed?" Harken asks.

She shrugs. "Not sure, I just didn't have the motivation to do anything anymore, so I started focusing on painting and making sure I get into a good art school, so at least my passion won't disappear over time either."

"Is that why you were so hung up on the date not working out?" he asks quietly.

Noel frowns, thinking about it. After she had calmed down from that night, she wasn't sure what she is angry about anymore, or if she even still is.

"What do you want out of life, Little Red?" he asks her, deep meaning behind his pale blue eyes.

She takes another few seconds to think about it, never really asking herself. She has always lived her life day by day; the only plan she has for the future is her career.

But what else? Here she is, weeks away from turning 18 and becoming her own person, yet has she ever truly lived her life?

"I read the text you meant for Nolan. Have you finally realized that you've done nothing but the chase, with nothing in return?" The way he speaks, it's as if he is speaking out of the experience, warning her not to throw her life away like he did to chase the impossible.

"So, what's your point?" she mumbles, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

"Now is the time to live a little! You've finally realized you've lived like a hermit all your life, but life is just beginning for us. With your obsession with Nolan James gone, why don't you try broadening your horizons? There is more than just Nolan and his posse out there."

Noel snorts. "What do you suggest I do? I can't exactly go to a bar or club to pick up some random guy as you do with girls, I'm too young to look for a fake ID and I have no idea where to even get one. Besides, I hate loud crowds, school is the only place I interact with anyone else."

"Isn't Karl Mason arranging a trip to Miami over the winter break? Were you invited?" he asks.

Noel groans when she remembers Priscilla mentioning it a few weeks ago, already deciding she wasn't going to bother going and would make up some excuse later.

"You want me to try and find a guy there?" she asks, cringing.

Harken frowns. "I didn't say I'm going to help you hunt for a guy, but I can at least help you loosen up a little and learn how to have fun, and who knows? Maybe by the end of the week, you do manage to get a date with a guy there, and you won't have to worry about whether you like him or not once you leave. Mission accomplished and no feelings hurt." He wipes his hands together as if cleaning up after a mess.

Her life isn't that complicated. If anything, she has strived for it to be the least bit complicated ever, but that all changed when Harken became a part of her life.

She really doesn't want to go, but a part of her feels she might regret it. This is her last year, and the winter break falls on her birthday. She could have the chance to spend her birthday sipping virgin pina coladas and admiring all the well-toned guys at the beach, everyone spilling to the warmer regions for the winter.

Harken jumps up from the bed. "I can see it in your eyes, Little Red. You need an adventure, and this trip is the best idea we've got. You're going, no questions asked, and I am going to be your party guide for the week."

Noel can already tell that the regret she had before of not attending will quickly shift with the presence of Harken.

But, for the first time, she feels excited about something.

The weeks passed by quickly with Noel and Harken forming a surprisingly strong friendship after the conversation in his room. Noel feels like Harken is no longer on edge and begrudging about having to live with his lawyer and his daughter to gain his freedom, causing a lot less tension between the two.

They've spent almost every waking hour together, inside, and outside of school. Noel has blamed it because they have no choice but to see each other so often, but Priscilla tells her that Abel hasn't seen him around the pub. Harken went over a few days after Noel and he had their last clash, attempting the tire switch on his motorcycle, but he hasn't been back since.

Noel had asked how many times he had visited the pub before, and she was shocked to learn it was at least three times a week after class, sometimes he would skip his Computer Sciences class last period.

Now, instead, Harken takes Noel to school and drives her home, staying in the house either by himself in his room, but mostly taking Noel out to experience all the things he did as a kid. The first place he took her after their last scuffle, was the quarry where he and some of his friends tried their first joint, recalling it as a moment when he thought he might die.

Harken also revealed to her that he used to be quite the skateboarder growing up before he qualified for a vehicle. It was how he got around town and to school at the time, taking her to the skatepark that he used to frequent and attempting to teach her how to skateboard, which resulted in her getting a nasty scratch on her elbow.

He surprised Noel when he fussed over it like she had broken a bone rather than scraped some skin, she also found it quite cute to see him so concerned over something so small.

She had realized his goal by that point. Harken was trying to give the experiences she never had before. But she found it odd that he kept picking things she has always secretly wanted to do. She has never even told Priscilla of her desire to try and skateboard, or attempt to swim, never really learning how except in a pool with pretty shallow waters. Though they weren't able to attempt the first time, Harken suddenly promised to teach her how to swim during their trip and to bring her back to the quarry when the weather gets warmer so she can swim for the first time in the river.

That promise should have made her feel sad, but she doesn't think Harken realized what he had actually promised her. When the weather gets warmer, neither of them will be here anymore. She will be off to California, and he will go his own way too, his parole is done, and his freedom gained.

Will they still stay in touch after that?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Priscilla snaps her fingers in front of Noel's face, dragging her out of her daze. "Focus, girl, you said you would help me with this test, I have to take it in an hour and ace it if I want to go on the trip with you guys' tomorrow."

Noel clears her head and tries to focus on quizzing Priscilla. She can't believe a whole two months have already flown by living with Harken, and it's nothing like she thought it was going to be when she first met him. She imagined living her hell for the 9 months he is supposed with them, with the hopeful chance that he might leave earlier if he could.

Now, they're better friends than ever, watching Shameless together religiously until they binge-watched all available seasons, sitting in a void of what to watch in the meantime. They still bicker with each other from time to time, but over meaningless things like who uses the bathroom first in the morning, the house has two bathrooms but only one shower. The anger would quickly melt away minutes after, and the two would act comfortably as if nothing happened.

She is thankful that the fight they had when she discovered Harken had posed as Nolan to ask her out, didn't cause any permanent damage between them. It was never her hope to become the best of friends, but she still has to live with him, and she has already experienced what it's like to live with a silent Harken; she doesn't want to know what it's like to live with a vengeful one.

"So, I hear Harken is joining our holiday trip," Priscilla comments as they pack away their things.

Noel just nods.

"You guys seem rather close lately. What happened to always being at his throat?"

She shrugs. "I guess we got it out of our system when I freaked out at him over the whole Nolan thing, and we had a really good talk afterwards. I didn't realize at first, but we're actually quite compatible as friends."

Priscilla leans her cheek against her propped-up hand, lifting a brow at Noel.

"Really? That's all you see him as now? Friends?" she asks.

Noel scrunches up her face in irritation, knowing exactly what her friend is hinting at but not wanting to poke the subject. She still hasn't told her that Harken kissed her again after the water tower incident, and that was what really calmed the situation down and allowed them to have such a good talk and become friends.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

Which is why she hasn't said anything. It's obvious even to her that they have a weird relationship, no doubt it's obvious to everyone around them. Harken treats her differently than any other girl at school, but not in the way he treats Priscilla either. He treats Priscilla as a silent nuisance, someone who is trying to take Noel away from him, but always respects her for being honest and protective of Noel as well.

Harken treats her like his girlfriend, just taking away the sex. He treats her to lunch half the time and always escorts her to and from school, kissing her randomly on the cheeks or nose in the halls for everyone to see, always brushing it off like it's something casual between friends. He even gets openly irritated whenever she talks to another guy for more than 5 minutes, never approaching her but always grumbling like a child after that she took too long or commenting on the guy's appearance and asking her why she was so friendly with him.

Nolan never found out about the fake date between Noel and him that night, but she has distanced herself from him a lot, especially now that she doesn't get rides in with Priscilla who would deliberately drive past him or park close to his truck. Harken does the opposite, he parks his bike as far as possible from Nolan's obvious white truck, sometimes glaring at the back of it as if he is lounging on the truck bed like he usually does in the mornings.

"You should thank him, actually," Noel says.

Priscilla scoffs. "Like that will ever happen. Why should I?"

"Because he talked me out of my shell a little bit. I'll be honest now that I've made up my mind, but I was going to come up with an excuse not to go on the trip next week, but Harken talked me out of it and convinced me I needed to experience life a little bit before I take off for college. I have to have some experiences before I get there."

Priscilla wiggles her eyebrows at her friend. "Yeah, he's been helping you develop some experience alright." She winks and nudges Noel playfully. "Is that why he kissed you, for the 'experience'?"

"We're not going to talk about that," Noel warns.

"You guys are the weirdest couple I have ever met. The attraction is clearly there between the two of you, but even I admit it would be weird if you guys slept together and then didn't work out romantically. I mean, that would be awkward around the house, but maybe it might also entice him to move out sooner," she says with a shrug.

Noel waves her off as they exit the library and out into the crowded hall, students rushing between their lockers and class as lunch ends.

"Ugh, I'll see you later. Wish me luck!" Priscilla slumps her shoulders and turns away as they near Noel's locker.

Noel turns around and sees why as she spots Harken leaning against it, browsing through his phone. She feels a smile tug at the corner of her lips, feeling like this is becoming an everyday routine for them. He always waits for her at her locker after lunch so they can spend her spare period together, dragging her to Mr. Baldwin's Computer Science class briefly so he can at least be marked down on the attendance and make up some lame excuse about researching or taking pictures for the yearbook.

Unable to take on a task and not complete it even a little, Noel did snap a few shots of some minor school memorabilia along the way. She can't stand to see Mr. Baldwin so upset and flustered working on his own.

She walks towards him, feeling her heart start to flutter the closer she gets, feeling nervous for some reason. Before she can get close enough to greet him, Amy Stone crosses her path and walks up to him, laying her hand on his chest. At her distance, she can't make out what they're saying and creeps closer, using the passing students as temporary shields.

"When are you going to take me for a ride on your bike as you promised?" Noel hears the sickening purr of Amy as she puts on her best charms for Harken. From her new spot behind the wall post, she can't see their expressions and assumes Harken is smiling down at her, lapping it up.

"I never made that promise, I said we'll see," Harken responds, his tone sounding detached and uninterested.

Amy giggles, the sound like sandpaper on a chalkboard, though Noel knows half of that is because she is irritated Amy is still hanging around Harken. She knows for a fact he hasn't tried seeing her or contacting her in a long time, spending the majority of his time with Noel.

What the hell am I thinking? I shouldn't know this much about Harken's personal life.

Sadly, she does, because he hasn't really left her side, something she never paid much attention to until today when Priscilla pointed it out, always just enjoying her time having one other friend to talk to and hang out with other than Priscilla, who isn't always available when Noel needs someone to confide in the most.

"No need to act so polite, Harken. We're passed that stage by now; don't you think?" Amy asks.

Noel cringes, shuddering a little in disgust, having it confirmed that Harken has slept with Amy, and possibly more than once. Out of all the girls at Bisbee high, Noel doesn't think there is a single guy, in their grade at least, who hasn't slept with Amy.

"Besides, I saw you buy that extra helmet at the mall, you were going to take me for a ride, but you bailed on me. I think you owe me at least one ride for that," Amy adds.

This catches Noel's interest. Did he buy the helmet then? But we had a big argument that day. Was it before or after that?

"Sorry, that wasn't for you, and I didn't bail on you I just got bored of hanging out. We had fun, what more do you expect from me?"

She hears Amy scoff. Even Noel flinches slightly at the cold tone and harsh words coming out of Harken's mouth. She has only ever heard him talk to her like that, what could Amy have done to piss him off?

"Hey, Noel!"

She turns to see Nolan walking towards her, waving his hand with his usual crooked smile. She freezes against the post, wondering if he was loud enough for Harken to hear, but it doesn't matter. Nolan is walking right down the hall in the direction and viewpoint of Harken, waving his hand.

That's bound to draw attention.

"It's been a while since we talked," Nolan says, but his eyes quickly shift to something behind her.

"Little Red?" Harken pops his head around the other side of the post.

Crap, I've been caught.

"I've been looking for you. What are you doing here?" Harken asks.

"Why do you keep calling her that?" Nolan asks, frowning a bit.

Is he upset by it?

Harken narrows his eyes at him. "None of your business, that's why."

He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her towards him as if protecting her or laying his claim in front of Nolan.

She really hopes it isn't the ladder.

"Jesus, Harken. What's been up with you lately? You chase off every guy who tries to get near her, but you claim you two aren't dating." Nolan stops and looks at Noel. "Are you guys dating?" he asks her.

"Absolutely not," Noel and Harken answer at the same time, looking at each other in shock before they both break out into grins.

"Right," Nolan says slowly. "Then you would be alright with me asking Noel if I can sit with her on the plane to Miami tomorrow, right?"

Harken laughs. "Not likely. Weren't you just chasing Kara Phillips last week? Now you want to move on to my Little Red? I don't think so."

What is he saying right now?!

"What are you, her dad? Ease up, Harken, I can be friends with a girl and not be banging her at the same time."

"Uh, hello?" Harken gestures to Noel.

"Hey! That might be true, but you don't have to make it sound so bad," she cries and elbows Harken in the side, pushing him off of her. "Honestly, I'm probably going to sit with Priscilla. I appreciate the offer, however," she turns and smiles at Nolan.

Before he has the chance to respond, Noel grabs Harken's hand and drags him down the hall, giving Nolan a brief wave goodbye as he stands there dumbfounded.

"Geez, Little Red. Do you secretly work out at night or something? You're going to tug my arm off," Harken whines, purposely dragging his feet to make himself heavier. Noel lets go of his hand without warning and he falls backwards, flopping onto the ground on his back.

She rolls her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, I was barely pulling."

"Why did you run off so quickly? Isn't Nolan giving you attention to everything you dreamed of?" Harken asks, lifting his hands as if reaching to the sky to emphasize his point.

"Maybe at first, but not so much anymore. He's just another pretty face to me now."

Harken wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Word of advice; most guys don't like being called pretty."

"It's a figure of speech for someone whose only good quality is their attractive appearance," she says with a laugh.

Harken sits up off the ground. "Do you really think he's that attractive?"

"Am I blind? Yes, he is very attractive. Just because I don't have feelings towards him anymore, doesn't mean his looks have gone away."

"Well, what about me?" he asks.

"What about you?"

Jumping up from the ground, he comes to stand in front of her, standing so close she has to almost crane her neck back to look up at him.

"Do you think I'm attractive?" His swirling blue eyes are boring down into hers, seeming to ask her another question than the one that comes out of his mouth.

She hesitates, not wanting to lie but is too embarrassed to admit she does.

"W-well yeah. I mean, doesn't every girl here? I'm no different than them, really."

He moves closer to her, his chest brushing against hers as his breathing deepens.

"I'm not asking about every other girl here, Little Red. I've already told you you're nothing like them."

Noel does remember him telling her this before, and she is still unsure what he means when he says it. Whether he is complimenting or insulting her.

"Yeah, you have said that before. Sorry I'm no Amy Stone, but I don't think I'm that bad either," she mutters, pushing him away slightly.

Harken catches her hand, capturing it between his hand and his chest, leaning down towards her. She prepares herself to push him away with the other hand if he tries to kiss her, but instead, he looks like he's holding himself back from getting angry at her.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why are you comparing yourself to Amy Stone? She's a bimbo," he says. She flinches away from the slight growl in his tone, wondering why he is so angry with her, then remembers her blunder.

"Did you hear the conversation between her and me?" he asks.

"N-not a-all of it..."

He groans loudly and lets out a frustrated breath.

"Do you think I'm saying you're different from other girls in a bad way? What the hell makes you think that?"

She opens her mouth to respond but isn't sure what to say. Why does she think that? Harken has been nothing but nice to her the last two months, yet she keeps wrongly judging him.

"I really don't get you, Little Red," Harken mutters.

Noel smiles sadly. "Neither do I."