
Keeper of my Heart

Noel Ashford is the only child of Scott Ashford, famed law attorney of the small town of Bisbee, Arizona. Life for the two is rather simple. Until the day her father brings home a stray criminal in the form of a 6-foot devil, by the name of Harken Lewis - who makes it his everyday mission to uproot Noel's simple life and welcome her to the dangers of his. At the loss of her mother at the age of 10, Noel has depended on herself in the absence of her father, counting down the days until she can leave her small town and finally start living her life outside of her shut-in home. Harken Lewis has lived his 18 years in and out of juvie and foster homes, never knowing the meaning of a home, and never allowing himself to be tied down. Shacking up with his lawyer and her daughter is meant to be a means to an end, a pit stop on his journey to greener pastures. He doesn't expect to find the one thing to shake his resolve and shatter everything he thought he knew about himself. Stick a shut-in hermit and an adrenaline junkie delinquent under the same roof, and what do you get? Disaster.

TheAryaKaunis · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter Nine

Another week has gone by after the day at the mall and Harken is back to acting like Noel doesn't exist, this time her anger lasting a lot longer than it did before.

Priscilla praised her a lot after that day for being so bold with Nolan, but Noel knows she only got the confidence that she did because she was provoked by Harken, and probably won't have it again. Therefore, despite Priscilla's nagging, she hasn't tried to approach Nolan since. The party he invited them is tonight, but Noel is once again thinking of backing out.

Coming to her locker at the end of the school day, she contemplates what excuse to use to get out of the party, knowing Priscilla will insist on coming over tonight to help her pick an outfit and get ready, and is suddenly approached by Nolan.

"I never got the chance to thank you again for inviting me to hang with you guys' last weekend, it turned a weird day into a pretty good one," he says.

Noel is surprised when she doesn't become flustered like usual by his presence, and instead feels kind of disappointed to see him.

"No need to thank me, I had a lot of fun too."

They stand in awkward silence for a few seconds, Noel closing her locker as a sign that she's getting ready to leave.

"Oh yeah, are you still coming to Karl's tonight?"

Noel wants to ask how someone as soft and gentle as Nolan could be friend with someone like Karl who throws a party every weekend just so he can get laid. She doesn't doubt Nolan hasn't slept with a few of the girls at their school either, he's not a playboy but he is still a boy in his late teens, but he has never struck her to be on the same level as Karl and his friends.

Being a member of the football team and captain of the soccer team, it's only natural that he would be close with all the popular guys in their school, all of them coming from their extremely successful school sports teams, both their football and soccer teams running undefeated 3 years in a row now.

"I can try to make it," Noel says.

Nolan looks a little disappointed when he smiles at her. "I hope you can, it would be great to have you attend this time. I should get going, maybe I'll see you later." He gives her a little wave and jogs back towards his locker.

Shutting hers, she suddenly feels dejected and even more unmotivated to go tonight.

"What took you so long, thinking of ways to get out of tonight?" Priscilla asks her as Noel makes her way out the front doors. Noel has a feeling she deliberately left her afternoon open after school so she can drive Noel home and convince her not to back out on going.

"Would it really make a difference if I'm there or not?" Noel grumbles. She slides into her friend's car and leans her head against the window, feeling completely drained.

"Seriously, what is with you lately? Harken hasn't bothered you in weeks, I thought you would be jumping from the ceilings right now, but you've looked like a drowned house cat ever since we left the arcade. Are you sure nothing happened that day?"

After Noel had returned from getting food, it was obvious to her long standing friend that something was bothering her, but she didn't have the heart to repeat the conversation between Harken and her, so she explained to Priscilla that she was just feeling sick, and the food didn't end up helping like she thought it would.

She knew she wouldn't completely buy it.

"Harken came looking for me after I left to get food, and we had another argument in the food court. I think he was trying to talk to me about what happened a few weeks ago, but I was still too angry about it, more than I thought I was, and I wasn't exactly easy to talk to," Noel mutters, admitting to herself finally that things could've gone better between them if she had stopped being so defensive towards him at the time.

But it's hard not to be, she doesn't exactly trust Harken after witnessing his ability to switch moods at the drop of a dime.

Priscilla whips her head around, the car swerving slightly as she cranks the steering wheel in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me that? I knew something was up when he just ran out past me, but I didn't think he knew you were there."

Noel chuckles. "Well, if he saw you there it's only natural to assume I'm not far behind, the food court wasn't far from where we were, it wasn't hard for him to find me."

"So, you guys are even worse off then before?"

Noel nods, not wanting to get into it any further. Priscilla slaps her leg and grins at her, the gears in her head looking like they're already spinning.

"All the more reason for you to go out tonight, you aren't getting out of it this time!"

To Noel's dismay, she indeed could not get out of missing this party, like she has successfully done all others. Priscilla already had an outfit picked for her from her personal closet and coached her for an hour while she did her make-up, complaining she wasn't applying a style that suited her look.

After another half-hour of wiping it all off and one more hour to reapply it, they're ready to go just a little after 9pm when the party started at 8pm. Priscilla says it's always better to be late, that's how you get the most attention.

Noel is dressed in uncomfortable skinny jeans that suffocate her legs and waist, a tight shirt that isn't quite a tube top but still leaves a couple inches of her stomach exposed, held up by tiny spaghetti straps. Although her chest isn't as flat as Harken has claimed it to be, she's thankful they aren't any bigger or the straps might snap.

She feels overly exposed despite the large jacket she draped over herself to guard against the chilling night air, clutching the side of it to cover herself as they walk up towards the shaking front door, vibrating from the bass coming from inside. Taking a deep breath, she follows after Priscilla into the chaotic house, already feeling like she is suffocating from the amount of smoke lingering, making the air stagnant and heavy.

"Is it always like this?" Noel yells over the music, covering her mouth immediately after she accidentally inhales a large breath of stale air, choking on it.

Priscilla shakes her head, and she faintly makes out her words. "This is the last weekend before Karl's parents come back, I guess he's going all out for this last weekend."

Why did this have to be the party she came too? If this is going all out, what were the other parties like?

She hangs on to the strap of Priscilla's purse hanging from her shoulder, trying her best to follow behind as they squeeze their way through the crowd of sweat covered bodies. The house is large, but Karl still managed to gather enough people to fill up every space of the main floor it seems. Priscilla leads her into the kitchen where thankfully it's less crowded than everywhere else, a few people lingering by the counter of food trays and peering into the fridge stacked with alcohol.

"You don't drink much so let's get you something light," Priscilla says and bumps aside a guy blocking the fridge, easily pushing him away.

"No, no, you guys aren't drinking that sissy stuff, move over Wright." A burly man Noel vaguely remembers seeing on the football team last year before he graduated, comes pushing through the gathering crowd in the kitchen towards them.

"Isaac, what are you doing here? This is a Bisbee High party, I didn't expect someone as high and mighty as you to bother with high schoolers," Priscilla snorts, but her smile is tense, and her fingers can't stop fiddling with each other.

It's rare for Noel to see the ever so confident Priscilla Wright acting like a nervous wreck, in front of a guy no less. But even Noel can see what makes her so nervous, this guy Isaac is giving both Harken and Nolan a run for their money, with dirty blonde shaggy hair and deep brown eyes, his skin, like Harken, has a natural tan to it and it's clear he hits the gym quite a bit.

"I heard that Mason kid was throwing one hell of a party, the guys and I decided to stop by. Which reminds me, I brought that bartender you like so much, despite handling alcohol every day, this is your chance since he's a hell of a lightweight."

Priscilla's face lights up as if it's on fire and she gives a puppy dog look to Noel, silently begging her if she could leave. The last thing she wants is to be left alone in this place after just entering, but she knows Priscilla isn't a wallflower like her, she can't be tied to her waist all night and she has never saw her look so excited and desperate before over a guy.

"It's fine, go," Noel says with a small smile. She hopes that Priscilla will see her reluctance and choose to stay, but she gives Noel a quick hug, thanking her in her ear and runs off without hesitance. Leaving Noel alone with Isaac.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to take her away from you, but she has been crushing on my boy Abel for a long time," Isaac says with a cute grin. Noel realizes he doesn't seem as intimidating as she thought, he's just a big guy who comes off strong to people at first glance, but judging by his boyish appearance right now, he's probably a big teddy bear deep down.

"Who's Abel? We tell each other everything but I don't think she's ever mentioned him, must be someone big if she's keeping it from even me," Noel asks, finding it easier than she thought to hold conversation with him. He grabs her a beer from the fridge and one for himself, handing it to her.

"Always take a closed bottle from someone if they ever hand you a drink at a party, that's something Abel would probably preach to you right now," Isaac says. He leans back against the counter and takes a swig of his. "Abel is a friend of our group from Bisbee, he graduated a couple years ago after getting his credits early so he could help his parent's run their pub downtown, Pub Hayes if you've heard of it."

Noel has but she has never gone in, being underage there is no reason for her to enter a pub. But she has heard of the Hayes pub and how popular it is for a lot of the older teens, mostly because later at night it's easier for them to sneak in with their fake IDs and she wonders if that is because of their friend Abel Hayes.

"How does Priscilla know him?" As far as Noel is concerned, Priscilla is wild but not the kind to get a fake ID and sneak into bars and pubs, especially with her parents constantly watching her every move.

"I think she came into the pub one day with her father, Mayor what's-his-face, he was trying to offer Abel's parents a deal to buyout the place, wanting to use the building for one of his wife's infamous galleries and boutiques she never ends up doing anything with, becoming just another abandoned building. This time it was for some sort of fashion boutique or something, and in the end he never got it thanks to Priscilla I think."

Noel is shocked to hear this and understands why Priscilla has never mentioned it or her interest in Abel Hayes. She rarely ever talks about her father's business or what goes on at home, using Noel and her place as an escape for all of it and only ranting about the study dinners and parties she has to attend, and how tiring it is trying to keep up such a burdensome image. At the same time, Noel has never asked her about her life at home, knowing she doesn't invite her over because she doesn't want Noel to witness the hectic and dramatic life she lives with her parents, but that doesn't mean she might want to talk about it with someone, and Noel is supposed to be her best friend and confidant.

Why have I never asked? She wonders, realizing it's because she never wanted to feel like she was prying into Priscilla's life, but her friend never said she would be if she ever asked.

"Why do you look so down all of a sudden?" Isaac asks. Noel is brought back to her reality, remembering she is standing in the middle of a party in a now hectic kitchen. She didn't notice how many people have filtered in to replenish their drinks, the kitchen area now becoming as crowded as outside.

Isaac notices her uncomfortable look and tugs on her arm, motioning with his head for her to follow him out of there. She uses him as a human shield as he pushes his way through the crowd with ease and leads to her towards the back door and onto the large patio.

Noel takes in a big breath of refreshing cool air and feels herself starting to relax, finally opening her drink now that she is around less people and takes a swig, the alcohol tasting bitter as it runs down her throat, gagging halfway through.

Isaac laughs at her, almost spilling his own drink. "The trick is to just open your throat and let it slip past your taste buds as much as possible. You know, just chug it down if you can," he says, still snickering at her.

She is annoyed at his teasing but feels herself relaxing more and more, a smile touching her lips as his contagious laughter hits her.

"Eh, there we go! You finally smiled," he cheers, causing her smile to grow. "By the way, I never caught your name."



Her head swivels behind her, Isaac following suit, as Harken walks up the patio towards them, dark shadows covering his face as he seems to glare at Isaac. His pale blue eyes shift towards her, and she feels her chest tremor under his intense gaze.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, sounding like he is gritting his teeth.

It's Isaac who answers him. "Oh, do you guys know each other?"

Noel waits for Harken to respond, judging by the last time they were asked about their relationship by Karl, he jumped in and saved their ass in that moment.

Will he do the same again?

"No, we just have the same math class together."

He denied knowing her, chalking her up as just some random classmate of his. She half expected this response.

So, why does it hurt so much hearing it?

An awkward and tense silence falls between the trio, Isaac shuffling uncomfortably as Harken denies knowing Noel, but still seems to glare at her as if just seeing her pisses him off. Noel squirms under his gaze, unsure of how to feel right now and process the hurt caused by his words.

She doesn't exactly want everyone knowing that they live together either. But does he really only see her as some classmate now, and not even a roommate? They live in the rooms next door to each other, even if they haven't talked its hard to deny how close they have become.

"How did you know her name?" Isaac asks, breaking the awkward silence.

Harken scoffs at him, suddenly looking annoyed that he even spoke.

"I just said we're in math together, it would be weird if I didn't know her name," he says, his tone coming off defensively. Isaac puts his hands in the air and backs off a little.

"Easy, man, I was just asking. What crawled up your ass and died? I thought we were having a good time. Did Abel say something depressing to you again?" Isaac asks. He makes it sound like the two of them know each other, mentioning the name Abel again as a mutual friend.

"Wait, do you two know each other?" Noel asks.

Harken looks like he wants to deny it but Isaac nods instead. "Yeah, we used to be in the same class together before this kid landed himself in juvie, then he was held back a grade like a loser," Isaac jokes and grabs Harken in to give him a noogie, but is quickly pushed off, Harken still clearly not in a good mood.

"Yeah, we know each other. What of it? Didn't expect me to have friends?" he spits at her. Noel feels like she has been hit with another blow to the chest, Harken acting harsher towards her than before, she almost wishes he would just ignore her here like he does everywhere else.

This is worse.

She has already felt the regret of her actions from the mall, and she was hoping if she got the chance to talk to him again, she would be able to apologize to him and maybe finally talk everything through. But seeing him today, it seems she has let it be for too long, and it has festered in him too much.

There is no talking to him now.

"Okay, I'm sensing there is a lot more to you two than you're letting me believe," Isaac cuts in. "But this is really harshing my mood, so we need to deescalate this situation. Harken, as I remember you have a pretty girl waiting for you back at the fire, and Noel here seems to be experiencing her first time at a high school party, so I'm going to be your guide of the night to having as much fun as you can. Ready?" he says and offers his hand out to her.

Noel smiles and lifts her hand to his, but Harken intervenes and snatches it away, giving her another harsh glare. "You're really going to go off with some stranger you just met at a party?"

"Hey, uncalled for!" Isaac cries out but is clearly ignored by Harken as he tugs on Noel's hand, drawing her closer. He gazes down at her, the judgement he is feeling clear in his pale blue eyes, she feels like she is suffocating while drowning under it.

Ripping her hand from his and backing away, she tries to think of something harsh to say back and hit him as hard as he has been hitting her emotionally, but before she has the chance an opportunity arrives herself. Amy Stone saunters up behind Harken and similar to at the arcade, she wraps her arms around his chest from behind and leans against his shoulder.

"What are you doing over here? You've been gone for so long," she practically purrs in his ear.

Noel wants to gag at the sight but just smiles and laughs to herself.

"You're in no place to judge me, Harken, and it seems like you're occupied at the moment." She turns and grabs Isaac's hand. "Come on, you said you were going to show me what it's like to really have fun at a party, right? Let's go then."

Isaac has no choice as he is dragged away by this surprisingly strong and slightly frightening looking girl, giving Harken an apologetic look before he follows after her.

Harken is once again left standing there as he watches her walk away, feeling like she is taking yet another piece of his heart with her.

Noel drags Isaac away with the intent of losing herself in the party to forget how terrible she feels after talking with Harken and witnessing Amy latching on to him. But the second they're out of view from them, she feels herself instantly calm down and all the anger and confidence she was feeling before quickly evaporate.

"Sorry to have dragged you into that, and I know I said I wanted to have some fun, but I think I'm just going to head home," she says, letting go of Isaac's hand and rubbing her shoulders against the growing night chill, wishing she hadn't taken her jacket off inside. There is no way she is wandering back through there to get it, she can ask Priscilla to grab it for her later, or just leave it, having her phone and wallet in her jean pockets.

"Is there something going on between you and Harken? He's never got that upset with me before," Isaac asks. Noel doesn't have the energy to explain what just happens even though she feels she at least owes it to Isaac to explain since he was slightly dragged into it.

"Maybe he will tell you someday, right now I'm not sure it's my story to tell because I don't even know the full plotline myself," she says, causing Isaac to give her a confused and lost look. She smiles and just waves it off. "Forget it, I'm sorry again for tonight and I appreciate you helping me out. I hope we can hangout again outside of this, you seem pretty cool."

Isaac nods with a soft smile. "For sure, I'm down to help you out anytime, I think we make a good team, too." He hits her playfully in the arm. "You alright to get home by yourself? I can walk you back if you don't live far, sorry don't trust myself to drive right now."

Noel shakes her head. "Thanks, but I might talk a walk before going home, I can always call a cab," she says and holds up her phone. Isaac gives her an awkward hug, but the gesture alone is enough to calm the trembling in her just a little and clear her head a bit as she walks off the property.

Her house is only about a 20 minute walk from Karl's place, but she takes her time heading home, clutching her phone in her hand like she is waiting for someone to contact her, knowing deep down she hopes to hear from Harken, a chance to redeem their relationship after tonight, but realizes their relationship never progressed far enough for her to even get his number, or have them text each other at any point.

Living and going to school together, she supposed there was never a need for them to get a hold of each other over the phone, always having the opportunity to just talk to the other, and since Harken has been avoiding her the past few weeks, that explains that much.

She is startled when her phone goes off with a message as she is thinking about it and hesitates to check, her heart flying in her chest.

It's probably just Priscilla, finally noticing I've left.

With that thought, she turns over her phone and sees the message is from an unknown number. Remembering again she doesn't have Harken's number; she opens the text.

Hey Noel, it's Nolan. I got your number from Priscilla just now.

This is a text Noel has waited the last 4 years for, and never dreamed she would ever receive it, yet the day has finally come.

But she doesn't feel near as overjoyed as she thought she would be. Nolan James is texting her without her having to even try and get his number, after he has invited her to several parties and even offered to spend an afternoon hanging out with her. She has come so close to getting a date with the crush of her dreams, but she doesn't understand why she feels so dejected about it.

Hey Nolan, what's up?

She doesn't know what to say in response to him, especially since she finally attended a party he invited her too but didn't even stick around long enough to try and find him.

I heard you were just at the party, but Priscilla told me you weren't feeling well and left. I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to hangout, so I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow?

She halts her steps and reads the text over a few times.

I have no plans so far. She texts back, not wanting to jump the gun and assume he is asking her out, he might just be inviting her to another get-together with other people.

Would you like to catch a movie with me tomorrow? My treat, of course.

He really is asking her out. Not with friends or anyone else, just the two of them and a movie. An actual date with Nolan James.

This just might be what she needs to get over her strange feelings towards Harken and distract herself from the constant tension between them.

I would love to.