
Found You!

"1...2...3! Ready or not here I come.", the boy shouted as he turned around and ran to the possible places where his playmates might be hiding.

"Found you!", the boy said as he touches the back of another one of his playmate who he found was hiding behind a tree.

"Aw, men, this is why we can't let you be the seeker.", his newly founded playmate said.

"Well, you can't blame me for that", he says as he ran to another direction to find the last person hiding.

After searching for quite some time he sees a figure on the alleyways.

"Found you!", he shouts.

The figure then seemed to have turn around.

The figure that looked like a young boys silhouette turns into of an adult, as it walked closer to the boy, the boy noticed something strange, there seems to be tails at the back of the adults silhouette.

The man then comes into contact with the sunlight.

As it walked toward the boy, its distance only a foot away.

The man then said:"You have found me master"

The man smiled.

"Master Daniel Im!"

Daniel woke up from his dream.

He abruptly stood up from the mentioning of his name.

"Yes Ma'am!", he said.

"Why are you sleeping in my class? Is math the least of your worries now? You should remember how you failed it last semester!", the teacher up front shouted to Daniel, almost making him freak out.

"Sorry Ma'am!"

"Stay 'til the last bell, you're going to clean the classrom"

"Yes Ma'am", he answers as he sits down on his chair.

'God, that dream again'

He looks out the window and sees a figure of a man with tails.

He widens his eyes and star to rub it out of confusion.

The second he stopped rubbing his eyes the man was gone.

No single trace of him again.

'Am I hallucinating now?'

The bell then rang.

'Well, its none of my business now'

He stood up and left the classroom.

"My, My, master has grown so much, its almost time for him to be mine", a man says, as he grins at the thought.