

Elliott woke up in a cold dark place alone. He didn't know how he ended up being there and what was the thing that was chasing him.

your_mom_4298 · Horror
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2 Chs


Jeremy jolted up from his bed as the alarm go off by his ear, he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. He was not ready to start the day especially on this rainy day. After getting ready in his school uniform, Jeremy went down to eat breakfast with his mom and his stepfather. The aroma of coffe and pancakes wafted up his nose. Greeting his parents on the small round kitchen table, he started digging into his chocolate chips pancakes. Although it was pouring heavily outside, he had no choice but to walk to school as his parents were rushing to their workplace. His parents kissed his forehead and waving him goodbye, they headed to the door, leaving him and his homework sprawled on the table alone in the house with the sound of the rain hitting the rooftop acompanying him on that Monday morning.

As soon as he was done with his meal, he grabbed a raincoat and an umbrella near the door. Jeremy decided to take the shortest path afraid of having to sit in the class with soaked uniform after walking for 45 minutes in pouring rain to school and ended up caught a cold.

He had walked for almost 5 minutes but stopped in front of the infamous abandoned tunnel in the middle of the woods. He had never been there as he preferred to locked himself in his room as he waited for his parents to comeback after finishing their shifts. The tunnel was built 70 years ago to connect between two towns but after 5 years of serving, it was closed due to constant landslide and flash flood. The inside was dark and wet and the outisde looked like it was about to collapse with enormous rocks pilling up on top of the tunnel. Droplets of rain from the roof of the tunnel hit the muddy floor creating puddles across the ground. Just by looking at the tunnel was enough to send shivers down his spine. Every kid in the neighbourhood had been warned not to play near the tunnel as there were rumours about the tunnel being the portal to another realm or people had gone missing when they entered the tunnel going around among the local citizens for a long periololically time.

Jeremy was about to step away but stopped abruptly when he heard weeping coming from the tunnel. The time seemed to stop, his eyes roamed around before he caught the sight of a silhouette standing in the middle of the tunnel, staring at him for a few minutes. Rain ran down Jeremy's cheeks but he did not break the eye contact with the silhouette. Jeremy saw it turned around to the other side of the tunnel. Jeremy watched as it walked away in an eeriely slow pace. Without thinking, his legs moved by their own. Jeremy was still in dazed, his eyes were fixed on the stranger - not noticing that he was getting dangerously closed to the tunnel, the umbrella he brought from home had been dropped long ago, collecting rain behind him, the only witness of Jeremy's missing.

As soon as his foot stepped inside the tunnel, high pitched screams bombarded his eardrums. His frailed attempt to cover his ears failed miserably as he felt like he was being pushed and pulled around by strong forces. Jeremy tried to turn around but his vision was blanketed with darkness.