
Skills and negotiation

It has been 2 months since my unique skill awaken. At that time I was thinking that it was going to be impossible to keep my normal life but thanks to Odon it was way easier. My skill 'Dark Dream' let me see the target darkest or most guard memoried. During this time Odon was the one that talks to almost everyone when we were together, and since we are childhood friends nobody finds it weird. This gives me time to accept the dark on this world.

During this time I learn that 7 out of 10 peoples in this town has done a major crime. Odon was constantly sharing his point of view about this to me. Although I couldn't share with him what I see because of the limitation of my skill. If I were to pick the best phrase he told me it would be "If that person considers that vision his darkest secret you can be sure of two things, first is that haven't done anything worse than that and second is that he regrets his action." This gives me back some hope on the world. Allowing me to believe that peoples make mistakes and that's normal, but the important part is that they regret then, don't commit then again and try to do something to solve it.

During this time I also learn several uses of my skill. It doesn't exactly show the worse action of a person, just the one that he regrets the most at that moment. For example, my father as a guard some time has to use force to make people follow the laws, and a few weeks ago he got home showing me a scenario where he was hitting a small kid, but after few days it got back to his partner. With my father as well, he only shows the partner within my skill when we are at home or my mother is close by. Odon was particularly excited about this, saying things like "Nothing can hide front you".

Another discovery, this one I'm particularly proud of, is that I don't need to know that I'm looking at a person to see his secret. My skill is passive so it can't be turn off. As soon as I look into someone I know that there is a person and who he is. Is like having the 'all see eyes' that is a skill of a hero on a story that my mom used to tell me. This gives me the feeling that maybe and just maybe I will really make this world a better place to live, or at less this country.

"Hi, Blisse you are finally here. Have good news for you." While I was thinking about my past months I finally make it to Odon. Is unusual to see him smiling like that looks like the negotiation with the village thief... I mean chief, when well.

"So finally did he agree to give us the money to stay in the academic?" The academic is in the capital and is particularly expensive. It cost 1 gold a month plus I hear that you need a lot more than that to cover your daily necessities. To give an example my father wins 25 silvers, so he needs 4 months to pay 1 tuition month. And this village is not big, they are only 895 peoples. And I hear that it moves only 100 golds (1 white coin) a month. Of course, I know this is false, the truth is that the village thief takes 2 for him and his family, the village move 3 white coins a month.

"Yes, he will give us one white coin for the 4 years that we will stay in the academic. I also manage to make him give us all the money at ones."

"If I remember correctly you were trying to get 5 white coins, isn't 1 to low?" I remember that the minimum he wanted was 2 coins, so I can't help but feel that we won't be able to survive.

"It is to low, we need 48 gold coins to cover the academic, so a white coin is just enough for the education feed. But it was too hard to get more than that front him, besides during the discussion I thought that we don't need the 2 to attend classes."

I panic a little "wait are you leaving me here?"

"Of course not, what I thought is that one can teach the other. One will be the student and the other will be the assistant, after all, I'm sure that does rich kids in the capital will take there mains and butlers. We just need to find out how that works and after that, we will decide who is going to take classes."

I went silent for a moment, we have talked about this a lot. But thinking again we have to many plants for does 4 years, it does make sense that one of us doesn't take the classes.

Noticing my expression Odon say "Don't worry, we will make the priority that you take the classes. I'm more interested in having access to the library than the classes. Also since I can see peoples skills I can spend more time looking for teammates."

I don't know why he insists on forming a team of peoples that can be thrust, but he said very often that we need to do it while young because adults don't form strong bonds. I suddenly remember the main topic "and what was the deal that you did with the chief?"

"As you say, he is too greedy. I have offered to come back and educate 20 peoples front wich 2 will continue giving classes and explain all the benefits of education and how much money we can make. That alone will make him more than 1 white gold a month but he insisted that we pay 10 times the money he is giving us, saying that everyone will have to go through a tough time because of our dreams and that is only natural that we give some money back. And insisted that if education can make so much money 10 white coins won't be money for us at that time."

"Well with all the plans you have, is true that 10 coins are not money."

I don't know how many times my father's salary is 1 white coin. But when I was asking him about it, he just hit me a few times, and say that I should put my feed on earth. Looking at his expression back then I know is a lot of money. So in a way, I'm impressed that we got all that money.

His father ear 25 silvers per month,1 white is 400 times his salary. more than 30 years of hard work.

100 copper = 1 silver

100 silvers = 1 gold

100 golds = 1 white

100 whites = 1 mithril

100 mithrils = Orichalcum

Note: I will try my best to keep stuff related to dates and money clear during the chapters, but since we are starting and there is too much information. I haven't added it.

kakusiocreators' thoughts