
Kazuki, the thunder and lightning God

A 15-year-old boy named Kazuki was a normal average boy until he one day discovered he had powers. he goes to become a superhero and discovers other people with powers as well. his whole world changed when he discovered powers existed.

ShadowwolfX · Sci-fi
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8 Chs


"Ok, good. Now, let's get started, then. Shall we?" Kazuki's father replied.

"We shall." Kazuki said.

"Ok, so first, come over to this outlet over here. Then, put your hand on it and focus on your breathing. Electrons will go in your body through your mouth from breathing. So, focus on your breathing and feel the electrons flowing through your body. Then, you want to try and control it and shape it into a sword. You think you got that Kazuki?" said Kazuki's father.

"Yeah, I think I can try that." said Kazuki. Kazuki walks over to the outlet, then puts his hand on it and relaxes his muscles and body.

"Good. Now, take a deep breath and feel the lightning flowing through your body and try to connect to it. Then, control it to form it into the shape of a sword in your hand." said Kazuki's father.

Kazuki closes his eyes and inhales deeply. He tries to feel the electrons flowing through his body. At first, he couldn't feel anything, but he kept trying. Eventually, he felt some electrons in his hand, which was on the outlet. Then he tries to follow it, and it leads him to a pitch black dark area. He tried looking behind him and going back, but he was suddenly in the pitch black. All there are is the electrons he followed. He watched as the electrons grouped close together, then fused into the shape of what seemed like a human. Then, it started moving towards Kazuki. Kazuki felt a little scared. He panicked and tossing around his body, waving his arms around and kicking his legs while screaming.

"AHHHH! What are you? Who are you? Why are you?" Kazuki screamed out at the person. as the human shaped electron fusion moved towards him, it started to speak slowly, whispering Kazuki's name. "W-who are you? What do you want from me!?" Kazuki asked loudly. The entity moved close enough to talk to Kazuki.

It started speaking in a calm and sophisticated British voice, kinda like Alfred the butler. "Kazuki, to answer your first question. I'm the lightning spirit here to help and train you. I'm made entirely of pure lightning. and I think that those two sentences explain all of your questions that you asked so far. So.... anymore?" it said in a snarky and cocky voice. "

Uhhhhh...what? sighhh ok, so you said you're a lightning spirit, so what exactly does that mean?" Kazuki asked.

"Well, it means I'm made of pure lightning, that I have lightning powers, and have mastered them all, not to mention I know everything about electricity. Oh, and I'm a God. Hahaha. I don't know how else to explain it. I guess I could also say I'm your master." the lightning spirit replied.

"Uhhhh.....yeah, ok. So, what do you mean by "master" ?" Kazuki asked. "Well, first of all, let's get to the introduction, shall we!?...Kazuki, I'm Kazuya, the lightning spirit. I am here to guide you on your journey, and I will be teaching you how to use and control your lightning powers!" Kazuya replied.